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John Meadows T3


Old School Moderator
Staff member
Jun 20, 2002
Curious what everyone thinks of his brief T3 use starting @ 6:29

This was for the Arnold classic 212 where he really struggled to make weight, right?
This was for the Arnold classic 212 where he really struggled to make weight, right?
Yeah John was stage ready at 225 to 230 or so.. he struggled to make 212.. he battled that decision for quite some time..
I’ll be honest, I think the fear around T3 is overhyped. I’ve never had issues coming off and never seen anyone have issues coming off.

I think honestly what’s happening is people are on GH/Tren and other drugs that affect their thyroid, and then blame issues on the T3.

I also don’t understand the point of 25mcg EOD personally, I’d imagine it’s just gonna push down TSH then you spend the next day trying to recover then you crush it again etc

Much love for John, but I guess I’m missing the point of this protocol.
I can tell you first hand that although you may not experience thyroid issues coming off of t3 that doesn’t mean others don’t. Your experience isn’t everyone’s. Just like some folks recover quickly after a heavy cycle and others test levels remain non existent for years.

I ran t3 for awhile many years ago … 12 whole weeks after cessation and my TSH was 28.8 and my t3/t4 levels were super low. My thyroid wasn’t showing signs of recovering on its own and the hypo symptoms at that level were horrid. Ultimately I ended up on doctor prescribed t4 as my thyroid just never bounced back.

It might be rare but it absolutely does happen.
I can tell you first hand that although you may not experience thyroid issues coming off of t3 that doesn’t mean others don’t. Your experience isn’t everyone’s. Just like some folks recover quickly after a heavy cycle and others test levels remain non existent for years.

I ran t3 for awhile many years ago … 12 whole weeks after cessation and my TSH was 28.8 and my t3/t4 levels were super low. My thyroid wasn’t showing signs of recovering on its own and the hypo symptoms at that level were horrid. Ultimately I ended up on doctor prescribed t4 as my thyroid just never bounced back.

It might be rare but it absolutely does happen.
Did you check your antibodies?
Did you check your antibodies?
Yes multiple full thyroid panels … my TSH went from 70 to ~30 and then stagnated. The sides were too much so after three months my doctor and I concluded best next step was t4. Took awhile to sort it since t4 is slow to work/long half life but I’ve gotten my dose zero’d in and we keep my TSH at ~2. Wouldn’t wish extreme hypothyroidism on anyone. If I could I would go back and never have used t3 … it never improved my physique I looked flat and worse on it to boot.
T3 is very effective if used properly. Pyramid up and back down the same way with the dosing. Prolonged use can also be a problem.
6-8 weeks should be good. Especially when used with clenbuterol at the same time.
Yes multiple full thyroid panels … my TSH went from 70 to ~30 and then stagnated. The sides were too much so after three months my doctor and I concluded best next step was t4. Took awhile to sort it since t4 is slow to work/long half life but I’ve gotten my dose zero’d in and we keep my TSH at ~2. Wouldn’t wish extreme hypothyroidism on anyone. If I could I would go back and never have used t3 … it never improved my physique I looked flat and worse on it to boot.
What were your antibody levels?

Also curious how much t3 you ran, 25-50mcg never made me feel flat or hurt my physique personally.
John was literally starving when he turned pro and had to compete at 212. I wonder why he never tried any shows at the open.
I can tell you first hand that although you may not experience thyroid issues coming off of t3 that doesn’t mean others don’t. Your experience isn’t everyone’s. Just like some folks recover quickly after a heavy cycle and others test levels remain non existent for years.

I ran t3 for awhile many years ago … 12 whole weeks after cessation and my TSH was 28.8 and my t3/t4 levels were super low. My thyroid wasn’t showing signs of recovering on its own and the hypo symptoms at that level were horrid. Ultimately I ended up on doctor prescribed t4 as my thyroid just never bounced back.

It might be rare but it absolutely does happen.
How many weeks after t 3 cessession did you get labs?

Generally whether it's two years or six weeks, it takes five to six weeks for levels to normalize.
It’s literally in the post you quoted amigo … 12 weeks in and I was still severely hypothyroid on lab work
You never said what your antibodies were? Had you used tren or GH? Any family history of autoimmune issues?
You never said what your antibodies were? Had you used tren or GH? Any family history of autoimmune issues?
Tren no and GH was off and on in 3iu spurts once a blue moon but not often or consistent. I didn’t note the antibodies results on the blood work because they were unremarkable. And yes everyone in my family has autoimmune issues/diseases. I personally have a rare autoimmune disease called c3g disease. I have a sister with lupus, a sister with a rare autoimmune condition that affects her eyes, a sister with asthma, my mom with rheumatoid arthritis, etc. I won the shit genetic lottery on that front.
Tren no and GH was off and on in 3iu spurts once a blue moon but not often or consistent. I didn’t note the antibodies results on the blood work because they were unremarkable. And yes everyone in my family has autoimmune issues/diseases. I personally have a rare autoimmune disease called c3g disease. I have a sister with lupus, a sister with a rare autoimmune condition that affects her eyes, a sister with asthma, my mom with rheumatoid arthritis, etc. I won the shit genetic lottery on that front.
Just was curious as usually people I see with thyroid issues coming off had something pre existing that didn’t butt it’s head until exogenous use exacerbated it, but if your antibodies looked good I’d imagine no hashimotos or anything. And I’d imagine 3iu gh wouldn’t be enough to cause hypothyroidism, although anything’s possible. Sounds like just really shit luck man, sorry to hear.
I miss John, he was a good friend!

I miss our talks we had over the decades😥
Virtually everyone should be able to naturally restore thyroid production after coming off within a few weeks (usually less). If your thyroid levels are poor after stopping, that means they were more than likely already poor before you started.

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