I think ghost is referring to the fact that there is protein in the urine after exercise. I have read countless articles on it (had one Dante linked but lost it) even in children and curious by what mechanism this happens. I think the proteins were of the glomerular type.
I have been to 2 nephrologists and they were freaking out at one test I did wihich came out at 4 grams per 24 hrs. I told them I had trained the night before. We redid the test twice because they didn't believe the first retest which came back trace when I took 3 days off. Every situation is different, I have seen my renal function decline in the past three years as I get blood pulled 5-6 times a year and always at my baseline level no training for 3 days, well hydrated, off all supplements. I still eat a normal high protein 8 times a day diet though.
Wasn't there another guy on here that calimed his liver enzymes were raised from protein intake? Dave_19??