6'2" , 270lbs , 12%-15%BF , been weight training for 17yrs this is the first year realy trying to get into the body building thing , have used AAS for 11yrs now no more than two cycles a year though they are egneraly 12-16wks , i have found that anything over 750mg/wk gets me no more positive gains than negitive.
My diet is clean , cals are in the 3000 range and geting lower each week , I drink 5-6 liters (1.5gal) of water a day
I'm doing cardio 3 times a week for 20 min pre workout with high resistance cycling followed by a resonably paced workout for 45-60min.
This cycle will consist of 250mg sustanon every 3 days and 30-40mg oral winstrol/ed starting the 4 week of the test.
I'm basicaly looking for just enough of an anti e- to keep me from holding to much water , don't mind some to help keep the joints free , i was thinking that .25mg/EOD or every third day would work.