hcg....where to begin????
-hcg is (imo) grossly overrated
-hcg does NOT "keep you shut down"
but it is highley estradiolal, hence (prego urine)
so essentially....by taking this (highley estradiol) substance
your body (the male body) is FORCED to start producing
testosterone.....even with the presence of high levels of
synthetic test already in the system
-estradiol is (coinicidently) NEEDED by the male body
for a heathly reproductive system
this can and will also WREAK HAVOC on it at the same time
i do agree with small amounts on cycle (with longer cycles)
but NEVER in the absence of synthetic testosterone
its like anything alse.....it will work differently on everybody
some people cant take this and some cant take that
same goes for HCG!!!
i believe.......that "FORCING" the body to produce is too extreme
(at least for me) and that this could lead to problems with endocrine
(as it has for me)......mix this with clomid and you have a recipe
for disaster....(which dont even get me started on clomid)
ex....how long can you continue to force something before
it says....fuck you!!! not ANYMORE!!!!.....get the point???
hcg does have a place, but.....should it be used for all pct????
HELL NO!!!!.....doesnt need to be
i think your body should be presuaded to start producing...natually
because it WANTS to and when its ready to, on its own
now sometimes presuaded a little harder than others, but....
you get the point.......and theres more than one way to do this
pct should be thought of (outside the box) its very individual
just like that of slin use (in a way).......i got my worst gyno flare up
EVER from HCG AFTER CYCLE....now tell me this was doing some good???
bull shit!!!
never AGAIN will i take HCG for PCT
or during any cycle under 12 weeks
these statements are NOT scientific (which i'm sure one of you assholes
will look it up and try to prove me wrong)
these statements are purely for my experience
take it or leave it