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How Does Your Size Affect Your Everyday Life?


New member
Kilo Klub Member
Aug 2, 2008
No, I'm talking about your size "down there" :).... but your muscle and frame size. I pretty much know what most of the answers will be, but at the same time, I think it would be interesting to here some actual stories/events/etc about how your size affects your everyday life.

I can start to get the ball rolling....
I'm 6'1, very barrel-chested and wide shouldered at 230# (reasonbly lean... i.e. with abs).... by this board's standards, I'm probably pretty average, but in the general population, above so.

Past- College: I was more into powerlifting and a bit more bulky... had hair past my shoulder, full gruffy beard, and earrings. EVERY day on the campus shuttle bus (which is PACKED in the afternoon), NO ONE would sit next to me.

Present- Work: I work as an ICU nurse in a Level I trauma center... Pediatric ICU to be specific. Usually, when I first walk in, I get a mix of reactions from the parents (A guy, working in Peds? Is he a float?) so they ask me how long I've worked there, how long in Peds, etc. BUT, I bust my rear so hard for their kid, that by the end of the day, I think my size actually "helps" me... besides seeing that I work so hard for them, I think my size also is somewhat "comforting", like they are more "protected"... I've been called a "gentle giant" several times hahahaha.... but the best compliment is when the parent will ask me, with hopefulness, "Will you be back tomorrow?" With co-workers/Residents/Attendings I too think my size actually helps... once they see that I really "know my stuff", I think having "size" and "smarts" actually leaves a fairly positive impression (that I'm just a "musclehead", etc).

Present- The Gym: Guys who work out with their wives/girlfriends tend to give me a lot of "dirty" looks (even though I'm working out with my Wife usually). I ask the guy, very nicely, if he's using a machine he's sitting on and the reply is usually a very perterbed one. Other guys who might also be fairly muscular will constantly be "sizing me up."

Present- Everyday life: I go into a coffee store and immediately the overweight guy behind the counter sticks his chest out :confused:

There's other tid-bits/examples I could share and delve into a little more, but again, just threw some stuff on the table to open the door... how about you guys?
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that is brilliant

i didnt have much time to get a suit for a wedding i had to go to so walked into a large clothing store and they kinda laughed at me:eek:

its very hard to find jeans that fit right. my ass and quads never fit in anything "stylish":rolleyes:

i almost never have to wait on equipment in the gym. even if they have more sets to do when i walk over and just stand there patiently waiting they hurry up their last reps and then say "you can have it i can go somewhere else" bothers me they feel i am "kicking them off" the equipment but doesn't bother me enough to make em stay:D

i am ALWAYS first to be asked to help family and co workers move homes or heavy stuff in general:banghead:

hard not to answer these kind of threads and not sound like a pompus jack ass but all this is really what happens....:st:r-wars

if i find myself having to take a ride in a truck with extended cab no one EVER makes me sit in the back seat lol.

oh and i was at the chiro one day and a lady in the waiting room saw my veins ( i was post competition) and she said,"is it normal to have veins like that?"
and i replied very matter of factly,"it is for me."

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5 y ago i was 160. Today i am 260. Size does affect my everyday life in a positive way:)
I really don't think I'm as big as everyone else sees me as. I'm 5'9", 210lbs, and 10%bf. Somebody else on this board that I know goes to one of the gyms that I go to. I admire and respect him a lot, and actually look to him for help when I have questions. I saw him for the first time in a long time, last week, and when he saw me, he said, "Holy crap, man, you're looking fantastic"! That made me feel good and reassure me that what I'm doing is working, and all of the sweat and pain is paying off.
Other people tend to make an ordeal over my size, but like I said, I don't think I'm anything spectacular. I will say that my size, in every day life, makes it hard to find clothes that fit right.
Cant wear skinny jeans or "slim fit" tshirts or polos. OH WELL THAT STUFFS FOR HOMOS ANYWAY.
i didnt have much time to get a suit for a wedding i had to go to so walked into a large clothing store and they kinda laughed at me:eek:

This reminds me of a similar incident. My younger brother got married about a year ago and I was the best man. Went to the store with him one weekend to get some suits. We found what we wanted and I headed to the dressing room to put everything on. The sales lady said she'd be waiting outside the dressing rooms to mark our suits up to be tailored. I'm about a 33 waist, but grabbed some 38's to try to get my legs and ass in. The pants were still fairly tight against my quads.

I walked out with the pants on and she was like, oh these are way too big. She grabbed the leg to pull the waist in and stopped. She said "oh my god!! is this your leg?". She made a big scene over it, being loud, carrying on and eventually had every salesperson in the store over there to check out my legs. It was pretty funny, although I'm not sure why she was so surprised. I'm 5'9", 215-220, fairly lean. I came in wearing a t-shirt and shorts....it's more than obvious I lift weights and am decently sized.
its very hard to find jeans that fit right. my ass and quads never fit in anything "stylish":rolleyes:

I'm a 5'9", 180 lb slightly chubby natural lifter, but I can relate to this one....and ONLY this one.
Well it has just affected my wallet big time this last Tues! LOL

I walked into The Men's Wearhouse for a Tuxedo for my wedding next weekend and was informed they don't have one to fit me and will not alter one enough for me! So I had to get a custom suit made which cost me close to a $1K! Ouch! :eek:

I am currently 5'8" & 235 lbs and in contest condition. What would have happened if I walked in this last off-season at 280lbs! :confused:
Well, I had an odd day today, so Ill use that.

I live in a Slavic country in Central Europe. Nice sunny day today, so Im walking back to my house from the gym. I'd finished arms and back about an hour earlier. My BF is on the low side (somehow) and Im not pumped really, but veiny as hell.

So I spy 2 dudes walking on the same side toward me, wearing a kilt, Scottish jacket and little hat...whole Scottish get-up. One bumps the other and points at me. The other guy sort of looks and gives a "whoa" expression.

I just found it funny that 2 guys in kilts in Central Europe found ME to be the odd one!

Tonight, I was at a "Miss" contest with my Girlfriend. She was the miss 2 years ago at the same contest and they invite her every year, and she had to give a short speech and introduce the judges. So you can imagine all the Metrosexual guys there.

Well, EVERY guy we ran into that she knew, commented on my size or shape or whatever. That was nice, but I think I made them uncomfortable. And I was wearing a loose button down that covered my arms, so I felt less conspicuous.

Cool thing was, at one point the female contestants paired up with male models for the swimsuit portion of the contest. My girlfriend turns to me and says in her beautiful accent, "You should to go up der. Dose guys aren't ripped at all". :D

Aside from that, generally: Pants don't fit well, I feel like my ass is too big, people stare (usually in a nice way), people ask if I'm on gear, guys mean-mug me in they gym and then we usually become friends.
If I happen to be wearing a cutoff for some reason because it is so damn hot I can hang, but as soon as I put on a big t-shirt over it, I go from bodybuilder to oompa loompa in a matter of seconds;):D:) Oh the excitements of being 5'6.
Related observation....

If I happen to be wearing a cutoff for some reason because it is so damn hot I can hang, but as soon as I put on a big t-shirt over it, I go from bodybuilder to oompa loompa in a matter of seconds;):D:) Oh the excitements of being 5'6.

I remember in College, there was this shorter girl who ALWAYS wore heavy sweaters... I thought she was probably pretty chubby (had a bit of a rounder face)... then Spring came and she wore a tight tank top :eek::eek::eek::eek:
WATERMELONS with a six pack!
This reminds me of a similar incident. My younger brother got married about a year ago and I was the best man. Went to the store with him one weekend to get some suits. We found what we wanted and I headed to the dressing room to put everything on. The sales lady said she'd be waiting outside the dressing rooms to mark our suits up to be tailored. I'm about a 33 waist, but grabbed some 38's to try to get my legs and ass in. The pants were still fairly tight against my quads.

I walked out with the pants on and she was like, oh these are way too big. She grabbed the leg to pull the waist in and stopped. She said "oh my god!! is this your leg?". She made a big scene over it, being loud, carrying on and eventually had every salesperson in the store over there to check out my legs. It was pretty funny, although I'm not sure why she was so surprised. I'm 5'9", 215-220, fairly lean. I came in wearing a t-shirt and shorts....it's more than obvious I lift weights and am decently sized.

It's called flirting. Women have to find some kind of way to make it look like they aren't doing it. :) That is, unless they are desperate goofs with no dignity or shame, lol. I rent out a few apartments and one of the ladies there was begging me to take off my shirt for her and her friend. Sure, I would have been down if they were even remotely doable- but... no! Then, she starts grabbing my ass, just being obnoxious. That's ridiculous, but you get it more from older women than young when you have muscles, I don't know why that is. Middle aged women appreciate a good body a lot more than college age-30 women do.

I'm about 6'2" and now weigh around 230 in decent shape- not huge, but noticeably fit/muscular. I used to weigh 142 lbs as a full grown adult. How have reactions changed? For the better. As a man, size equates power and status. I get my way and people defer to me much much more than previously. I'm super polite and easy going 99% of the time and try to treat everyone with respect. I guess I'm saying I don't bully or act like an ass. But, I automatically get more respect now that I'm 90 lbs heavier than I used to be. It's just the way the world works. Same thing if you are a woman that used to be obese and are now fit. You are going to be treated better.

I even heard a story on the am radio about it today. Women who are thinner make more $ per hr than women who are overweight- and it correlates by the lb. Same with men, but in reverse- they said up to 200 lbs. So, if you are skinny, you tend to earn less as a man. I guess I'm just playing the game to my advantage and I'll take any I can get.
Myosin, how about finding scrubs that fit? I wear a 2xl top and medium pants! The top is tight around arms, shoulders and upper back but looks like maternity wear around the midsection. The xl scrubs I can't even get over my arms! It really sucks! I don't want people to think I am flaunting my arms but a 3xl would be huge!!
If I happen to be wearing a cutoff for some reason because it is so damn hot I can hang, but as soon as I put on a big t-shirt over it, I go from bodybuilder to oompa loompa in a matter of seconds;):D:) Oh the excitements of being 5'6.

lol this cracks me up:ac:ion-sm
I have a hard time washing my face... biceps are getting thick latly and i feel like a jackass in the gym bathroom trying to wash my face off if i dont have time to shower, and people lookin at me like im a jackass :banghead::banghead:
Well it has just affected my wallet big time this last Tues! LOL

I walked into The Men's Wearhouse for a Tuxedo for my wedding next weekend and was informed they don't have one to fit me and will not alter one enough for me! So I had to get a custom suit made which cost me close to a $1K! Ouch! :eek:

I am currently 5'8" & 235 lbs and in contest condition. What would have happened if I walked in this last off-season at 280lbs! :confused:

You too?! I had to get a suit for a funeral, cost me $1g. I hate having to get clothing for special events.
I can empathize...

Myosin, how about finding scrubs that fit? I wear a 2xl top and medium pants! The top is tight around arms, shoulders and upper back but looks like maternity wear around the midsection. The xl scrubs I can't even get over my arms! It really sucks! I don't want people to think I am flaunting my arms but a 3xl would be huge!!

My scrubs almost make me look fat around my waist the tops are so loose... if I go a size smaller I'd probably look like a "muscle-head" for sure then... then because they are so loose my legs look tiny.... ahhhhh, not good for my BDD! :D hahhahaa
Any others?

These are good... anyone who can share how their size affects their work life? Is it harder for people to take you seriously?

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