I plan to throw in explosive movements soon. Hes only been at it for 2 months and the muscles around his knee arent back to 100% development yet, so i dont want to "jerk" any of his joints yet. That is the reason for the slow controlled movements. I had already previously outlined a plan for him .....
Back(pullups, seated rows or Tbars, Rack Deadlift or Full Deadlift)
Chest, arms (beach muscle day, hey hes young n wants chicks haha)
Explosive/Leg Day
Stretch (entire body)
Core Warmup
(forgot that one)
Power Cleans 3 sets
Platform Jumps (start with a small platform, work up to jumping on to the small platform, down to the ground, then immediately onto a higher platform in front of it)
Stiff Leg Deadlifts 4 sets 8-12 rep range
DEEP Leg Press or DEEP Squats 4 sets 8-12 rep range
then of course finnish with one 50 rep squat set hehe and work on that mental toughness!
Eventually throw in sprints on their own day for quickness and explosiveness as well as conditioning as the season approaches