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IGF / GH Cycle Qustion:


Oct 11, 2003
IGF / GH / slin Cycle Question:

Im gathering my gear for my next big run. This time Im pulling out any and all stops. I would be considered advanced by most. Ive got good thickness and good genetics, so says John Parillo.
Im an easy gainer, responding well to gear.
Ive been training 29 yrs, using gear for about 20 yrs. Ive done a few cycles of GH. Never used IGF1 or insuline

My stats are: 5'8"-----------260 lbs 10%BF----- Arms(cold) 21"
Quads 31"------ Chest 54"------- Waist 35"

My Questions to the experts out here:

What dosage of GH,insuline and IGF do you recommend and
when to use?
With the GH/IGF/slin. what gear is recommended at what

Also is 7500 cal/day (400g Protien) good to go?

My goal is to do well at Nationals in 2004.
I know this is a lot of info to ask for, but can ya help a brotha out?

Thanks for any and all info, This board is awsome!
Last edited:
SON OF A BITC*!!!! i just typed all this out and it said i wasnt logged in and erased it!! here we go again.

You will not find a whole lot of info on igf. musclechemistry.com has the most practical info on it, but you will not find anyone who is using it with slin. maybe 1 or 2 using it w/ gh.

Just remember there is no majic formula that will turn yoo into Mr. O overnight. Wylde laid out the gh and slin use with a ggod cycle in the article i showed you. You could just add in igf as u pleased, preferably at the end of the cycle when gains slow.

But here is another method. I like to say 1 iu slin per 25 lbs of bodyweight, so at 260 u would need 10iu log or humilin-R.

Day 1: short actin androgen like prop at 100mg/ day. an oral such as dbol or adrol at 100mg/day. As well as a long acting anabolic like deca, eq, or primo.
Day 2 and 3: SAME
Day 4: same as before, but now add in gh at 2iu 4-7x/day.slin at 10iu 2x/day(morn. and post w/o) and T-3 at 25 mcgs/ day
Day 5-8: same; around day 7 add in a long acting androgen like cyp or enantate. the prop and oral will stop on day 14.
Day 10: stop gh and slin. begin igf at 2x/day as with slin at 25-40mcg per shot(50-80mcg total/day)
Day 9-30: continue this schedule. ( 21 days on igf.) t3 is still being run at 25mcgs/day.
Day 31-35: stop igf and use gh and slin as before.
Day 36-42: stop gh and continue w/ slin.

from here you can continue with cycle as usual or come off for 2 wks then back on. if coming off be sure to switch back to prop about day30 so you begin pct imediatly.

If u stay on, wait at least 3 weeks to use igf again.
Byrd, did you get this from ALR? It looks really similiar to something that he has laid out.
i got the slin/gh concept from him but it is modified. I like some of his and paul borreson's ideas, they are very similar.

Thanks, I thought it looked somewhat familiar. Couple of questions, when you begin your long acting androgen on day 7, how long do you carry that on for and at what doseage? What is your reasoning for throwing in a long ester mid-cycle? It seems to me that if you were trying to saturate the receptors you would frontload a long ester for the first 7 days and then switch to prop for the slin/GH portion. Could you elaborate? Thanks.
rjsilverback I have read this post on another board and it got me thinking...You sure do have alot of questions for someone who is 260 at 10%bf....at 5' 8" that is pro statius bro....

so here is my question...how do you not know the things you are talking about...all those questions from someone who should know more than most....I mean you dont get 260 by accident..bodybuilding is a science not a mistake....

Just a few questions...feel free to post a pic and prove me wrong...
weight77 said:
rjsilverback I have read this post on another board and it got me thinking...You sure do have alot of questions for someone who is 260 at 10%bf....at 5' 8" that is pro statius bro....

so here is my question...how do you not know the things you are talking about...all those questions from someone who should know more than most....I mean you dont get 260 by accident..bodybuilding is a science not a mistake....

Just a few questions...feel free to post a pic and prove me wrong...

i dont know bro...

my old training partner went up to 284 at %10ish from 228 without knowing what he was doing to get him there...as long as he went to the gym he kept getting bigger,didnt matter how much or little effort he put in....
Yes I am sure there are some people out there like that but they are 1 in a million....I also have a black friend that I train with that is natural and the boy is a horse...If you used it would be scary....

I am just asking...You could be right...but then again you cold be wrong....not that it matters that much to me...I just want the false identity shit to stop....Be who you are not who you thing people are going to like and respect more....You know..
weight77 said:
rjsilverback I have read this post on another board and it got me thinking...You sure do have alot of questions for someone who is 260 at 10%bf....at 5' 8" that is pro statius bro....

so here is my question...how do you not know the things you are talking about...all those questions from someone who should know more than most....I mean you dont get 260 by accident..bodybuilding is a science not a mistake....

Just a few questions...feel free to post a pic and prove me wrong...

his questions was about someting he doesnt know about, he said "Never used IGF1 or insuline". it does suck when people lie about stats (if he is a liar) but whats it matter to you
What matters to me is mother fuckers trying to be somebody there are not....I could say I am 280 but I am only 238....

and the big thing that gets me thinking is that he wants info on how to eat....5' 8" 260 10% and you want to know if 400 grams of protein is good....

that is about the size of tom price...:rolleyes:
weight77 said:
What matters to me is mother fuckers trying to be somebody there are not....I could say I am 280 but I am only 238....

and the big thing that gets me thinking is that he wants info on how to eat....5' 8" 260 10% and you want to know if 400 grams of protein is good....

that is about the size of tom price...:rolleyes:

your'e right, that little question slipped right past me. now my eyebrows are being raised
DAMN... chill by Brotha...

I have been training for 29 yrs.... using gear for 20
I have competed in the past in both powerlifting and bodybuilding.
Im not some green punk that just walked into a gym. I have been BIGGER !. So you just can the crap, ok?

I have achieved everything I have from hard work over many many years> in addition to more gear than youve ever seen.
I have never used Slin or IGF but I have had alot of experience with GH, Hell, I used Cres Cormin> DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT THAT IS??? Or how 'bout Anatropin, or Bolasterone????? Thats back in the day thar Dbol really had a kick to it Anavar was made by searl and was $20/100tab Deca was $2.74/200ml and Test Cyp was $4/ 10ml.
Maybe that was before your time. ( Im 42 F'ing years old)
My point is . ...IM NO ROOKIE.
If youd like to discount my stats well, go ahead. But the fact of the matter is I am 5'8"260 10%! I have trained under John Parillos guidance and have trained and competed with a few fellas in the past...Daryl Stafford, Eddie Robinson, Tony Pierson,Ron Tuffel, Richard Baldwin, Frank Calta, Matt Dimmle, Dexter Jackson and alot of guys that never made it big,,,including myself. So chill with the Cyber muscle comments. If youre feeling dwarfed or cheated by your genetics dont blame me. Blame god or your crappy training habits, or both. I try to help anyone I can, when ever I can. What goes around comes around. Learn it - Live it.

I was simply asking for input from the board on something I already have alot of info on, but wanted to find out others opinons and techniques.....
Imagine>>> If I AM 260 and so ignorant, whats going to happen when I educate myself and learn what Im doing? HMMM

I want to thank those of you that replied in a helpful manner, I will always respond to you the same way.

Now Im pissed.... Jesus F'ing Christ, this guy is probabaly 158lbs with his wet diaper on....

Sorry for the rant Bro's.......
After that last comment ... I'll post some pics soon.....
You guys kill me. How many of you actually eat much more than 400gm of protien per day...NOT DRINK IT ....EAT IT. I dont count the drinks.......Be honest with yourself....if you can.
You put up a pic and prove it I will shut the fuck up...Yeah I am really sitting here right now in a diaper eating some mush food and weighing at whopping 158lbs....

I post and have proof of what I have and when you can do the same I will never questiong anything for one second....

Also if you are what you say you are why dont you just go over and win the USA's or Nationals...
Gee is it that easy??? just show up big and win... I never thought of that....
I would assume being that you are 5'8"-----------260 lbs 10%BF----- Arms(cold) 21"
Quads 31"------ Chest 54"------- Waist 35"

Don't you...
rjsilverback said:
After that last comment ... I'll post some pics soon.....
You guys kill me. How many of you actually eat much more than 400gm of protien per day...NOT DRINK IT ....EAT IT. I dont count the drinks.......Be honest with yourself....if you can.

I do everyday. I agree with you shakes are just extra real food makes you grow.
I have never got down more than maybe 450 gm Protien form food, and maybe 600 with drinks. I dont really think I need much more than 450g of protien a day..... sorry

And here a lesson for you Weight77...
Showing up big aint the half of it.....conditioning is every bit as important, IF NOT MORE important than shear size....

Lots of truley HUGH guys dont win...

And for the record Im hopin gto do well at Nationals, not neccessarily win it all..This is a person challenge ffor me and not a pissing contest with anyone else.....

You're telling on yourself little fella!
What bro are you kidding....Thanks for the very valuable lesson in competiton...I will make sure to write that one down....

I of course assumed that you would diet for the show and sice you are 10% you would probally walk in at around 245-247...depending on how much water your holding...

I just want a pic and I will shut up..I mean I am sure you have a picture of your self..I cant imagine a guy being 260 and not having a pic....

This is also not the first board you have posted you info on asking the same questions...I am sure you have got answers but still you post this....true maybe you just want different opinions but it seems to me you post just so people will know (or think) your stats are something great...and to maybe respect you and your opinion...

I am done with this post...I dont mean to disrespect you because you are older than me but when I think someone is not who they say there are I am going to call them out on it...

Your post just threw me with you size and you less than smart questions you ask..

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