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Hunger Experts


Oct 27, 2009
How do you figure out how Real hunger feels? Not thirst. Not emotions telling you to eat. Not "everybody else is eating dinner so eat". Trying to not over eat so missing the signals. etc. etc. etc.

I'm not overeating, but I may be slightly under eating.

i get it when my stomach starts to churn or i get somewhat dizzy after workouts.. when your body'd ATP is running low..
it's obvious when dieting, you're always hungry:D. but seriousy when I get hungry, my veins start to diminish. also your stomach lets you know it. I eat every 3 hrs, and when my appetite is good, I get sort of hunger pain from it. I know you prob could've figured it out yourself, but hope this helps.
i am also having this problem its as if im never hungry come summer. i have to force myself to eat iv droped 15lbs so far. im down to 205 and still losing =[.

You cant JUST use hunger to understand HUNGER.........you MUST use the scale and the mirror so you know what HUNGER translates to in YOUR body..........with YOUR macros......and use it towards YOUR goal..........if your goal is to be HUGE and FAT then I would probably expect you to not be too hungry before you eat again.........thi sstuff takes time........patience...not 1 week..........months......
How the hell do you not know when you are hungry??? I think this hungry thing is being a bit over analyzed. It is a simple concept if you are hungry eat, if you are hungry and dieting wait a little longer then eat. Why is this so difficult to understand.

Phil's program works great if you don't over analyze it.

How the hell do you not know when you are hungry??? I think this hungry thing is being a bit over analyzed. It is a simple concept if you are hungry eat, if you are hungry and dieting wait a little longer then eat. Why is this so difficult to understand.

Phil's program works great if you don't over analyze it.

I know.......just relax, watch the scale, watch the mirror.......simple
For me I get hungry then wait a little bit to make sure it is not a craving or someother reason. Usually it is easy to tell the difference for me. If it comes out of no where and I want to eat something off the wall then it is a craving. Then you have the hunger that for me feels like the body wanting nutrition. It is different and I am in no way perfect about this but I am attempting to learn.

no doubt I'm over analyzing it. I just don't wanna undereat and mess up progress.

Yeah Phil, i figured I wouldn't figure this stuff out during the first week. Just trying to learn. TKS.

Good discussion tho.
I know.......just relax, watch the scale, watch the mirror.......simple

The thing that I have trouble with is still being hungry after I eat a meal, even a larger meal with all 3 macros. It almost seems like eating just makes me more hungry:confused: I especially notice this after my first solid meal after training.
The thing that I have trouble with is still being hungry after I eat a meal, even a larger meal with all 3 macros. It almost seems like eating just makes me more hungry:confused: I especially notice this after my first solid meal after training.

Ive had this issue in the past as well.
Reading about ghrelin + leptin levels pre and post meals have given me some info on this.

Ghrelin hormone is created in the stomach and signals the brain telling you are hungry, hunger pangs.

For obese ppl (more fat cells. unfortunately a great deal of america) ghrelin levels decline right after a meal, so their feeling of hunger goes down, and leptin levels increase (leptin signaling satisfaction/satiety)

For normal weight ppl, (less fat cells) ghrelin levels post meal DO NOT decline, so the feeling of hunger can stay. However leptin still rises, signaling satiety.

Now for BODYBUILDERS, I would say most have worked hard to shrink and reduce fat cells, I believe ghrelin levels can stay the same post meal, or even spike, (based on trend in ghrelin levels and amount of fat) signaling a short burst of hunger few times after a meal,

however you can let this pass easily, and let your body do its thing.

Ive noticed after extreme hunger pangs, I will start to sweat a bit, ghrelin release is also linked to GH release.

Here is an article:


A graph of ghrelin levels, post meal, for fat and normal:

Try dieting for a show. You'll know. In fact, so will everyone around you. Dogs won't come near you for fear of being eaten. Then you slam a dozen egg whites and some broccoli, and you feel better... for 30 minutes.
Try dieting for a show. You'll know. In fact, so will everyone around you. Dogs won't come near you for fear of being eaten. Then you slam a dozen egg whites and some broccoli, and you feel better... for 30 minutes.

12 weeks down, 3 to go. Believe me I know! Thinking about food 24/7. I've found I spend the majority of the day just obsessing over the next time I get to feed.
...and carbing back up is a glorious fantasy.. but when the time comes it isn't all that wonderful because you can't have any liquid to wash it down with... one of the most gratifying things for me after a show is to go to a restaurant and tell the server to bring me iced tea, tell him/her to wait, slam the first, and get an immediate refill. 2 or three times.
I honestly cant remember the last time I got hungry. . . This has always been an issue with me as it seems I force feed almost every meal down. And after the smallest servings I get so full, After fasted cardio im full, after the gym im full, when I wake up im full. LOL I honestly dont think its normal
I've learned through the different phases of dieting(cutting and bulking) that when I'm actually hungry, food tastes incredibly good but when I'm force feeding myself during like a bulk the food still tastes as it should but is not enjoyable or rather does not give satisfaction from eating it.
I honestly cant remember the last time I got hungry. . . This has always been an issue with me as it seems I force feed almost every meal down. And after the smallest servings I get so full, After fasted cardio im full, after the gym im full, when I wake up im full. LOL I honestly dont think its normal

If you are up to it GHRP-6 would be your best friend! Or perhaps some synthelamin.
I honestly cant remember the last time I got hungry. . . This has always been an issue with me as it seems I force feed almost every meal down. And after the smallest servings I get so full, After fasted cardio im full, after the gym im full, when I wake up im full. LOL I honestly dont think its normal

Sounds like a digestive issue to me. Try different foods, digestive enzymes/probiotics
When cutting or bulking I'm ussually starving at 2.5 to 3 hours, when I'm sleeping about the same so I wakke up to eat often. The hunger wakes me up. I'm cutting right now with very low carbs, I'm trying to stretch my eating to once every 4 hours, not fun! Diet soda helps curb my hunger and sometimes salads do the trick to buy a little time. Can leptin be supplemented as an appetite suppressant?

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