I would echo the importance of flossing. You need to break up the plaque between the teeth where you toothbrush won't reach.
I thought I'd add an interesting comment on a website that I visit semi-frequently.
No More Cavities?
a story about
Streptococcus mutans which "is responsible for the great majority of tooth decay in humankind"
post #68 and #69
Radiatidon #68 June 11th, 2008 9:57 am
This article reminded me about a well-known substance’s potential use discovered by Dr Koo and Dr. Bowen. This substance is made by bees from plants and used like plaster to patch holes in the hive and coat dead insects for later disposal. Called propolis, the bees make it by collecting various secretions from trees and plants, chew it up, and spit it into beeswax where the concoction is mixed and then used where needed.
They discovered that when this is applied to rat’s teeth it decreased the cavity rate by 60 percent give or take. Since rats and humans share common dental problems, what works with rats should work with human dental.
Propolis has been in use since around 300 BC and can be found in common products like creams, lotions, and believe it or not, chewing gum. Because of its capability to act as an anti-bacterial, anti-oxidant, and even anti-inflammatory, it has been discovered to aid in tissue regeneration. Thus it is used to help wounds heal faster, burn treatment, psoriasis, and even to control herpes. In Japan it is even used as a food additive.
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The two doctors have discovered that two substances in propolis made by Brazilian bees target both the bacteria that form cavities and specific enzymes that create plaque. This bee spit attacks glucosyltransferase enzymes, which create glucans. Glucans are the building blocks that create a biofile commonly called plaque. Like the scum on the inside walls of a summer time water trough, this stuff allows bacteria to get a foothold on your teeth. Where the mini-critters setup housekeeping and crap acid on your teeth. The longer the plaque is allowed to remain, the larger the colony of bacteria becomes. Before long your gum line looks like Manhattan Island, congested with New Yorkers polluting your mouth but with the trash collectors, cleaners, construction, and maintenance workers on strike. Ew
Even the one-liter of saliva that the average human produces per day is far inferior to neutralize the gooey mass. Since the most common pathogen in the human mouth is Streptococcus mutans, they produce the greatest amount of plaque. Since it seems only this critter produces the GTF enzyme in our bodies, propolis is an excellent choice as a dental cavity preventative.
The Don
Radiatidon #69 June 11th, 2008 10:05 am
Oh, as a side note, if you have an allergic reaction to bee stings chances are you may be allergic to propolis.
The Don.
P.S. It also comes in an extract that you can put in water to use as a mouthwash.