she gained wait do too some meds she was on.she needs too lose like 30 pounds.\shes an experienced as and stimulent user.
she is currently on t3 and clen and takes in aobut 600 calories a day 6 days a week and one day a week she eats what she wants.
will this affect the diet, she needs too lose the weight by dec the latest.
we do intense training prgram 4 days a week (cardio training only 30 second rest at most bet sets.)
we do 30-45 of cardio 4 days a week on an empty stomach with the eca and t3 she take before workouts.
is this possible.please some insigthfull info.
its hard on her because she went from 6% bodyfat too 60 pounds overweight.she lost 15-20 ponds so far so now shes 140-145.
she wants too get to 100-105 once again
she had a six pack before and now shes upset and barely eats during the week, but one day she eats food junk food whatever
what do you think she would cut out the cheat day that she enjoys
or will this be ok for her progress.she looks like death by day 6 she i knoe she need carbs.
please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
she is currently on t3 and clen and takes in aobut 600 calories a day 6 days a week and one day a week she eats what she wants.
will this affect the diet, she needs too lose the weight by dec the latest.
we do intense training prgram 4 days a week (cardio training only 30 second rest at most bet sets.)
we do 30-45 of cardio 4 days a week on an empty stomach with the eca and t3 she take before workouts.
is this possible.please some insigthfull info.
its hard on her because she went from 6% bodyfat too 60 pounds overweight.she lost 15-20 ponds so far so now shes 140-145.
she wants too get to 100-105 once again
she had a six pack before and now shes upset and barely eats during the week, but one day she eats food junk food whatever
what do you think she would cut out the cheat day that she enjoys
or will this be ok for her progress.she looks like death by day 6 she i knoe she need carbs.
please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
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