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Hadi 8 weeks out. 😮

Until people step on stage next to each other it’s hard to tell. Every year we get these photos leading up to the contest and so and so is unbeatable blah blah and they get sixth place. There are a lot of bathroom post workout Mr Olympia’s.
Until people step on stage next to each other it’s hard to tell. Every year we get these photos leading up to the contest and so and so is unbeatable blah blah and they get sixth place. There are a lot of bathroom post workout Mr Olympia’s.
We will never see them, but I’d love to see some first thing in the AM fasted check in pics from each of the top guys.

Everyone of these guys will look like Mr. O pumped up in the gym or post workout.
This is what everyone has to beat this year…

View attachment 182976
That is a cool shot. Not all mangled, contorted like so many others. Looks ‘natural’ (not like in PEDs), more old school before the current posing slipped off the rails 🙁

High expectations for him for sure.

Still room for improvement in conditioning (?) . . . which may be a rhetorical question.

How much time does he have before the big O?
That is a cool shot. Not all mangled, contorted like so many others. Looks ‘natural’ (not like in PEDs), more old school before the current posing slipped off the rails 🙁

High expectations for him for sure.

Still room for improvement in conditioning (?) . . . which may be a rhetorical question.

How much time does he have before the big O?
That’s 6 weeks out as it came from Milos’s page today. He meant for it to look old school classic. He didn’t post the weight but my guess is still over 300 pounds.

I’m sure he will only get more conditioned as the show gets closer. Milos really ramps things up in the last 5 weeks so curios to see the final look.
We will never see them, but I’d love to see some first thing in the AM fasted check in pics from each of the top guys.

Everyone of these guys will look like Mr. O pumped up in the gym or post workout.
I would love to see these guys in person close up as they get close or on the day. We have all seen some big dudes in person but to see these top guys close up would be an experience. Pictures, words, I am sure just can’t do justice, you have to experience it. Props to anyone who takes things that far and who has the genetics to go with it.
I would love to see these guys in person close up as they get close or on the day. We have all seen some big dudes in person but to see these top guys close up would be an experience. Pictures, words, I am sure just can’t do justice, you have to experience it. Props to anyone who takes things that far and who has the genetics to go with it.
The last show I competed at Derek was there as a guest. He was backstage the whole time interacting with all the competitors and got to talk to him for a while. We are about the same height. I just remember thinking “damn this guy is like twice as wide as me.”

I’ve met several others- Ronnie, Jay and Victor in their prime and David Henry was the first over 10 years ago.

Most of us could train, eat like a house and take 5 grams of gear and never come close to the genetics these guys have. It’s unreal.
Derek will beat Samson

5 bottles of test e 250mg is my wager
Dam.. I want some of that test. I have a few kits of Guaranteed Sponsor Blue top Gh kits I can spare if I lose. I don’t know shit about the current lineup other than these threads so I’m at a disadvantage but willing to talk about it for a chance at that Test E!!!
The last show I competed at Derek was there as a guest. He was backstage the whole time interacting with all the competitors and got to talk to him for a while. We are about the same height. I just remember thinking “damn this guy is like twice as wide as me.”

I’ve met several others- Ronnie, Jay and Victor in their prime and David Henry was the first over 10 years ago.

Most of us could train, eat like a house and take 5 grams of gear and never come close to the genetics these guys have. It’s unreal.
That sounds awesome! I can’t even imagine meeting a prime ronnie, like an alien! And it is funny, there really is no great secret, other than consistency and discipline, there is no secret training routine, drug regime, they just respond to these same stimuli so much better and are willing to just grind away with focus and hard work.
That sounds awesome! I can’t even imagine meeting a prime ronnie, like an alien! And it is funny, there really is no great secret, other than consistency and discipline, there is no secret training routine, drug regime, they just respond to these same stimuli so much better and are willing to just grind away with focus and hard work.
I was a teenager when I met Ronnie in Atlanta. He was at one of those 8 foot tables sitting and signing autographs. I stood in line like 30 minutes for that thing. He took up most of that 8 foot table in width sitting there. It was like I’d met an Alien. Lol

If you ever want to compete or be motivated to- go meet these guys in person. They all have different attitudes/personalities, but damn it’s inspiring as a bodybuilder.
I wouldn't count Curry out of the top 5 yet either. Seems like one bad year and he ain't even thought about again.
I made a separate 2023 O thread. I realize most guys wont want to repost their previous opinions, but it seemed more logical to centralize rather than keep it all in hidden comments on the Hadi thread, and also to make easier for anyone in the coming weeks to find that thread if they want to talk about. Also has the lasted list of qualified guys,.
Until somebody beats him.. he still the champ!!! Looks great! back lats inserts look as wide as texas!


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