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I'm ready to listen to get ripped


Jan 5, 2003
im sorry for sounding like a real kid in my other post. i have calmed down a bit. I am determined to get ripped. i do not know BF % but i can tell i am somewhere around 12-13%. this is by far the leanest i have ever been. well, anyway, i have not been training for a month, i have some serious personal issues involved right now, like getting kicked out, car impounded, no cash so no proper eating, i am barely eating. im walking everywhere so i am losing fat and muscle. i think i just got a job, so i am getting back up. i would like to get really lean and stay that way, ive decided to take up fighting although i will still train and do cardio. i will be able to tell if im getting fat, and theres no way i will ever pass 8% once i get there or leaner. im not a bodybuilder so i have no intentions of using steroids. t3 is a possibility. ive gotten some good help from wyldeone several months ago when i was around 18% BF or so but i did not follow it, i did not do cardio, i cant follow it now otherwise i would, because i weigh less. im sure i weigh 10-12 pounds less. ive lost alot of fat.

i dont know how many cals to eat, i dont even know how much i weigh, i dont have a scale where i stay, i cant afford to eat so much protein either. can i get ripped eating 1g per pound of bodyweight or is this too little? whatever it takes, i guess i'll have to spend every dollar again just to get ripped but i will do it. i have flaxseed oil. please help me guys. thanks and sorry for being a bitch in my other post.
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Well I think a very easy solution and probably the best solution is this.

Take what Wyldeone gave you and lower the calories by the percentage you weight less.

Eg. Say you were 250 when wylde one gave you the help. Now say you are 225 just adjust what he gave you by subtracting 10% from each of the meals.

Can't do much if any better than Wyldeone from what I hear.

I am woking with Skip and he is doing a GREAT job. He has 2 openings now if you are interested but it will cost you money. He is welll worth it buy you say you are short on cash.

Crowler said:
Well I think a very easy solution and probably the best solution is this.

Take what Wyldeone gave you and lower the calories by the percentage you weight less.

Eg. Say you were 250 when wylde one gave you the help. Now say you are 225 just adjust what he gave you by subtracting 10% from each of the meals.

Can't do much if any better than Wyldeone from what I hear.

I am woking with Skip and he is doing a GREAT job. He has 2 openings now if you are interested but it will cost you money. He is welll worth it buy you say you are short on cash.

i definately could follow wylde's diet/advice, but its also based on using drugs, unless i can just use t3? anyway, i weighed 150 when he gave me the diet (im around 5'6") and as you all know do not carry much muscle. so i weigh less now, i dont know how many cals the diet is exactly or how he multiplied it and i am too short on cash to continue working with him, i wish i could. anyway, i think i might dump one of the meals, maybe one of them that has a carb source in there.
Ok your objective is to lose some fat but not to get REALLY lean so your diet should be good but doesn't have to be perfect.

You weigh 165lbs so do approx 2500 calories per day divided into 6 meals.

After 2 weeks adjust the calories according to if you are losing fat or not.

That is pretty standard in MOST bodybuilding type programs.

Have good fat, carbs and protein in each meal.

Money is a big factor so I will show how it can be done VERY cheap.

For fat I would say olive oil since it is cheap.

Carbs use oatmeal, once again cheap.

Chicken can be had for about $4 for a 10lb bag use this for your protin.

I would stay away from the T3 for now.

Not sexy or fun but it will work.

Ok guys give it up give some ideas.
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Crowler said:
Ok your objective is to lose some fat but not to get REALLY lean so your diet should be good but doesn't have to be perfect.

You weigh 165lbs so do approx 2500 calories per day divided into 6 meals.

That is pretty standard in MOST bodybuilding type programs.

Have good fat, carbs and protein in each meal.

Money is a big factor so I will show how it can be done VERY cheap.

For fat I would say olive oil since it is cheap.

Carbs use oatmeal, once again cheap.

Chicken can be had for about $4 for a 10lb bag use this for your protin.

I would stay away from the T3 for now.

Not sexy or fun but it will work.

Ok guys give it up give some ideas.

no i was 17% at 150, i am ALOT leaner than that, so i think i am around early 140's or about 140. i need to weigh myself soon before i start. i have flaxseed oil and natural PB for fats, i love oatmeal so thats no prob. and what kind of chicken? it has to be chicken breast otherwise i get the bad fats from other pieces. i can get tuna and eggs also. the most expensive was the eye-of-round steaks, the albacore and protein powder!! cheapest i can get on chicken here are half-breasts for 98 cents per pound. but its chicken breast so thats good.

btw my goal IS to get really lean, not just lose some fat. i dont want any fat on me anymore. i want to get to 7% BF. i want to be really lean and im going to do it. hopefully this does not take so long. does 8 weeks sound possible. the diet wylde gave me was for 6-8 weeks coming from 16-18% BF (im now 12-13%) and we all know he's the man, i just never did the cardio. this time i will follow everything like it should be done and post my results..
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OK. this is a plan i have outlined for myself, i would like to see what you guys think, if im on track. currently, i think i weigh around 140-145, could be more or less. i am 5'6" with about 12% BF maybe less or more. Ive decided to eat 1700 calories per day, using a 50/30/20 (Carb, Pro, Fat) ratio. should i eat more, i really want to get lean i dont have much muscle to spare and im not getting into contest condition.

GOAL: 7% BF (i do not know how long it will take me maybe 12 weeks or under?)







this is about 210g protein, 120g carbs, and 40g fat which is 1680 calories.

CARDIO: Upon waking, i will go for a jog, about 20-30 minutes with walking breaks or biking at the gym post-workout. no cardio on wed (leg day) and sundays so 5 times per week. also, will be doing cardio at night 2 hours or so after the last meal but probably not 5 times per week unless you guys think i will need to.


incline dumbell 3 sets, flat dumbell 3 sets, dumbell shoulder presses, side laterals each 2-3 sets and 3 sets of vertical dips

squats, hack squats, calves, abs, 3 sets each
deadlifts, barbell rows, standing barbell curls or incline dumbell curls, forearms.

let me know what you guys think.
Re: r

rippedboy said:
Ive decided to eat 1700 calories per day, using a 50/30/20 (Carb, Pro, Fat) ratio.
I believe you mean 50/30/20 (Pro, Carb, Fat) ratio. This diet looks familiar :)

I think its a great starting point. Since you're not really looking to get "as lean as possible" you may be able to add in a cheat meal (or eve a cheat day if you're doing well) every week to help maintain your sanity.

I would give yourself more than 12-weeks given your traccck record. You should find a "consistent" method for verifying/checking BF measurements and do so once a week to verify your progress. If you don't lose BF in a week or gain fat then need to alter the game plan.

Re: Re: r

xcelbeyond said:

I believe you mean 50/30/20 (Pro, Carb, Fat) ratio. This diet looks familiar :)

I think its a great starting point. Since you're not really looking to get "as lean as possible" you may be able to add in a cheat meal (or eve a cheat day if you're doing well) every week to help maintain your sanity.

I would give yourself more than 12-weeks given your traccck record. You should find a "consistent" method for verifying/checking BF measurements and do so once a week to verify your progress. If you don't lose BF in a week or gain fat then need to alter the game plan.


sorry yeah i meant pro, carb, fat ratio. i think i will add a good cheat meal every saturday but will still do cardio that day. i will need to weigh myself, take BF measurements before i start and will do so while going through. i will try not to look at the scale but just at BF measurements. and i think every 2 weeks sounds better than every week. i dont have much cash for the dunking way so i might just use calipers again. i actually want to get my BF tested next week. should i still do the night cardio. i know if i do this cardio, i will lose fat quick. i just never was consistent with the cardio. but now i will be.
Calipers are fine as long as an "experienced" person is taking measurements (will measure in relatively identical spots).

You'll need to use the scale, at least in correlation with BF measurements.

I believe that doing "low-intensity" cardio first thing in morning upon waking before eating "anything" is the most productive use of cardio.


xcelbeyond said:
Calipers are fine as long as an "experienced" person is taking measurements (will measure in relatively identical spots).

You'll need to use the scale, at least in correlation with BF measurements.

I believe that doing "low-intensity" cardio first thing in morning upon waking before eating "anything" is the most productive use of cardio.


yes i think this is true, but its also the most difficult time since you just wake up. how low of intensity are we talking here? wouldnt medium or higher intensity burn more fat? how about 20-30 minutes of jogging/walking fast?
Looks like a plan

My $0.02

RB, your biggest hurdle is not the diet itself, it is sticking to it. That being said, this sounds like a very reasonable plan. Congrats on devising it (or finding it).

I wouldn't worry about hydrostatic weighing or even getting a fullblown BF test done (I know you're on a budget). A pair of $20.00 calipers and a few landmarks on yourself and you can evaluate your progress:
-Pic 2-3 sites that *you* can easily measure on yourself, e.g, mid front thigh, abdominal and suprailiac (on your side above your pelvis). Use a freckle as a landmark, or a bone itself if you can find it easily. That you have accurately chosen the sites used for body comp. estimation does not matter. If you've got fat there, can MEASURE THE SAME PLACE CONSISTENTLY (hint, hint), and see a reduction in skinfold size as well as body weight, then you've lost fat.

Use gym strength to indirectly quantify muscle mass. Pick 3-4 exercises (bench, squat, deadlift, pulldown, etc.), perform a max heavy set of each (5-8 reps) and then repeat with the same weight to guage muscle loss.

When you think you're nearing the look you want, you can get the real deal done to see if you're actually at 7% BF.

Since consistency is a tough one for you, I'd do this:

Make a contract with yourself. Even type it out, sign it and put it on the fridge, with copies wherever you are when you'll be tempted to cheat on your diet. Every week that you indeed stick to your diet, you will be rewarded with a cheat meal, a trip to the movies, a porno-flick - whatever floats your boat. Something that you like and is a reward. If you do not stick to your diet, don't flog yourself. Get back on the horse and continue so you can get your reward the next week. The big reward will come at the end.

Also, you seem to have some pretty intense body image problems. I'm somewhat concerned when you say that once you get to 7% that you will never go to 8%. That sounds a bit obsessive-compulsive. (Actually more than a bit.) Remember what so many of the guys here told you in your other thread - the "secret" is to be in it FOR THE LONG HAUL. If you stumble, you straigten yourself and keep moving ahead, if you get knocked down, you stand back up and keep going, and if you get knocked out, you wake up, get off your ass and keep on moving forward...

Rippedboy, now is the time to grow up and change the 2nd part of your handle, and live up to its 1st part.

Re: Looks like a plan

homonunculus said:
My $0.02

RB, your biggest hurdle is not the diet itself, it is sticking to it. That being said, this sounds like a very reasonable plan. Congrats on devising it (or finding it).

I wouldn't worry about hydrostatic weighing or even getting a fullblown BF test done (I know you're on a budget). A pair of $20.00 calipers and a few landmarks on yourself and you can evaluate your progress:
-Pic 2-3 sites that *you* can easily measure on yourself, e.g, mid front thigh, abdominal and suprailiac (on your side above your pelvis). Use a freckle as a landmark, or a bone itself if you can find it easily. That you have accurately chosen the sites used for body comp. estimation does not matter. If you've got fat there, can MEASURE THE SAME PLACE CONSISTENTLY (hint, hint), and see a reduction in skinfold size as well as body weight, then you've lost fat.

Use gym strength to indirectly quantify muscle mass. Pick 3-4 exercises (bench, squat, deadlift, pulldown, etc.), perform a max heavy set of each (5-8 reps) and then repeat with the same weight to guage muscle loss.

When you think you're nearing the look you want, you can get the real deal done to see if you're actually at 7% BF.

Since consistency is a tough one for you, I'd do this:

Make a contract with yourself. Even type it out, sign it and put it on the fridge, with copies wherever you are when you'll be tempted to cheat on your diet. Every week that you indeed stick to your diet, you will be rewarded with a cheat meal, a trip to the movies, a porno-flick - whatever floats your boat. Something that you like and is a reward. If you do not stick to your diet, don't flog yourself. Get back on the horse and continue so you can get your reward the next week. The big reward will come at the end.

Also, you seem to have some pretty intense body image problems. I'm somewhat concerned when you say that once you get to 7% that you will never go to 8%. That sounds a bit obsessive-compulsive. (Actually more than a bit.) Remember what so many of the guys here told you in your other thread - the "secret" is to be in it FOR THE LONG HAUL. If you stumble, you straigten yourself and keep moving ahead, if you get knocked down, you stand back up and keep going, and if you get knocked out, you wake up, get off your ass and keep on moving forward...

Rippedboy, now is the time to grow up and change the 2nd part of your handle, and live up to its 1st part.


man this post really struck me bro. i appreciate every word you wrote. everything you wrote about me is true, it isnt the diet itself but the consistency, why am i like this, i dont know, i am like this with everything, jobs, people, friends. i dont know where this comes from. you are right about the intense body image problems. i was fat all my life and i am sick of it, thats why i got into bodybuilding, i told myself im going to show everyone, but the 'everyone' are people i dont see anymore. it is a fight in my head, i am full of so much anger, all the time because of this, im about to tear right now, because i think i am going to get what i had always dreamed of: 6-pack, tight, thin-looking skin, hard, full, muscular, vascular, strong (and then i'll tan). i thought it was all genetic and that i was just meant to be the fat kid forever. i was never really so fat, i mean i weighed 150 in high school with no muscle and about 20-25% BF, except when i was bulking, but most of my life i was the one with a gut and chubby face and short, too. i didnt want to be the weak, pussy-looking fat short kid anymore. i am not like that anymore since i am so much leaner. im older too. i look lean, but i want to be ripped and 7% BF is ripped for me. . but ever since i was a kid, i was jealous of the other boys who were lean and taller and even tougher and stronger than i was. i just couldnt handle it.
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All I see are long term goals. That's good but you need to set for yourself, short term goals so you can stay focused and on track. Start by focusing on weekly or daily goals that you can accomplish. DON'T put a time line on when you will reach 7% BF, you are not competing...........You need to have stay focused until you reach 7%.........and staying there.

It's great to want to be 7% BF, I been there but can't maintain it. Knowing this it doesn't bother me to gain anymore, because I know how to get back. It takes the 3 D's....Desire, Dedication, and Determination. You at least have the Desire, incorporate the other two and you will find your goal.

The first and only person you have to convince thisgoal is possible is yourself.

also, before i get too excited, i would like to know, can everyone get ripped even if they were 20% for a long time? or will i have a sticking point somewhere? i know it is easier for ectomorphs and mesomorphs and ecto-meso's but can everyone get to contest condition or even to 7% BF with training/diet and cardio?
Good post, Bigarms


Bigarms has some good ideas. I would listen.

The "3 D's" is a rule to live by in bodybuilding.

I hear what you're saying about when you were younger. You may have an extra hurdle to climb (a psychological one), but definitely not one that's insurmountable. Take all of that pain, hurt, embarrassment, frustration and anger and focus it. Let it drive you during those time when you feel trapped in a "jail." Take control of what was once controlling you. Bodybuilding is EXACTLY the opposite of a "jail." It is all about taking control of yourself, your habits, your mind and your body.

Yes, there is no doubt that it is physiologically possible for you to achieve 7% BF. (There are people who are severe genetic condition which result in extremely morbid obesity and would probably die before they got to 7% - if you were one of those people, you would be 400lb or more by now.)

Enough talking, my man.

Re: Good post, Bigarms

homonunculus said:

Bigarms has some good ideas. I would listen.

The "3 D's" is a rule to live by in bodybuilding.

I hear what you're saying about when you were younger. You may have an extra hurdle to climb (a psychological one), but definitely not one that's insurmountable. Take all of that pain, hurt, embarrassment, frustration and anger and focus it. Let it drive you during those time when you feel trapped in a "jail." Take control of what was once controlling you. Bodybuilding is EXACTLY the opposite of a "jail." It is all about taking control of yourself, your habits, your mind and your body.

Yes, there is no doubt that it is physiologically possible for you to achieve 7% BF. (There are people who are severe genetic condition which result in extremely morbid obesity and would probably die before they got to 7% - if you were one of those people, you would be 400lb or more by now.)

Enough talking, my man.


i will live by the 3 D's. about my extra hurdle to climb, this is what i think about all day, this is the most important thing of my life, changing my appearance for a better me. i would think of this very seriously when i was doing the cardio and dieting strictly. one time almost passed out going really fast on the treadmill for a long time, sure i knew it wouldnt do much, but it was the moment. at the gym, i train intense all the time, because those thoughts are in my head all the time. ii would think about those times when i was a kid and i would just go nuts and start talking aloud, and cussing aloud, in front of anyone who was around me. most of the time it is when i am alone of course after looking at myself in the mirror, id call myself a fat ass loser, and will never get lean or big or strong no matter what i did, and just talk shit. i guarantee i will still do so when i get to 7%, or even 4%, i just will !! i am obssessive-compulsive, i always was and knew about it and always will be.

anyone else want to critique my plan? how do i figure out my maintenance cals, is 1700 good for 140 pounds at about 12-13% BF or is it too low? remember this time i will be doing cardio up to twice per day 5 times per week, mostly jogging and walking fast. 2 days out of the week will be biking for 30 minutes post-workout (after my shake or should i do it before?)

oh and BTW, should my post-workout drink contain about 30g simple carbs like dextrose or maltodextrin? i dont know if i should add a bit more carbs on training days. it makes sense that i should. what do you guys think?
Re: Re: Good post, Bigarms

rippedboy said:
one time almost passed out going really fast on the treadmill for a long time, sure i knew it wouldnt do much, but it was the moment. at the gym, i train intense all the time, because those thoughts are in my head all the time.
You need to train "smart" not by "more is better" (read my signature). Doing what you did does nothing more than feed your ego and burns muscle, which is not what you want to accomplish.

Re: Re: Re: Good post, Bigarms

xcelbeyond said:

You need to train "smart" not by "more is better" (read my signature). Doing what you did does nothing more than feed your ego and burns muscle, which is not what you want to accomplish.


you are right. do you think i am good with my training? it will be a shock for my body, as in i have been training differently, and also i have not trained for almost 2 months now. i hope i am not overtraining or planning to do anything wrong here. i am glad i dont need to worry about the gear working or kicking in, that just makes me frustrated. now it will all about training/diet and cardio. last time i was too busy worrying and thinking the roids would do most of the work. this time im on my own and this will help me in the future if i ever need to diet down again (that is, if i plan to bulk after i get lean). i do plan to add more muscle and of course i know this takes time and some more bulking and more dieting, but it will be easier for me since i will know how to diet properly and not be lost anywhere. i just do not plan to live the lifestyle of a bodybuilder where everything revolves around it.

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