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Hgh and caffeine


Well-known member
Verified Customer
Jun 2, 2021
Ok guys your probably thinking wtf is this about….. I’m usually a caffeine guy when I get up in the morning I’m in need of caffeine to get going in a major way…. But I’ve noticed on 2 occasions so far when I start HGH around the 2nd week in give or take, I wake up much earlier and don’t really need the caffeine at all, I may still grab a 5 hour energy but it’s not really needed. Normally without caffeine I would eventually get a bad migraine and feel like shit. But I’m very certain HGH is making not necessary at least in the morning when I would typically need it most…. I’m sure guys will say it’s because of the sleep maybe w HGH I’m getting more REM maybe??? I dunno but like I said I’m typically a caffeine junkie but w HGH it just doesn’t seem necessary anymore.. Curious if others have experienced the same thing…
Ok guys your probably thinking wtf is this about….. I’m usually a caffeine guy when I get up in the morning I’m in need of caffeine to get going in a major way…. But I’ve noticed on 2 occasions so far when I start HGH around the 2nd week in give or take, I wake up much earlier and don’t really need the caffeine at all, I may still grab a 5 hour energy but it’s not really needed. Normally without caffeine I would eventually get a bad migraine and feel like shit. But I’m very certain HGH is making not necessary at least in the morning when I would typically need it most…. I’m sure guys will say it’s because of the sleep maybe w HGH I’m getting more REM maybe??? I dunno but like I said I’m typically a caffeine junkie but w HGH it just doesn’t seem necessary anymore.. Curious if others have experienced the same thing…
No, the opposite. GH makes me sleepy as fuck so I need more caffeine.
I could agree to a certain extend I do get a little sleepy after dosing but it’s super manageable kinda comes and goes… I just meant from being a stim junky to jumping on hgh and noticing I don’t need it as much, something changes for me, I wake up more alert. When typically I wake up and want a monster or something ASAP
I think it’s more likely a case of the coffee itself wasn’t doing shit for you anymore other than placebo so when you dropped it there wasn’t a difference, especially considering you’re using other energy products.

I used to pick up a coffee every morning and when the place on my way in to work closed because they couldn’t find employees I stopped, also didn’t notice a difference which I found surprising.
Could be from better sleep from the gh
I could agree to a certain extend I do get a little sleepy after dosing but it’s super manageable kinda comes and goes… I just meant from being a stim junky to jumping on hgh and noticing I don’t need it as much, something changes for me, I wake up more alert. When typically I wake up and want a monster or something ASAP
I could agree to a certain extend I do get a little sleepy after dosing but it’s super manageable kinda comes and goes… I just meant from being a stim junky to jumping on hgh and noticing I don’t need it as much, something changes for me, I wake up more alert. When typically I wake up and want a monster or something ASAP
Well that's great then if it has that effect for you 😉

How many IU's are we talking about here?
I’ve noticed a very thin line between GH energizing me vs making me tired.

Currently dieting down it actually helps me feeling more energetic. I contribute that to better sleep (no more apnea) and gh making me sleep better. While in a bulk, it can really add to the tiredness ime.

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