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Hunter is f...g HUGE...

Him and Nick have made insane progress and all it seems like they have done is reduce training frequency.

When you have a tremendous mind muscle connection and your able to stimulate the amount of muscle these guys can, the amount of muscle breakdown is gonna be a lot more drastic then someone whose just in there throwing around some weight
I'm always curious as to what these already accomplished pros do when they make a sudden leap of progress like this.
Is it as simple as "upping the dose"?
A change of training style?
Or is it that a bodybuilder with elite genetics suddenly starts doing things the "right way"? Training harder. Eating real food (a knock against Hunter in the past was that he largely drank all of his calories). Stopping a partying lifestyle. Stopping eating off plan (like Wheeler was known to do).

Hunter's recent progress.
Jay from '08 to '09.
Gunter from '01 to '02.
Heck, even Dorian from '92 to '93.

Seriously, what happens?
It’s amazing what happens when the genetically gifted start giving it their all.

When there is no more “off season” and it’s a year round prep with no meals missed substantial progress is made with these guys.
I'm always curious as to what these already accomplished pros do when they make a sudden leap of progress like this.
Is it as simple as "upping the dose"?
A change of training style?
Or is it that a bodybuilder with elite genetics suddenly starts doing things the "right way"? Training harder. Eating real food (a knock against Hunter in the past was that he largely drank all of his calories). Stopping a partying lifestyle. Stopping eating off plan (like Wheeler was known to do).

Hunter's recent progress.
Jay from '08 to '09.
Gunter from '01 to '02.
Heck, even Dorian from '92 to '93.

Seriously, what happens?
Maybe, but I would bet that it's just muscle maturity in most cases. Years of slow steady progress looks like a sudden jump when they finally max out the genetic potential.

Or it's the hyperplasia from HGH accruing over time 👀
It’s so hard not to get filled up with anger and bitterness, knowing this. These guys with .001% genes just waste them… SO much F them!😂🤷🏼‍♂️
Did someone say Flex Wheeler? 😂
he looks ready to rock n roll!!!
What do I not know about Flex Wheeler? I thought Chris Cormier was the one fucking off and partying?
flex did not take it seriously bro he is self-admitted in an interview I saw, he was probably the best genetics ever total mesomorph too IMO, symmetrical god. I head stories about Levrone partying in a rock band on whiskey and blow for 6months out of the year no weights coming back and placing top 3 in major shows, Mentzer famously of course partied (not to get off topic) but its prevalent man
290 at 5ft 7 with abs and striations is crazy huge I cant imagine how much food he had to eat to get there.
Really not much bigger than here, when seen him in person, backstage and onstage. He was at a peak weight, size here, then dieted and lost. Well see if he keeps it, which he didn't seem to do from here to his last placing.

Whatever his height , he's short, then again I'm 6ft 3 and 3/4. In twelve competition's I've done one guy was taller.

Start at 3:30...that's him getting paid to participate in handing out place in bodybuilding open heavyweights. Don't even remember if he guest posed. He showed up and collected $. That's more than a lot of us are getting out of this. Definitely admirable making $ showing up in bodybuilding spotlights.

Really not much bigger than here, when seen him in person, backstage and onstage. He was at a peak weight, size here, then dieted and lost. Well see if he keeps it, which he didn't seem to do from here to his last placing.

Whatever his height , he's short, then again I'm 6ft 3 and 3/4. In twelve competition's I've done one guy was taller.

Start at 3:30...that's him getting paid to participate in handing out place in bodybuilding open heavyweights. Don't even remember if he guest posed. He showed up and collected $. That's more than a lot of us are getting out of this. Definitely admirable making $ showing up in bodybuilding spotlights.

man... wtf are you talking lol - this is not about you, it's about Hunter and no hate - but I would be ashamed to post such a video here
I dont know if its a good choice for him to push size because his main weakness is his midsectiin. But he looks very impressive here.
Really not much bigger than here, when seen him in person, backstage and onstage. He was at a peak weight, size here, then dieted and lost. Well see if he keeps it, which he didn't seem to do from here to his last placing.

Whatever his height , he's short, then again I'm 6ft 3 and 3/4. In twelve competition's I've done one guy was taller.

Start at 3:30...that's him getting paid to participate in handing out place in bodybuilding open heavyweights. Don't even remember if he guest posed. He showed up and collected $. That's more than a lot of us are getting out of this. Definitely admirable making $ showing up in bodybuilding spotlights.

The nonsensical ruminations in this post aaside, I’m forced to ask questions:

Were you the really tall guy in the first group of three? Black trunks?
If so, why in the world would you go on stage Junior Nationals ( onstage PERIOD) in that kind of condition???
Him and Nick have made insane progress and all it seems like they have done is reduce training frequency.

When you have a tremendous mind muscle connection and your able to stimulate the amount of muscle these guys can, the amount of muscle breakdown is gonna be a lot more drastic then someone whose just in there throwing around some weight
The more muscle you have the less you should train. It only makes sense.

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