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If Hgh were 1 cent per IU how much would u take???


Verified Customer
Verified Customer
Dec 8, 2004
Just for the hell of it, I thought this would be a good topic.....

How Much would u take???
When?? (2xp/d, 4xpd, every other day, daily in the am, pm??)
I've not taken any yet but I'm sure I'd build up to a point where i had the joint pain thats been talked about and stay there. 6 to 8 iu's twice a day I guess. Remember I have yet to take any at this point. Planning on it.
so this will be a good thread for you.....
I believe I read in a thread that Phil Hernon said he would take 2iu's eod also. BBB, can you explain the your reasoning for that dosing schedule?

Yeah, at 2iu pd I was just above the Highest level according to blood tests..
I know a guy who is in his 50's and has tried all different doses..He settled at 2iu a day..but would prefer 3iu pd but too expensive for him..He stays on year round the 2 iu keeps him a little above high normal...
WOW, wouldn't that be cool. I had great luck with 2IU a day X 6 days, till $$ ran short. I'd go with that year around. I'd do a couple 12 week cycles a year with 6 plus a day, inreasing until the sides got bad. Then a few times a year I'd do one week super surge of around 18IU pluis a day, just to see if I could get a GROWTH SPIRT!!!

|--[\\\]>-------- well seeing that i am on it right now and i USED to do 3 iu's ED, my hands and wrists finally couldnt take anymore. i am down to 2 iu's EOD now....so that is what i would take.
BBA, What could your hands and wrists not take anymore?

|--[\\\]>--------- One of the sides of GH is a lot of H20 retension and a feeling of 'carpiltunel' (sp) in your wrists...it seriously felt like they were badly damaged, i couldnt even hold a pencil/pen tightly in my hand without pain, riding my gsxr was painful and at night, just laying there my hand would fall asleep and feel like pins and needles! i got off for a week and started back slowly and sides are gone...thank god!
Iron Gator said:
I believe I read in a thread that Phil Hernon said he would take 2iu's eod also. BBB, can you explain the your reasoning for that dosing schedule?

Well when it comes to hormones and what levels they are all depends on your age sex history ect... With the blood results i have gotten back and my age and history and guidance from Phil it was decieded that 2ius is best for my body to stay healthy..

Alot of guys like it for the new effects it has on teh body liek new muscle growth lean body and that is where it ends.. for most guys... i want to stay healthy and keep my hormones normal so all i did was institute a normal regime into my life and was simply replacing what i've have lost over the last 20+ years...

I have to say that i have been on for about 6 months now and around 3 months began to feel younger, more energy, faster recovery time, less over body aches and pain from getting older but most of all i feel my mind is sharper.. Dude all i can say i feel 18 again...

If you want to know what i would use if i was to compete again and was reckless i would use 4-6ius HGH ED along with 8 ius R-insulin post workout and 1000mgs test/wk and 200mgs deca/wk an eat 750-1200 above my BMR to grow like crazy...

As i grow older i have discovered how precious life is and how fragile it is and i am reminded everyday that it can be taken from us in a sec in the form of loved ones, ppl i never knew and memebers on here... What hurts me the most is to see young ppl living in a destructive self obsorbed manner and they hurt everyone but themselves till the end...

Wow what the hell did i just say.. sorry for teh tangent guys.. 2ius EOD:D
bigbaldbulldog said:
Well when it comes to hormones and what levels they are all depends on your age sex history ect... With the blood results i have gotten back and my age and history and guidance from Phil it was decieded that 2ius is best for my body to stay healthy..

Alot of guys like it for the new effects it has on teh body liek new muscle growth lean body and that is where it ends.. for most guys... i want to stay healthy and keep my hormones normal so all i did was institute a normal regime into my life and was simply replacing what i've have lost over the last 20+ years...

I have to say that i have been on for about 6 months now and around 3 months began to feel younger, more energy, faster recovery time, less over body aches and pain from getting older but most of all i feel my mind is sharper.. Dude all i can say i feel 18 again...

If you want to know what i would use if i was to compete again and was reckless i would use 4-6ius HGH ED along with 8 ius R-insulin post workout and 1000mgs test/wk and 200mgs deca/wk an eat 750-1200 above my BMR to grow like crazy...

As i grow older i have discovered how precious life is and how fragile it is and i am reminded everyday that it can be taken from us in a sec in the form of loved ones, ppl i never knew and memebers on here... What hurts me the most is to see young ppl living in a destructive self obsorbed manner and they hurt everyone but themselves till the end...

Wow what the hell did i just say.. sorry for teh tangent guys.. 2ius EOD:D

HAH!!!!that was good!!! but you made a good point...youthfull recklessness you pay for when you get older but unfortunatly when we are young we think we know everything and we think we are invinsable (sp) its when we get to the 40s we realize how the things we did when we were younger we eventually pay for..I know I am...But I agree with you BBBD, you sould try to find a balance between enhancement and health..and pushing the envelope at an older age is not ideal..
I love the 2ius EOD

and would not push that one bit. it would just leave extra cash for other things...better things
Steak Helmet said:
I love the 2ius EOD

and would not push that one bit. it would just leave extra cash for other things...better things

If we produce around 1iu daily, wouldnt 2iuEOD just make up for natual production?
we make 1iu naturally ..ect

I think that was a question not a statement BBB
Fullybuilt said:
If we produce around 1iu daily, wouldnt 2iuEOD just make up for natual production?

Untill you get blood work done to determine where you fall....you have no idea because everyone is different. Thats why I laugh when I hear guys say "oh taking such and such of this only replaces your natural production". Everyone is different....200mgs of compound A might work well for one but virtualy nothing for the next. Same thing for growth. After seeing what my IGF was at after 2ius a day for a couple months I was shocked. If you can find that "magic" number...stick with it. You end up saving your health and money in the long run.

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