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Has your perception of big changed?


Well-known member
Kilo Klub Member
Oct 10, 2007
I was watching conan the barbarian yesterday and noticed something. Arnold doesnt look as big to me as he used to. even in videos on youtube of him on stage. i remember when i was in my teens watching movies like blood sport, and later when vin diesel first hit the scene in i guess 98 or so thinking, wow id love to be that big one day. now it just seems so unimpressive to me. now i look at guys like jay and ronnie thinking well ok now thats big. has your perception of what you consider big changed over the years? why do you think that is?
Yea mine has for sure. Before I even lifted weights my friend was a very active weight lifter and was proabley 160, strong as crap, benched 310 @ that weight in high school. I always thought he was huge, now I'm bigger than him.
I guess it was jut because I was uninformed as to what "big" is.
I was watching conan the barbarian yesterday and noticed something. Arnold doesnt look as big to me as he used to. even in videos on youtube of him on stage. i remember when i was in my teens watching movies like blood sport, and later when vin diesel first hit the scene in i guess 98 or so thinking, wow id love to be that big one day. now it just seems so unimpressive to me. now i look at guys like jay and ronnie thinking well ok now thats big. has your perception of what you consider big changed over the years? why do you think that is?

Idont think its your perception as much as your standard has risen. being a bodybuilder I think we hold a much higher standard to what is big.

For instance the other day some guy at my gym (college gym) said man you have got to be the biggest bodybuilder I have ever seen. He thought I was a pro bber.

LOL I told him he obviously hasnt seen any real bodybuilders out there.
Idont think its your perception as much as your standard has risen. being a bodybuilder I think we hold a much higher standard to what is big.

For instance the other day some guy at my gym (college gym) said man you have got to be the biggest bodybuilder I have ever seen. He thought I was a pro bber.

LOL I told him he obviously hasnt seen any real bodybuilders out there.
Yes I get this here where I live. To many here I am big. I tell them yes I am bigger than the average guy, but big is someone like Phidias and mike1107, then the pro bbers like ronnie and jay. I am not comparing our two good members to these monsters..........................well maybe mike1107 ( no offense Phidias) but the big pros are just that. BIG. As has been metioned, the standard of being big has been raised form years gone by. That is all.
I go to a small High School about 700 students and everyone in my school considers me huge. Me on the other consider myself tiny. Though two years ago I would of thought huge. And I feel the same when I watch old movies.
I was watching conan the barbarian yesterday and noticed something. Arnold doesnt look as big to me as he used to. even in videos on youtube of him on stage. i remember when i was in my teens watching movies like blood sport, and later when vin diesel first hit the scene in i guess 98 or so thinking, wow id love to be that big one day. now it just seems so unimpressive to me. now i look at guys like jay and ronnie thinking well ok now thats big. has your perception of what you consider big changed over the years? why do you think that is?

DEFINITELY. i remember seeing some wrestlers when i was in seventh grade and thought, "man, i cant wait to grow up and start working out so i can be that huge one day." keep in mind, i was watching wrestling and wasnt looking at BB'ers... now i look back at some of those wrestlers and compare them to myself and theyre really not as "huge" as i thought they were
Id have to say yes and its simply because of the BIG competitors while I was getting more serious with the sport..the Dorian's and Ronnie's. I still think Arnold was PHENOMENAL and think his Physique is one of the greatests ever
Arnold still looks pretty big to me but I get what you say about vin deasel. Saw a few moments of fast and furious a few weeks ago and I realised at 210 and say 10 percent bf, I am actually a lot bigger than he is.
Yes. I remember when I thought 200 would be big. Now I'm a little over that, and do not feel impressive at all. Maybe now I'll shoot for 220-225? I also remember thinking in high school that a 315 bench press was ultra-impressive...
its also because you got bigger probably. i love when people look smaller to me :D
funny I saw this thread, just tonight in the gym I felt pretty f'in small compared to this silver back guerilla in there throwing up 405 for reps like it wasn't shit. I'm a pretty big dude most places I go, usually one of the biggest at the gym at any given time, but this dude was huge, probably around 300 lbs or so.
vin weasal NEVER looked big to me - ever. lol

arnold did and still does, besides that he was such an attention getting showman, you cant help but get into his movies. even just to hear him say funny one liners with his austrian accent. arnold is also a very driven man. reading about his life, and watching pumping iron is very motivational to me.

when i was a kid i used to watch predator over and over again. arnold looked awesome there. carl weathers look pretty jacked to me there too.

who would have thought that two of the people in the movie predator would be governers?

I started out just wanting a little bicep curvature peaking out of my tshirts, thats it. I had that within a year and then I wanted more...but that's human nature, and a trait that runs rampant among bodybuilders. Remember the scene where Carl Weathers and Arnold lock up? BAMN! Come on, how hyped were you when you first saw that?! It's actually part of the montage of juiced up action stars shown in the beginning of Bigger, Stronger, Faster(if you haven't seen this movie yet, smack yourself and then go watch it)

I rememebr when I first got into lifting, I thought I was pretty big, and guys 200lbs, etc. were big buff dudes. Then one day I saw chris cook and bob chic working out at golds in venice up close and in person, and that pretty much changed my whole idea of what 'big' was lol. Not to mention chris cormier and jay cutler were outside the gym. Seeing those 4 in a day quickly changed my perception, and ever since then I felt like a string bean, with 'big' in my mind being way different than it once was.
I used to think vin diesel was enormous!
after picking up bodybuilding... i don't see myself as bigger... i see people getting smaller :D

just to answer your question... yes... it has changed
I don't frequent a commercial gym but I did meet Vince Taylor at a local gnc many years ago and I realized that those guys are in a whole different league. he was wearing pants but did have a short sleeve shirt on and I just couldn't believe the size of his arms, unbelievable. he joked that they were "deflated" at the time. the magazines do not do justice to the shear mass of these guys, if I thought Vince's arms were big I can only imagine someone like a Lee Priest in person.
As far as my perception, I don't think it has changed, to me Arnold will always be "the man" i have in my favorites a youtube video of the 1975 olympia that i will pull up on chest day for motivation, other than serge nubret, i don't know if anyone has/had a better chest than Arnold and that was without all the "goodies" that guys use for mass today.
I believe it has changed.. My experience is the bigger I get, the more my perception of what "Big" is changes. I'm 5'3'' 202lbs by no means am I a monster but to the average person who doesn't BB, they might perceive me being big. I also agree with always looking at Jay, Ronnie, and Ruhl that my idea of "BIG" has forever been altered, lol.
Yes, definitely. Before I started bbing, I used to look at fbbers and think "why would you want to look like that?? All that muscle is weird looking!" The 2 amateur fbbers at my gym looked so big. Fortunately (or unfortunately as your opinion may be) it is an acquired taste that certainly can grow on some people. Now I'm bigger than both of them, still feel too small. Now that I'm bigger I also think a lot of men look small. It's all relative.
Now that I'm bigger I also think a lot of men look small. It's all relative.


Could you date one of those "small" guys, Dom? Let's say you find in a man you happen to meet everything you're looking for as far as intellect is concerned, but he's skinny and doesn't workout... would you still take a chance on him or deep inside you know it wouldn't work?

Enlighten me cutie! :)

Would also be interesting to hear other ladies opinions.
i,d say yes when i was younger Arnold looked huge now i would say that the average dedicated bb could reach that size in time were jay and Ronnie are just freaks of our time.

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