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If you weren't a bodybuilder???

I'd be an author.. I write poetry and have always thought about writing books.. or I would be in ministry for youth( I fall short just like every human) or I would like to be a motivational speaker or pastor one day... but I'm a horrible person and my self therapy of training is my outlet I have desired to go

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I'm doing it now. Stopped competing in 2010 and just transitioned into "healthy" lifestyle. Got married, got kids and now just do HRT and do moderate workouts that don't press my injuries. Eat what I want, have a few beers or a good scotch with friends on weekends and stay within calorie and macros to keep relatively lean. Basically working to keep balance with fitness, fun, and health and maintain size and shape. It's actually been easier than I thought it would even though it happened a lot earlier in life than I used to think it would.
i'd probably do what all the other boring ass students my age are doing.

studying, getting drunk, repeat

oh and working in between to have more money to blow on alcohol.

thats basically what 80% of the people here my age do.
drugs and selling them
nuff said i might've been dead by now. My interest in bbing saved me in HS. This provides me with the feeling that I'm superior to most people and i can show that off and do every chance i get. Might sound a little shallow but I'm a wayyyyy healthier person because of this and I've surrounded myself with better people too. excited to do my first show whenever i feel in good enough shape.
That's awesome - you're in the family too!!! :headbang:

Great to see fellow drummers. I haven't picked up a pair of sticks in a while but I played for many years. I had formal training and played snare and triples in the drum line.

To some it may sound geeky, but to a snare drummer, listening to the '87 SCV drum solo of Lezghinka brings back chills!!
It's just a hobby - I have many things that I enjoy so I guess if I didn't enjoy training and eating healthy I would just be an out of shape father / husband / businessman. Don't get me wrong - I am passionate about BB but I am passionate about everything in my life. I just don't ever think I could say that BB "defines" who I am.
Most aren't bodybuilders forever, but those traits typically lead to amazing things. The average human never commits 100% to anything in their life.
Bodybuilding traits lead to business success.
Take a second to think about the crazy amount of dedication and relentless consistency we put into this stupid stupid lifestyle daily....

Now after trying to grasp and partially comprehend that, try to think if we applied that sort of passion, time, dedication, and hard work day in and out to something that would really take us far in life....

With that being said, all of us could be WHATEVER we put our minds to....

This doesnt include the delusional guys (not naming names) that look in the mirror and see Arnold although in real life they're 18% bf with bitch tits and a muffin top. Theres a few of those on every forum unfortunately.

But for the rest of us I truly believe we could be so much more than what we would ever give ourselves credit for. It takes a crazy individual to do what we do.
I used to BMX race, so I think I would be into downhill riding and trail riding. There are tons of great hills here and mountains, Whistler is just over an hours drive for me and they have great mountain biking there.

Id also be playing soccer. I tried to get back into it a few years a go and tore my hamstring. I even dropped 20lbs and sacrificed alot of muscle to get lighter for soccer too :mad:

Once my kids are a bit older, in a few years from now, I will get back up on the mountains and get back into snowboarding and get the kids into skiing. I stopped that when I got into BBing because I didnt want to injure myself and miss any gym time....stupid of me!
Most likely would be a fat overweight unemployed gamer lol

Bodybuilding has actually given me the discipline in all areas of my life, i could never imagine my life without its principles. It helped me discipline and work hard in my job, and now god willingly, for my age i am on a very good wage. It has actually helped me to have a stable relationship for the last 6 years, yes we have arguments but who doesn't but again, i learnt how to be disciplined all through bodybuilding.

When i first picked up a weight, i had just been told i wouldn't be allowed back into college and that i had no prospects for a job etc

That being said, i do miss playing soccer, my weight is to heavy on my joints now, and i also miss playing cricket. That would be good if i could play them again properly week in week out!
I grew up in the outdoors. I raced mountain bikes through my teen years and rode into my twenties. I did quite a bit of rock climbing as well. I'd probably be doing that stuff again if I weren't trying to maintain 220lbs of muscle all year round.
I'd probably still be at the bar getting drunk every night. This sport gave me a purpose in life outside of partying and getting wasted. I feel fortunate to have found my passion in life :)
I'd probably be sailing around the world. I love the ocean.
I grew up in the outdoors. I raced mountain bikes through my teen years and rode into my twenties. I did quite a bit of rock climbing as well. I'd probably be doing that stuff again if I weren't trying to maintain 220lbs of muscle all year round.

Rock climbing is great! We're just not a nimble as we used to be lol.
I honestly have no idea what I would be doing. I've been living the bodybuilding lifestyle to one degree or another since I was thirteen years old. After 25 years it's difficult to see myself with a different passion. That being said, the success I've had with bodybuilding helped me develop traits that have allowed me to achieve success in my career and personal life as well. Don't know if I've answered the question but it is exactly what I feel and think. I don't think bodybuilding has to be a selfish lifestyle. We are all taking steps to be healthier than the average joe/jane which will allow us to be around longer and with better quality of life to share with our families and loved ones. That seems to me to be the opposite of selfish; Selfless.
I would masturbate more :D no all kidding aside I be a video game junkie for sure
Probably in the club every weekend getting drunk off my ass waking up eating cold pizza. That don't sound too bad lol. :headbang::headbang::headbang:
Take a second to think about the crazy amount of dedication and relentless consistency we put into this stupid stupid lifestyle daily....

Now after trying to grasp and partially comprehend that, try to think if we applied that sort of passion, time, dedication, and hard work day in and out to something that would really take us far in life....

With that being said, all of us could be WHATEVER we put our minds to....

This doesnt include the delusional guys (not naming names) that look in the mirror and see Arnold although in real life they're 18% bf with bitch tits and a muffin top. Theres a few of those on every forum unfortunately.

But for the rest of us I truly believe we could be so much more than what we would ever give ourselves credit for. It takes a crazy individual to do what we do.

Man why you got call me out like that?

I know one thing I have wanted to learn and thought about doing if I stopped bodybuilding.
I need something I can still get my aggression out with and maintain a level of physical fitness. I have wanted to learn MMA and organized martial arts.
Something new, but where I need to maintain self discipline.
I was always a good scrapper but Im a brawler more than I have any technical skill, thought it would be something good to learn and could maintain physical fitness, and improve my mobility and flexibility.
And by no means do I mean competitively - thats a young mans sport, just to give me something else physical and aggressive that I could do/learn and still get my stress release.
I don't mean to ruffle some feathers here but many on here keep stating how bodybuilding has saved them and allows them to live a long healthy lifestyle versus being a drug addict or binge drinker, but the fact of the matter is if your a competitive bodybuilder your most likely still a drug addict, just in a different sense. I love bodybuilding and everything about it but for everyone to keep playing the "I do it to stay healthy" card is delusional, unless your doing it very conservatively or completely natural regardless of what you wanna believe bodybuilding in general is just not a very healthy lifestyle.
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