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I met a monster at the gym today...


Jun 5, 2004
My home gym broke a cable so I had to hit the local gym..

I had a boy walk up to me. He was 275lbs and told me he would lik eto have my arms.I responded back telling him I'd love to have his chest.We started laughing about how genetics are the determining factor.

He said stick around til 5 oclock and you'll see a monster back guy walk in..

Sure enough th eguy walking in was a true monster.He was 5'7,250lbs,5% body fat and 43 year old.His arms were 23 inches cold and he had nasty veins bulging everywhere.. I went over and picked his brain.

He was repping out 350 on incline bench.He worked all teh way up to 500lbs on inclines.. He didnt lock out and exploded the weight to the point of cheating. He only waited 45 seconds between sets. He did 6 straight sets and then went to flat dumbell presses with 130's for reps again.. He did 6 sets of these as well..

I asked him how many times a week he did chest. He said twice a week. I dont believe in overtraining he said. The newer genration of bodybuilders have become lazy and these magazines are lying about how many sets they are doing. Look at Ronnie Coleman he said.He trains everything twice a week and hes the biggest man ever.I follow his workouts and it works...Most people read too much he claimed and are being mislead on these low volume workouts.

He went on to say if you didnt have genetics you could take all the drugs in the world but still not get massive. Its all about hard work and genetics he claimed with a small amount of drugs.

I said do you take GH to stay so lean. Heck no he said that shits expensive..Test is all you need bro with a anabolic thrown in the mix.

Whats your diet look like I asked .Well not too much protein or it constipates me. I basically eat anything I want too.

For the first time in a long time I looked over in the mirror and felt puny standing next to this guy who was 2 inches short than myself..

He was jacked out of his mind and was doing 20 sets or more perbody part every week..

He looked like a smaller version of Ronnie Coleman.. I felt like I was wasting my time in the gym after seeing this freak because I knew he had the look I always wanted and will never get there... :(
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There is a guy here in Colorado that might be the best guy to come out of this state in a long time and he trains like a girl. It is laughable.

Your boy is simply getting away with it because of genetics and so is my guy. That is it. He might throw in "hard work" but damned near EVERYONE works hard enough. The difference from there is genetic.

Skip said:
There is a guy here in Colorado that might be the best guy to come out of this state in a long time and he trains like a girl. It is laughable.

Your boy is simply getting away with it because of genetics and so is my guy. That is it. He might throw in "hard work" but damned near EVERYONE works hard enough. The difference from there is genetic.

Yep, you have your hard training gym rat, and then you have your hard training gym rat who has fantastic genetics.
Quite a difference between us (hard training gym rats) and many of the pros out there. (hard training gym rats with exceptional genetics) lol.
Skip said:
He might throw in "hard work" but damned near EVERYONE works hard enough. The difference from there is genetic.


Paul Dillet comes to mind.
No offense..............but

My home gym broke a cable so I had to hit the local gym..

I had a boy walk up to me. He was 275lbs and told me he would lik eto have my arms.I responded back telling him I'd love to have his chest.We started laughing about how genetics are the determining factor.

He said stick around til 5 oclock and you'll see a monster back guy walk in..

Sure enough th eguy walking in was a true monster.He was 5'7,250lbs,5% body fat and 43 year old.His arms were 23 inches cold and he had nasty veins bulging everywhere.. I went over and picked his brain.

He was repping out 350 on incline bench.He worked all teh way up to 500lbs on inclines.. He didnt lock out and exploded the weight to the point of cheating. He only waited 45 seconds between sets. He did 6 straight sets and then went to flat dumbell presses with 130's for reps again.. He did 6 sets of these as well..

I asked him how many times a week he did chest. He said twice a week. I dont believe in overtraining he said. The newer genration of bodybuilders have become lazy and these magazines are lying about how many sets they are doing. Look at Ronnie Coleman he said.He trains everything twice a week and hes the biggest man ever.I follow his workouts and it works...Most people read too much he claimed and are being mislead on these low volume workouts.

He went on to say if you didnt have genetics you could take all the drugs in the world but still not get massive. Its all about hard work and genetics he claimed with a small amount of drugs.

I said do you take GH to stay so lean. Heck no he said that shits expensive..Test is all you need bro with a anabolic thrown in the mix.

Whats your diet look like I asked .Well not too much protein or it constipates me. I basically eat anything I want too.

For the first time in a long time I looked over in the mirror and felt puny standing next to this guy who was 2 inches short than myself..

He was jacked out of his mind and was doing 20 sets or more perbody part every week..

He looked like a smaller version of Ronnie Coleman.. I felt like I was wasting my time in the gym after seeing this freak because I knew he had the look I always wanted and will never get there... :(

I do not believe this story. If he has the stats you say, he must be a pro. What is his name? You are talking about a guy 40 pounds more than Sean Ray, with the same bodyfat level and with 3 inch bigger arms .
I do not believe this story. If he has the stats you say, he must be a pro. What is his name? You are talking about a guy 40 pounds more than Sean Ray, with the same bodyfat level and with 3 inch bigger arms .

Oh there you go Phil bringing truth into this perfectly nice 'fish story' thread, now STOP that. :D
Ok im gonna go out on a limb here and try not to get killed by phil lol. Just becuase someone holds those stats doesnt mean they have the structure to be pro. Iv seen some big lean guys who just looked blocky and bulky but they were definatly huge. Mostly black guys, u know us white guys cant stay ripped without dieting lol. I also might doubt he was 5% bodyfat though, most people misinterpret bodyfat by visual anyway.
Besides not all big guys even compete and it's like toopowerful said, if you have the mass but lack the genetic shape you still look like shit on stage
I do not believe this story. If he has the stats you say, he must be a pro. What is his name? You are talking about a guy 40 pounds more than Sean Ray, with the same bodyfat level and with 3 inch bigger arms .

Well Phil every since I joined this site you have been unkind to me. Always wanting to argue or disagree with me..WHATS YOUR PROBLEM BRO???

Ive pmed you on several occasions trying to be nice only to be ignored!!!!!!! :(

You believe what you want.The guy is a guest poser for the shows in my area. Has he been a pro? I dont know??

Now I will say he didnt have the symmetry of Sean Ray..The guy had little calves compared to the rest of his body but my arms are 21 inches pumped and his arms were far bigger than mine.Also my body fat levels are high and he raised up his shirt and thi sman had a killer set of abs..He told me he was getting ready for competion..

I'll get back with you on his name. He told me but its a weird name and I cant recall it at this time.. I'll e-mail the guy who puts on teh local bodybuilkding shows in my area and find out..He will know..
TooPowerful4u said:
Ok im gonna go out on a limb here and try not to get killed by phil lol. Just becuase someone holds those stats doesnt mean they have the structure to be pro. Iv seen some big lean guys who just looked blocky and bulky but they were definatly huge. Mostly black guys, u know us white guys cant stay ripped without dieting lol. I also might doubt he was 5% bodyfat though, most people misinterpret bodyfat by visual anyway.

This is true..He told me he was right around 5% bodyfat.. I akse how big his arms were and he said 23. I said pumped and he said no there just 23 inches all the time..

Now his symmetry wasnt the best but what I tell you is true to the best of my knowledge..This guys genetics were off the wall..I was told hed won every local competiton hed ever entered.

This guy was blue collar all the way..I think his training methods were poor. Its hard telling how far this guy could have went in his early 30's if he had gotten the right help like todays pros.

I have nothing to gain by lieing.. :mad:
I am sorry, I said no offense.

Well Phil every since I joined this site you have been unkind to me. Always wanting to argue or disagree with me..WHATS YOUR PROBLEM BRO???

Ive pmed you on several occasions trying to be nice only to be ignored!!!!!!! :(

You believe what you want.The guy is a guest poser for the shows in my area. Has he been a pro? I dont know??

Now I will say he didnt have the symmetry of Sean Ray..The guy had little calves compared to the rest of his body but my arms are 21 inches pumped and his arms were far bigger than mine.Also my body fat levels are high and he raised up his shirt and thi sman had a killer set of abs..He told me he was getting ready for competion..

I'll get back with you on his name. He told me but its a weird name and I cant recall it at this time.. I'll e-mail the guy who puts on teh local bodybuilkding shows in my area and find out..He will know..
I , in no way, wasn trying to be mean to you.
I told a guy in the gym the other day I was 5'10
328 8% bodyfat 36 inch waist 34 inch thighs 64 inch chest and 22.5 inch arms with 18 inch forearms and 22 inch calves able to pull a vacuum and have a mean six pack with serratus going on. ;)

PERHAPS he'll post here and confirm. :D
Phil I can pm you his name. I would be afraid of giving his name out over the net without his approval.

The guys chest wasnt enormous LIKE Vanders but his thighs,hams,lats,shoulders,biceps,triceps, and foreams were crazy big.. His traps were decent but nothing special. His calves were small amd way out of proportion.He had one of these pot bellies with a wide waist line but his abs were cut none the less..

I asked him what kind of forearm work he performed to get them so big. He claimed he never trained forearms.. I was very dumbfounded and discouraged by what I saw. To be honest with you I didnt finish my workout. I lost my drive. Ive got to finish shoulders-traps today because of not finishing my workout. I can do these at home because I dont need my lat machine. I should see him again on sunday or monday if my cable hasnt arrived..

He was a super nice guy.. Seemed to be very uneducated but a true genetic monster none the less.

Thanks for being cool.. ;)
Massive G said:
I told a guy in the gym the other day I was 5'10
328 8% bodyfat 36 inch waist 34 inch thighs 64 inch chest and 22.5 inch arms with 18 inch forearms and 22 inch calves able to pull a vacuum and have a mean six pack with serratus going on. ;)

PERHAPS he'll post here and confirm. :D
That ws 5 ft 6in and that is me.... :p
Phil I can pm you his name. I would be afraid of giving his name out over the net without his approval.

The guys chest wasnt enormous LIKE Vanders but his thighs,hams,lats,shoulders,biceps,triceps, and foreams were crazy big.. His traps were decent but nothing special. His calves were small amd way out of proportion.He had one of these pot bellies with a wide waist line but his abs were cut none the less..

I asked him what kind of forearm work he performed to get them so big. He claimed he never trained forearms.. I was very dumbfounded and discouraged by what I saw. To be honest with you I didnt finish my workout. I lost my drive. Ive got to finish shoulders-traps today because of not finishing my workout. I can do these at home because I dont need my lat machine. I should see him again on sunday or monday if my cable hasnt arrived..

He was a super nice guy.. Seemed to be very uneducated but a true genetic monster none the less.

Thanks for being cool.. ;)

Mr Biceps have u ever seen a Pro up close next to you like side by side and wearing a tank top , all pros appear to be much larger then they really are , when i saw Chris Cormier and Jay Cuts i was like omg thses guys are huge but when i was side by side i didnt get dwarfed to bad . I think its a case of seing someone bigger then yourself then ultimatley thinking he is some sort of lengendary monster when the fact is if you were side by side looking in the mirror or in a photo you may not think the dude was some sort of different species . I beleive your story and im sure the dude was yoked and swole but compared to what? and who? Ive also seen some enormous dudes in venice golds but there more so tall and muscular rather then symetrical like u said.
Vander_V said:
Mr Biceps have u ever seen a Pro up close next to you like side by side and wearing a tank top , all pros appear to be much larger then they really are , when i saw Chris Cormier and Jay Cuts i was like omg thses guys are huge but when i was side by side i didnt get dwarfed to bad . I think its a case of seing someone bigger then yourself then ultimatley thinking he is some sort of lengendary monster when the fact is if you were side by side looking in the mirror or in a photo you may not think the dude was some sort of different species . I beleive your story and im sure the dude was yoked and swole but compared to what? and who? Ive also seen some enormous dudes in venice golds but there more so tall and muscular rather then symetrical like u said.
yeah, i have that problem all the time with those dumb pro's :D
This thread caught my attention because I recently met a monster at my gym too. The guy is huge, complete and in very good shape -- he definitely has a legitimate pro-level physique. The interesting thing is that, although he is at the gym constantly, all I ever really see him do is sit on the loveseat in the reception area and eat protein cookies. I've seen him train a couple of times and he only does 3-4 sets per bodypart and that's it. The guy also wears his coat all the time (even when he trains), but also wears shorts on days like today when it is 20 degrees and snowing. I believe he said his name was Cleero or Cleeroy -- something like that.

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