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Injury prevention and tips


Oct 31, 2008
Just wondering what u all thought is a sure way to prevent injuries. We all had some injuries and afterwards we think back how could we avoid them. Anyone have any solid ideas for prevention and at the same time have steady gains..Thoughts?
don't do 1 rep maxes

avoid flat barbell benchpress, close-grip upright rows and behind the neck movements
Another big thing that might help is not going up in weight on your exercises too fast. Give the connective tissue a chance to keep up with the growth of muscle. When youre taking steroids this can be a big problem. That caused me some injuries for sure. For me lifting early in the morning was another bad risk. Takes me hours to become less stiff and ready to go. Sometimes you can be doing everything right and still get hurt though.
Been seeing a therapist at my chiropractor for about 2 years. He has really helped. There was a lot of stuff that I was just dealing with, I figured it just hurt and it would keep hurting.

That combined with the chiropractor, the actual adjustments, I'm not sure about. But, both the chiropractor and therapist are into some exercise stuff, crossfit, jiu jitsu, lifting. The two combined give me some exercises and stretches to improve and keep me going.
Just wondering what u all thought is a sure way to prevent injuries. We all had some injuries and afterwards we think back how could we avoid them. Anyone have any solid ideas for prevention and at the same time have steady gains..Thoughts?

There is no SURE way to prevent injuries. It also depends who you're talking to, a competitive bodybuilder, competitive powerlifter, gym rat, etc? For those that compete, they have to push the limits. Another facet of it is genetics. Listen to your body. Over the years I've heard a lot of non competitive guys talk about their injuries and then say that they can't take any time off or stop training that body part. That's a recipe for further injury and definite time off.
don't do 1 rep maxes

avoid flat barbell benchpress, close-grip upright rows and behind the neck movements

This one's hilarious 😂😂
Someone clearly can't use their shoulders correctly
As I have gotten older it is almost mandatory that I stretch for a good 10-15 minutes prior to working out. This helps me get the blood flowing and also warms up my joints. I do a lot of band stretches for my shoulders and always make sure my hammies aren't tight(lower back).
Just to add, do warmups for every exercise building up to your working weight regardless of if it’s your 1st or 3rd,4th movement for that body part.

mid something doesn’t feel right don’t do it, don’t push through little nagging pains. Especially nagging tendon pains.
Honestly the only good advice I can tell you is to KEEP MOVING, too much rest is counter productive
don't do 1 rep maxes

avoid flat barbell benchpress, close-grip upright rows and behind the neck movements
Ok i heard about behind the neck movements for risk but what about flat barbell bench and close grip upright rows? Please explain...I do mostly incline bench or decline .Havent done much flat for quite sometime. Whats the theory on this?
Another big thing that might help is not going up in weight on your exercises too fast. Give the connective tissue a chance to keep up with the growth of muscle. When youre taking steroids this can be a big problem. That caused me some injuries for sure. For me lifting early in the morning was another bad risk. Takes me hours to become less stiff and ready to go. Sometimes you can be doing everything right and still get hurt though.
So ... i just changed to a high rep routine for a while to see how that works. The other day i did preacher curls for biceps for 15 reps. I wonder how much weight can i safely go up if i do biceps again the following week? If i added 5 pounds of weight the next time i did biceps with close to same reps, i should be safe..correct? So how much is too much weight too fast in your opinion?
Just to add, do warmups for every exercise building up to your working weight regardless of if it’s your 1st or 3rd,4th movement for that body part.

mid something doesn’t feel right don’t do it, don’t push through little nagging pains. Especially nagging tendon pains.
Yes and it all depends on existing other problems we are having .I was having alot of pain in certain muscles like biceps and i have always pushed them hard. I think im taking care of some of those problems as i believe i was mercury teeth toxic for so long. After so much research and some products i believe im getting the heavy metals out of me. My nervous system was really messed up as well as my sleeping and it has been for many years.Ill know in a while if this heavy metal detox is working .....heres hoping...Then i can push more and recover better... Thanks for your comments.
As I have gotten older it is almost mandatory that I stretch for a good 10-15 minutes prior to working out. This helps me get the blood flowing and also warms up my joints. I do a lot of band stretches for my shoulders and always make sure my hammies aren't tight(lower back).
Good advice...thanks..
So ... i just changed to a high rep routine for a while to see how that works. The other day i did preacher curls for biceps for 15 reps. I wonder how much weight can i safely go up if i do biceps again the following week? If i added 5 pounds of weight the next time i did biceps with close to same reps, i should be safe..correct? So how much is too much weight too fast in your opinion?

I might be a minority here but I sometimes ponder if high reps especially if done to failure is actually safer or not, with that long of working sets I can imagine it’s harder to keep100% focus on good form and in my personal experience I’m much better at keeping form strict in the 6-8 range then the 12,15+ range especially on legs as more cardiovascular exhaustion comes into play.
There is no SURE way to prevent injuries. It also depends who you're talking to, a competitive bodybuilder, competitive powerlifter, gym rat, etc? For those that compete, they have to push the limits. Another facet of it is genetics. Listen to your body. Over the years I've heard a lot of non competitive guys talk about their injuries and then say that they can't take any time off or stop training that body part. That's a recipe for further injury and definite time off.
I hear ya... Rest and recovery is vital for pushing harder. Im trying to take care of that recovery part better. For me diet and supplementation is fairly good but i believe i have been mercury heavy metal toxic for so long that it messed up alot of things like sleep and central nervous system . I have done a ton a research on this and i hope im onto better times of taking care of this in and out of the gym.. Thanks for your comments.
I might be a minority here but I sometimes ponder if high reps especially if done to failure is actually safer or not, with that long of working sets I can imagine it’s harder to keep100% focus on good form and in my personal experience I’m much better at keeping form strict in the 6-8 range then the 12,15+ range especially on legs as more cardiovascular exhaustion comes into play.
I gonna try it for a while ..My understanding was from some research here on a high rep post was the high reps will circulate more nutrients into the muscle as well as hormones. I have been using insulin as well on and off for a while and slin does provide a better pump preworkout of course with my carb drink preworkout. Its good for change i guess bit im gonna mix it up with high reps and also with lower reps more heavier later . But i have alot of joint or tendon pain so maybe the high reps, lower weight would help that a bit... for a while.....
Using a lacrose ball to roll out lats/chest/shoulders

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