get a referal from your family doc.PUMPED said:What kind of doc do you call about this? said:what about surgery and AAS? I just started a cycle so how long off should I be before sugery
Well the surgeon I saw descibed the type of hernia I have (and there apparently are two types) is not a problem unless it "bothers" you - and it's in the same spot described by Pumped (and it didn't bother just was noticable). In today's arena of lawsuits, do you think a surgeon is going to send me home to die from his advice?!?!TxGymGrl said:You should see your PCP then get a referral to a general surgeon. Than "thing" poking through your abdominals is your intestines. They can become strangulated and cut off blood supply which results in some very serious complications. I have had 2 hernia repairs, the MD did not use the mesh the first time so I ripped it again. Have had no problem with the second repair with the mesh and I deadlift, squat...etc heavy. It is about a six week recovery, and trust me you won't even want to lift for the first 2 weeks. It is a very simple sx, about a 1 in incision below your belly button. Good luck!