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Here to Brag because I squated 710lbs today!!!!!


Jun 30, 2002
I just wanted to toot my own horn because of a pretty decent lift today. I am generally a heavy lifter even when dieting to compete, I never do any of that slow controlled stuff and this works for me at least. I am a 17 plate on each side leg press guy and have routinely used 315lbs for front squats for yrs. I don't mind checking out other gyms and today I went to a gym that claims to have a few competitive BB's and Power lifters and there were some pretty decent size guys in there but most of them kind of chunky. Anyway me and another guy started doing our warm up sets and 3 other guys with their knees wrapped like mommies were next to us. The three other dudes each weighed from 280 and one was really fat around 330ish or so and they were grunting and yelling the whole time, the real fat guy finally hit 600+ lbs and they were talking how he was going to win some up coming contest. Well I was kind of fired up today because in about two months I am having a new baby girl my second I have a lil boy and this will force a drastic change as most dads know in your training. The reason is last winter I hit 270lbs and weigh 245lbs now but will never get that high as daddy hood takes it's toll on the bulk cycle.

To make a long story short we just kept getting heavier and heavier and my bud finally said he had enough after about 6 sets I actually did 9sets and on my last set I said fuck it I went up 120 lbs and this day was the first time in a long time I went heavy on squats. My last set was 590lbs and I threw it up to 710 which I have never done my best has been 665lbs.
I felt my shoulders burn, had only one spotter and some magnetic knee wraps I have been using and just freaking went for it. The whole lift seem like it took 2 mins but really took 20 seconds and when I came up I saw white light and heard my buds voice that was it. I fell on the floor and layed there but at least 10 people stood there with their mouths open.

When I got up the fat guys were telling me how I should compete and how that was some kind of record or something blah blah blah because I know there are a lot of strong guys out there that do this all the time anyway that is my story just wanted to share that with you.

BTW isn't dpsquat supposed to be a big time squater?? when you wanna go DP? ;0)
good for you bro !!!!!!!!!!! well done
Well, that sure doesn't suck! Good job bro!!

Im not a powerlifter per se, but thats what gets me excited-BIG LIFTS! Congratulations bro! Enjoy the 'high'! :D

Thats some raw power right there,great job brother!!!!
Big lift.

He bro good job. I am all done being a dady however I am happy
to say I am a grandfather at age 45. I was working legs yesterday and a bro at the gym has been trying to get his wife in a family way for some time. He found out he was going to be a dad and his close grip bench went up from 500lbs. to 525lbs. in one week. I told him it could have been that he loss all his stress. No worry,s. Great Job Bro.
Check this out

I went back Sunday and the guy that owns the gym said that since I am not a member if I am going to lift there as a visitor I cannot lift that heavy again.

I think that is juts sour grapes of an old man.

Its true, everyone in Phoenix has told me about how strong you are!!!! But that is just wayyyyyyy too much weight for me to even think about ever trying. Congrats, I would love to see thaqt in person, please let me know when you will be doing that again!!!!

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