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HCG Debate

250iu every 2-3 days while on is an ideal dose. You can cycle it in and out of any HRT/TRT as well. I think it can be useful but I would never ever use it for PCT. I don't know how this mistake got so out of hand for so long with it.


So do you take your HCG right up to the last injection, does it matter if it's a long ester or short?

For example, week 12 is last AAS shot, how much longer do you take HCG after this? Or do you stop at the same time then start some sort of PCT?

250iu every 2-3 days while on is an ideal dose. You can cycle it in and out of any HRT/TRT as well. I think it can be useful but I would never ever use it for PCT. I don't know how this mistake got so out of hand for so long with it.

I used it while on hrt at those doses as well-worked great. Its funny you mentioned the PCT and HCG-there are a lot of places online that recommend its use during PCT-certainly a mystery to me!

So do you take your HCG right up to the last injection, does it matter if it's a long ester or short?

For example, week 12 is last AAS shot, how much longer do you take HCG after this? Or do you stop at the same time then start some sort of PCT?


For a longer estered drug like sust you can take your last aas injection week 12 and with every third day dosing (as if you were on cycle )continue your HCG until week 15 then start you PCT.
have any of you guys used a cycle with OUT the hcg throughout? can you tell a huge difference if so?

also are you guys shooting IM ?

yes, its too cheap not to use it. Love the increase in sex drive too. i use 500mcg 2x wk or i go 250mcg eod. anything more than 500iu in a shot is a waste of it as the body can only absorb so much.
What Tenny said is basically correct, even if his terminology isn't perfect. I have 20 years of experience with HCG (on and off) and I have done a lot of research. HCG can increase estradiol levels by increasing the activity of testicular aromatase. It is interesting to note that AIs may not affect testicular aromatase, no one knows, in women AIs are unable to reach ovarian aromatase.

BUT there is nothing to worry about, the increase in aromatase activity is VERY slight under reasonable doses (200-500iu), I think I can tell a very slight increase in my E2 bloodwork when I'm using 500iu 2x/week.

The problem is, people used to use 5000iu at a time, this desensitizes you to HCG very quickly, even 1000iu all at once will desensitize you quickly, it's just WAY more "pseudo-LH/FSH" than the body ever makes on its own.

Another problem is, if you do completely shut yourself down on a long cycle and don't use HCG, 200-500iu won't do shit. It will take a LONG time of using 500iu 2x per week to get any ball size back at all. That being said, I don't use HCG for "ball size" it's because I want all that hormone activity going on in there, I feel it's very anabolic, if from nothing else than the slight increase in testosterone, but I think it's more than that, I FEEL better on HCG.

One more thing about HCG, I believe it is immunosuppressive. There is a lot of stuff out there talking about this, and in my experience it is definitely true. BUT you have to let it really build up in your system to feel the effect. If you do 500iu EOD, because of the long half-life, it will build up to high levels and suppress your immune system. Do 2x per week max IMO, and if you do 3x/week make sure you take 2 days off in a row for it to clear your system, and keep the dose very low (200iu mon,wed,fri, weekend off works if you have a strong immune system).

As for the original question, on cycle, I would do HCG, in PCT I might do it for the first 1-2 weeks max, then drop it, probably time it so you are dropping the HCG when your long esters are clearing your system (2-3 times half-life duration). If you blast and cruise, stay on it.

When cruising I'm currently doing 80mg cyp 2x/week subQ, and 250iu HCG 2x/week.
Interesting post, Kaladryn.

Where are you shooting the Test SQ? I'm moderately lean and was doing it in the lower abs, but it leaves a noticeable lump.
250-500ius 2-3x week when on. Starting week 1-3 and not going for more than 10-12 weeks without a break because of an E2 and progesterone build up (2 weeks off).

I've done this (on cycle) and at the end of a cycle too.

I actually like a mix of both now, ramping the dose slightly for the final 10-14 days, then conduct PCT with a combination of Tamox and Tore.
Interesting post, Kaladryn.

Where are you shooting the Test SQ? I'm moderately lean and was doing it in the lower abs, but it leaves a noticeable lump.

I usually use mid or lower abs also, sometimes inner thigh. The volume is very low (.4cc) so even though it does leave a small bump, it goes away quickly.
Im kinda' thread jacking here, sorry. But do you guys aspirate when pinning HCG say in the sub q in the abs? I will be running it with my next cycle and never read anything on aspiration. A little off topic, but kinda needed to know
Thanks , this is what I was looking for, how it effects each individual and the practical use , and why. I have books upon books on the topic, but real world experience is what matters. I have had great response from hCG post cycle , while some say the response was counter-productive....

For me it always seemd to be counter productive. It seemed like when I used it that it took me that much longer to recover my own natty production. Now I never did have blood levels taken, but am just going by how I would feel when I got off the HCG. I always had a big crash when I got off the HCG. I never tried it during cycle, but that seems like a better choice to me.

Of course when I was taking the HCG during PCT I always felt darn good, but then when I went off it was crash time.
Im kinda' thread jacking here, sorry. But do you guys aspirate when pinning HCG say in the sub q in the abs? I will be running it with my next cycle and never read anything on aspiration. A little off topic, but kinda needed to know

I aspirate, 'cuz, why not? It can't hurt. Ive got veins in my lower abs that I can see, so I try to miss them. But Im sure there a few little ones I cant see, so I try to be safe. Never had a bleeder from SQ in the abs. Bleed EVERY time with quad injects though, or bruise up.
yah i still aspirate with everything but GH cuz if it goes in a vein no biggie.

I don't believe it is a mistake either way. Before I used hCG for PCT it would take me way to long to bounce back , now I get stronger right thru PCT and keep the majority of my gains. I think it is more of how it responds in each person that decides how you use it..

250iu every 2-3 days while on is an ideal dose. You can cycle it in and out of any HRT/TRT as well. I think it can be useful but I would never ever use it for PCT. I don't know how this mistake got so out of hand for so long with it.
I have been experimenting the last few months with low doses of HCG periodically for 30-40 day runs dosing it ED or EOD at 50-100ug. My balls dont get back quite to their full size :)() but the feeling Kaladryn is talking about (the energy/anabolism from it) I get very much. My weight tends to increase during these periods and then slow down during the off periods (usually equal period).

One bad side effect from it is that I tend to come quicker/less in control of my orgasm while having sex. I can last as long as I like when not using HCG and only on synthetic test but with HCG and test I can last 15-20 minutes and then I bust. :naughty:

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