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How much insulin do you use?

How much slin do you use?

  • 0-5iu

    Votes: 65 10.0%
  • 5-10iu

    Votes: 134 20.6%
  • 10-15iu

    Votes: 86 13.3%
  • 15-20iu

    Votes: 34 5.2%
  • 20iu and up

    Votes: 42 6.5%
  • i use slin ONLY one time a day

    Votes: 24 3.7%
  • i use slin MULTIPLE times a day

    Votes: 29 4.5%
  • i have never used slin

    Votes: 235 36.2%

  • Total voters

Johnny Smiles

Jun 9, 2009
1.How much insulin do you usually use in a day when you are "on" slin?

2. what kind of slin do you like best and why?

3.what is the point of dimminishing returns with slin?

4. what is the protocol that worked best for you?

feel free to answer the above questions only if you want to but hope you vote in the poll
Last edited:
1.How much insulin do you usually use in a day when you are "on" slin?

2. what kind of slin do you like best and why?

3.what is the point of dimminishing returns with slin?

4. what is the protocol that worked best for you?

feel free to answer the above questions only if you want to but hope you vote in the poll

I'm just a boy in the insulin world, but I stuck to the 1iu per 15-20lbs of body weight. I did 14iu to make 280lbs, I could have gone to 16 or 18 but I wanted to stay in the safe zone.

I use humilin r because of how readily available it is to me, and I prefer its timing over the faster acting stuff. I have my shake right after my shot, I have a meal 1.5 hours later, and I eat again after the insulin is supposed to gone, at around 2.5 hours after the second meal.

Point of diminishing? insulin sensitivity? I combat this by cycling my igf in and out.

I wouldnt mind trying another protocol at some point, but I wasnt willing to put 110% into my diet, so I didn't it.
I voted 5-10 , I think that i'll start with 5 when I start my cycle then possibly creep up with it.

Planning to use Humilin-R , 5iu injected preworkout IM.
drink a 20g BCAA with 5g Dextrose water during the 40min training.
Protein shake imidiatly post workout 40g protein 10gr Dextrose.
Meal 45-60 min post workout , lean beef or chicken 40-50gr protein , 20-30g carbs from sweet potatos.
2-3hrs post dinner , 50g casine mixed with 20gcarbs from dry oats.

this will be on my training days , non training days will be lower carbs all comming in the earlier part of the day with 250mg Glucophage with each carb meal (30-40g per meal)

I plan to keep a close log of BG levels during this process and may do some experimenting with the glucophage on off days to see exactly what it does from BG levels
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Humalog, why anyone would want to use anything else is beyond me ??
1.How much insulin do you usually use in a day when you are "on" slin?

2. what kind of slin do you like best and why?

3.what is the point of dimminishing returns with slin?

4. what is the protocol that worked best for you?

feel free to answer the above questions only if you want to but hope you vote in the poll

1. 3-7ius per shot.....anymore desensitizes gh receptors....but if u keep it in that range it actually sensitized your gh receptors.

2. Humulin-r
I feel for the hardgainer it's more anabolic...especially when using pre shot covers ur workout and pwo meal......I read a lot of the UK forums (idk why)....lot of guys there prefer lantus or levermir (sp?) the long acting insulin....

3. Over 7ius per shot...if needing more i would shoot more often....but pre wo does plenty for me

4. Igf-1 half am hour pre wo
Humulin-r 15 mins pre wo
GH pwo
have only used slin once for a 3 week period. 4-5iu only

5iu pre workout with a shake consisting of 20glba, 5g bcaa, 5g glut, 5g creatine and 50g carbs.

i found the 10g carb per iu sufficient for training every bodypart but legs were i needed 11g per iu. as long as i siped the drink during training and finished at the end i was fine.

i then drove home and shot ghrp6/mod grf and hit a meal 10 mins later.

used humalog. havnt used anything else but found it sufficient i suppose.

noticed great pump during training and was much fuller all the time. also gained on average 1.5lb a week for the 3 weeks of use only extra adition cals wise was the intra shake and an extra 30g carbs pwo meal.

bf went up 0.3% if i remember right according to caliper and 0.2% according to electronic measurement.
Never more than 5IU...but I include other goodies. Have not used slin in a long long time. Stuff is amazing, I respond better than most anabolics to this shiz.
1.How much insulin do you usually use in a day when you are "on" slin?
Around 10iu.

2. what kind of slin do you like best and why?
3.what is the point of dimminishing returns with slin?
Not sure on this one, haven't really gone over 12 with my current protocol.
4. what is the protocol that worked best for you?
Worked best for me PWO with GH. GH shot 3x per week. Slin 1x Per day. Note that i didnt see much when i tried insulin without the GH
feel free to answer the above questions only if you want to but hope you vote in the poll

1.How much insulin do you usually use in a day when you are "on" slin?

I just started with 8iu in the morning with breakfast, 6 whole eggs, 3pc whole wheat toast with Jam and 5oz OJ...then head to the gym and take some creatine, aminos and pre w/o supps.

2. what kind of slin do you like best and why?

Novolin R. Long acting, seems easier to control for me. I thought Humalog was easier before but I always felt signs of hypo with it, not once yet with Novolin R

3.what is the point of dimminishing returns with slin?

no idea

4. what is the protocol that worked best for you?

morning dose with breakfast usually and ideally 1 more dose in the day when my schedule permits it, training falls in there somewhere
I use Humulin-R because of it's accessibility. 8iu with my first meal and 5-6iu around 5 hours later. I ran it for around 12 weeks in the beginning of my offseason and I feel it definitely worked well for me, helping me get to my heaviest ever bodyweight, with just a small amount of fat gain. I'll definitely use it again.

This is the only protocol I've followed, so I don't have answers to the other questions.
1.How much insulin do you usually use in a day when you are "on" slin?


2. what kind of slin do you like best and why?

I like both fast and long acting.

3.what is the point of dimminishing returns with slin?

When slin starts making you fat, and taking it for over 6 weeks at a time.

4. what is the protocol that worked best for you?

both pre and post-workout are good.

feel free to answer the above questions only if you want to but hope you vote in the poll

slin is a double-edged sword.


Novolin-R is an intermediate insulin, not long acting. That's your Lantus/Levemir stuff.

Good topic. I want to give insulin a shot this coming spring. Probably be going with Novolin-R as that's what I have easy (well, I assume easy access in this state without a Rx) access to.
Humalog, why anyone would want to use anything else is beyond me ??

Why is that? Works great if you train in the evening.
1.How much insulin do you usually use in a day when you are "on" slin?
5ius with 2ius of GH after w/o

2. what kind of slin do you like best and why?
Humalog. I train in the evenings and it is out of my system before bed.

3.what is the point of dimminishing returns with slin?
It needs to be cycle on and off, proball 4-6 weeks

4. what is the protocol that worked best for you?
After w/o with GH, BCAAs, leucine, Taurine, beta alanine, creatine, 50g waxi maise, 50g whey

feel free to answer the above questions only if you want to but hope you vote in the poll

Great for older guys, if used properly.
When i use i use 10ius morning and 10ius night after workout with GH.
I don't currently use it but am currently doing my research. I'm on a GH protocol and realize the synergy is great with the two.

I don't want to hijack your thread Johnny, but what would be nice is if those experienced users could also state the 'Do's & Don'ts' of insulin use. Per my previous poll on how long users of GH have been using, it seems that there is a high distribution of new GH users. So for safety sake in regards to insulin use along with GH, I think this would be good for the group.
None. My blood sugar runs on the low side. Dont want to fuck with it. I wake up in the 60's and have been in the 40's. Perfect for HGH administration. Fast ass metabolism.
I have used upwards of 500iu a day. You build up a tolerance fast I guess.
Want more information.

Great thread since I have a bottle of Novolin R waiting in the refrigerator. I’m trying to figure out just how best to use and not get into trouble. Any suggestion on other reads.

I really need to understand what to eat and when along with amount of insuline to use and when.

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