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John Meadows on intuitive training


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Kilo Klub Member
Apr 20, 2009

Came across this video by John RIP great content as always. I've never done his programming before but recently have been looking into it.

I know we've had threads about his exercises and routines but this video is more about guiding principles and training philosophy which I liked. A couple things that stood out

1. He talks about the importance of exercise order. Explains the rationale behind the sequence he puts exercises. Tricep for example

First exercise is something that warms the muscle up feels good gets blood in there. Maybe pressdowns.

Second exercise is something you can get heavy on beat logbook. Dip machine maybe.

Third exercise is something you can include an intensity technique.

Last exercise is something you can really get a long stretch maybe skulls or overhead extensions.

2. He talks about how an advanced trainer could ideally train intuitive. Rather than need a set split, ideally you train a part again when it's recovered. If all parts feel recovered, what part do you need to work on? Train that. Never heard anyone talk about this as most of us have a set routine.

Also found it interesting and like how it seems he thinks training intense in general is more important than the logbook. And he doesn't like the terms high and low volume.,I believe people usually refer to his programming as high volume but he didn't necessarily view it that way.

One of the best ever thought some may want to listen and curious about people's thoughts on these principles or his overall programs as he gave us a variety
Many bodybuilders train intuitively.. Lee priest rarely had a set routine.. he just tried to make sure to train everything at least once a week.. I had guys at my gym I owned that woukd come in and look in the mirror and decide what needed work.. back might get 2 days in a row.. etc.. so intuitive training is nothing new.. john just was one of the first to address it to the masses..
And that's not a know on john.. I loved the guy.. talked to him literally everyday.. etc.. its just he didn't come up with it all by himself.. people have been traini g that way forever
Many bodybuilders train intuitively.. Lee priest rarely had a set routine.. he just tried to make sure to train everything at least once a week.. I had guys at my gym I owned that woukd come in and look in the mirror and decide what needed work.. back might get 2 days in a row.. etc.. so intuitive training is nothing new.. john just was one of the first to address it to the masses..
And that's not a know on john.. I loved the guy.. talked to him literally everyday.. etc.. its just he didn't come up with it all by himself.. people have been traini g that way forever
I haven't seen much of it in forums, it makes sense though. Back in the day guys were less worried about training science and optimization they just went in and trained hard. Do most guys have set off days or typically train every day and take off as needed?
I haven't seen much of it in forums, it makes sense though. Back in the day guys were less worried about training science and optimization they just went in and trained hard. Do most guys have set off days or typically train every day and take off as needed?
Depends on the individual.. some guys need that regimented and structured routines.. some are more laid back and do what they want...

ive have written about this numerous times but will state it again.. your works shoukd follow your personality.. a guy like Lee priest who is very laid back and a non conformist does his own thing. Doesn't over think the routine or science behind it.. he does what he wants.. his personality couldn't follow a very structured routine.. whereas a guy who has a very structure based personality and detail oriented needs to follow " the science" and wants structured workouts. They want to be told what is best based on studies and wants to know when to deload etc..

Both types can be succesful.. do what you enjoy and that will lead to better consistency in your training.. me personally? If i dont want to train that day i dont.. i know what bodyparts im doing on a given day but no idea the sets. The techniques.. reps.. cadence.. etc.. i do what i want or need that day....
powerlifters do this quite often. Just more strategically.

Deadlift day might say: Work up to a max effort triple on deficit deadlift. Then do 3 sets of 3 at 10% load drop.

It’s intuitive because if you feel amazing, you might pull 475 for that top set. If your hungover from your fiancés birthday, you might hit 425.

Either way, the effort is still relatively the same, just it’s auto regulated to real life. John just let everyone think about if your wore the fuck down, chest supported machine rows are much friendlier than bent barbell rows
if youre an elite heavily muscular lifter, you'll probably go through both ends of the spectrum over your lifting career.
There are times in my life where I needed crazy structure...where i needed to force myself to hack 9 plates and mentally make it there.
I knew i needed to hit this workout, in this order, beating these reps in the log book.
And there are other times where I just need to walk into the gym and push myself based on how i feel. There is no right or wrong way.

Everything works. But everything wont work forever. (sounds like a Yogi Berra quote I know lol)
I've been watching some of John's shoulder workouts, seems like he does use the activate, load, pump, stretch sequence? Also seems like he uses less volume for delts than arms?
The more you learn the less you know.

I was always searching for the perfect split/schedule/reprange etc. I think the stress of wanting to do everything perfect costed me more gains then what I got from it lol. Now I know which muscles I'm going to hit, but I just freestyle when I am there. Just train fucking hard and (sometimes) to failure and you will grow.
The more you learn the less you know.

I was always searching for the perfect split/schedule/reprange etc. I think the stress of wanting to do everything perfect costed me more gains then what I got from it lol. Now I know which muscles I'm going to hit, but I just freestyle when I am there. Just train fucking hard and (sometimes) to failure and you will grow.
Great post, I've switched to the same. About to walk into the gym... excited to destroy a body part. Not walking in looking around worrying how busy it is because a few machines I need may not be available when I need them.
how can you train hard without training to failure?
I used to agree with this, but after switching to higher volumes and reps, I feel more "destroyed" in the target muscle walking out. Maybe just the sheer amount of work volume not resting long. I think failure is always best but with higher reps, more pump type stuff, the finish line becomes blurred at the end between what is muscular failure and what is just so much burn and pain that you can't continue that set.
bro, do you even stimulate and not annihilate?
Are you referring to continuing to train "past the pump" where you have a great pump, but keep hitting sets, and it goes bye bye? Ive always been low volume not a concern but since I switched I do feel like I did this a few times and recognized it.
Are you referring to continuing to train "past the pump" where you have a great pump, but keep hitting sets, and it goes bye bye? Ive always been low volume not a concern but since I switched I do feel like I did this a few times and recognized it.
right over your head huh?
Google Lee Haney
Weider Instinctive Training Principle was the name brand back in my early days.

Similar to juggy's comments on PL, OL side would see lifters work up to a single max for that day and then base the % lifts off it. Kind of auto regulating.

I'm all for thoughtful deviation in a session, week or even for multi month periods just to refresh (at the extreme) but failure to plan is a plan to fail. Make a critical assessment Of what needs to be done, figure out a plan to maximize based on weak/strong points and work it. Don't just walk in and hope to get better at specific things by applying totally random and whimsical effort. The closer one is to one's potential the more targeted and specific the stimulus and training must be to improve.

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