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Hunter is f...g HUGE...

Really not much bigger than here, when seen him in person, backstage and onstage. He was at a peak weight, size here, then dieted and lost. Well see if he keeps it, which he didn't seem to do from here to his last placing.

Whatever his height , he's short, then again I'm 6ft 3 and 3/4. In twelve competition's I've done one guy was taller.

Start at 3:30...that's him getting paid to participate in handing out place in bodybuilding open heavyweights. Don't even remember if he guest posed. He showed up and collected $. That's more than a lot of us are getting out of this. Definitely admirable making $ showing up in bodybuilding spotlights.

Bruh you need to see a medical professional ASAP
Holy shit he grew!! he still needs more back meat, but damn he has put on some size!
The more muscle you have the less you should train. It only makes sense.
I think Mentzer was the first one to theorize (though it's only logical) that the larger one gets the faster one's energy and recovery reserves are depleted.
A 22" arm is going to require a lot more than a 14" arm performing the same movement to the same perceived failure point.
I think Mentzer was the first one to theorize (though it's only logical) that the larger one gets the faster one's energy and recovery reserves are depleted.
A 22" arm is going to require a lot more than a 14" arm performing the same movement to the same perceived failure point.

Arthur Jones. It’s in Bulletin I or II. I should know, I have read them many times.

Or maybe in one of his articles in Iron Man Magazine.

Mentzer was a Jones wannabe. Doubtful he ever had an original thought in his life (RIP).
Bruh you need to see a medical professional ASAP
Bru, like I would take advice from someone who looks like a scrubby looking nerf herder. You need to take your own advice

And if you didn't get the point he was massive here. From his next show, he was coming into it as a potential winner. When he stepped onstage , he didn't live up to what improvements were supposed to appear.

Let's see if the pattern repeats itself, or he breaks the cycle
He's way closer to 5'9 than 5'7. Standing next to Brandon Curry, Hunter is taller (look at last year's Olympia comparisons).
Lunsford is about 5'6 and Hunter is probably about 3 inches taller.
Not this matters.. lol.
I think Hunter looks great and has made a ton of progress. I'm just a speaking as someone in the stands (nosebleed seats) but it seems like he doesn't have the "wow" that's needed to be a top contender at the Olympia. (not that my opinion matters, either).

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Bru, like I would take advice from someone who looks like a scrubby looking nerf herder. You need to take your own advice

And if you didn't get the point he was massive here. From his next show, he was coming into it as a potential winner. When he stepped onstage , he didn't live up to what improvements were supposed to appear.

Let's see if the pattern repeats itself, or he breaks the cycle

I didn't see Hunter in your video, can you tell me when he appears?
A bigger version of 5th place unfortunately, I agree with Shelby. No wow when in a lineup with others present.
Dudes triceps are huge and he looks great. I know things can change when standing next to someone but, he has.kinda a Jay Cutler.type physique where nothing really sticks out....Everything is huge.

Probably found some old celltech sitting around and stacked that with 6 muscle milk cartons in a day and hit that up for a few months!!
Bru, like I would take advice from someone who looks like a scrubby looking nerf herder. You need to take your own advice

And if you didn't get the point he was massive here. From his next show, he was coming into it as a potential winner. When he stepped onstage , he didn't live up to what improvements were supposed to appear.

Let's see if the pattern repeats itself, or he breaks the cycle

Lol dude just called me Han Solo
Bru, like I would take advice from someone who looks like a scrubby looking nerf herder. You need to take your own advice

And if you didn't get the point he was massive here. From his next show, he was coming into it as a potential winner. When he stepped onstage , he didn't live up to what improvements were supposed to appear.

Let's see if the pattern repeats itself, or he breaks the cycle
You must have won that show…

I talked to hunter briefly waiting in line for a drink at the Arnold Columbus night show. He was dressed to go out and had on a tighter shirt on and not baggy workout clothes. I was truly blown away. When I got back to my seat I told my wife he looked comparable size to Nick Walker.
this thread is so entertaining 🍿

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