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Injury: What do you think about me not hitting arms directly?

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Featured Member / Kilo Klub
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Kilo Klub Member
Apr 29, 2007
My bicep on my left arm has a strainded tendon and a good size knot on it.
My tricep tendon on my right arm is incredibly sore.

Neither ofthese are bad enough to keep me from training. They are not getting worse but they aren't getting better. Lower intensity training didn't help. Ice & anti-inflamitories haven't helped.

I was thinking of just skipping direct arm training for awhile. Just let them get their work when I do chest or back. I never heard of anyone doing this, anyone here ever do that?

Actual experience with this?
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Should be fine. They may not grow much from indirect stimulation but they shouldn't atrophy either. Far more important to let them heal!
I would say take a break, course we're all bull headed here so
Stay away from any type of isolation or extentions. Easy up on heavy
i have done it. for about six months i did it and suffered no real consequences although i want to say it might have been smarter to not train em at all. cuz it took a long time for injury to heal as it was still getting worked from back exercises. eventually i did take a 2 month break from back and bi training and it healed 3 times as fast. not training back and bi's it healed in about 2 months whereas took 6 months when still hitting back.
man, i coulda said that all in 3 sentences lol.... hope you get what i was trying to say.
I would say take a break, course we're all bull headed here so
Stay away from any type of isolation or extentions. Easy up on heavy

ya mean quit lifting :eek: no way!

it's not that bad...yet. I just don't want either of them to get chronic

Johnny, cool that you did get relief when you stopped training them directly.
LET THEM HEAL!!! You don't know what the severity is of the injuries unless you've had them looked at, and by training them intentionally and straining them you may cause yourself far more damage....I hate not training <anything> as much as the next guy but it's not the brightest idea to intentionally strain a muscle that's already showing signs of damage...
Definitely let your arms heal. As far as exercises, I wouldn't do anything that puts direct strain on them. As far as which exercises, that's your call as you know your body better than anyone else. Above all, remember that we bodybuilders pride ourselves on being some of the most (if not THE most) disciplined athletes in the world, and a part of that discipline is knowing when NOT to train as much as anything else. You just have to figure out how to work around it so as to allow it to heal, which is a part of the art of bodybuilding.
Slyder, really, thanks for your concern but at my age the amount of injuries is overwhelming but I have continued to train anyway.
i did no direct arm work for nearly a year. did not lose any size whatsoever and they always felt pumped and full on upper body days from chest and back training.
i did no direct arm work for nearly a year. did not lose any size whatsoever and they always felt pumped and full on upper body days from chest and back training.
Thanks Tom!

That was my biggest concern.
Slyder, really, thanks for your concern but at my age the amount of injuries is overwhelming but I have continued to train anyway.

Believe me, I get it....back's fucked up sometimes, knees hurt, elbows are tender some days...at the ripe old age of 29! I am 10 years in though, so some of it's due...heavy lifting will eventually catch up....but my point was that I'm sure you won't atrophy from a lack of direct training for a few months. I hope it all heals up and you're back in the saddle soon.
if your arms are chronically overtrained (sounds possible from the injuries) they may revover and grow from avoiding direct work for a while, but rest does sound like the ticket.
What I have always done is train around it, but with no direct stimulation at all for at least a few weeks. I would do pullovers with a cable machine and deadlifts for back and cable crossovers for chest for a couple weeks. That gives them an almost total rest for a couple weeks and I like DMSO during the whole time. Then slowly into the compound movements for back and chest.
I'm just like you. I always train so you just have to be smart with your exercises. I also have a home ultrasound machine that helps me heal substantially faster.
Dude...Iwas looking into a home ultrasound machine since I have a lot of scar tissue and adhesions in my muscles.

What brand did you buy?
if your arms are chronically overtrained (sounds possible from the injuries) they may revover and grow from avoiding direct work for a while, but rest does sound like the ticket.

The bicep was from an armbar.

The tricep was over-compensation from left arm nerve damage (a neck injury from grappling) and my right tricep taking up the workload.

I have since started training only with DB's so my stronger side can't do all the work. But I still need to take it down a notch.
AD you ever tried active release? my guy works on my tennis elbow when it comes back...he blasts it for a 4 or 5 times and I stop arm work during that time....
AD you ever tried active release? my guy works on my tennis elbow when it comes back...he blasts it for a 4 or 5 times and I stop arm work during that time....
The closest place to me that I can find that does active release is an hour away. I have thought about giving it a try but that is a heck of a drive!
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The closest place to me that I can find that does active release is an hour away. I have thought about giving it a try but that is a heck of a drive!

you will know later that day or the next if it helped. as soon as swelling goes down after visit. I've tried everything you can try and I this was the best.
I am into my six month of no bicep work other than hammer curls the last month with no more than 50lb dumbells.

Almost, almost pain free, but it was so bad I am not tempting it. I couldnt hardly hold one of my 7 lb dogs with me left arm bent.

Hurt mine preacher curling with cambered bar.

I certainly can tell a difference but its no where near as great as I would have feared.
Same here

same here bro.I did the anti inflam thing.I got Hydrocodone.Helps a lil.But than s--t makes me feel bad.I am laying off arms for a while.Good luck bro.

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