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Kai Greene dominates Branch and Jonnie J.

I think they look as if they are not as confident but Kai seems to be carrying a big ego there. Can you wear sneakers on stage. He also seemed to come out late on purpose or something. Kai also seemed to winded just walking out on stage to hold his mid section tight. Big Ego Yeah big guy but doesnt seem very approachable. I dunno but I did see somewhat of what you are talking about but Branch looks pretty good. JJ seems a little off. MM
Kai is definitely huge but...

Last year, lets not forget, Branch did place 2nd. Branch is a freak as well and knows how to bring the granite for a show!!

Branch trains like a rabid animal!:eek: I don't think he can be written off as easily as you may think. He has been in the game a long time and knows how to prepare for a show!!

I don't think Johnnie will be in the top 5, but that is just my opinion.
Kai will eventually fall....

Unlike Branch, Kai is one of the highest AAS abusers out there. Like Ronnie once was. Eventually like Ronnie he will fall and be fucked up.

Branch may look like an abuser but isnt a dumb ass like Kai, and guys like Trey brewer.
Kai will eventually fall....

Unlike Branch, Kai is one of the highest AAS abusers out there. Like Ronnie once was. Eventually like Ronnie he will fall and be fucked up.

Branch may look like an abuser but isnt a dumb ass like Kai, and guys like Trey brewer.

And you know their doses how? How do you know who "abuses" or uses what, and what is the divider between "use" and "abuse?" Could you please share the inside knowledge you have on what Kai is using compared to the inside knowledge you have on Branch?

As to Ronnie falling...lmao yeah after absolutely dominating the sport and obliterating all his competition to the point that the O became a contest for second for the better part of a decade, yeah Ronnie fell. LMAO.

I hate comments like this.
kai crushed them size wise there.he is actually looking like actually might be as big as Ronnies was, he is huge and his back blew there's away
Kai will eventually fall....

Unlike Branch, Kai is one of the highest AAS abusers out there. Like Ronnie once was. Eventually like Ronnie he will fall and be fucked up.

Branch may look like an abuser but isnt a dumb ass like Kai, and guys like Trey brewer.

Kai, like Ronnie before him, really tapped into his elite genetics while natural (or using very little) for a long time before enhancing heavily.

I believe that this is why he has been able to become such a force since becoming enhanced, just like Ronnie was as well.
I really can't stand Kai's attitude and his false sense of intellectual superiority with all his deep so called philosophical nonsense he talks,
which only make sense in his diluted mind.

He will not make a good ambassador to the sport if he wins the Mr. O.

He does have and outstanding physique though and is a freak, but I prefer a Victor Martinez type physique over is. Just don't like how some of his muscles look with the very low last etc.
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Kai is definitely huge, but cocky as hell which I don't like one single bit. The way he arrives late on stage, wearing sneakers, doing his side bicep pose in the other direction than the other two -- very cocky and trying to stick out and get an edge with the audience.

Congrats to Kai for being the biggest mofo out there. But a little less of the cocky attitude would be nice.
Points for creativity Kai, but I think he's freaky as he'll, like in a scary way. I like Branch, I feel he's a class act.
Every one is entitled to their opinions! However, I see Kai as being Very Confident and may come off as being cocky any to each his own I think he is an awesome bodybuilder and would be a great ambassador!
Kai is a beast!!!! I like him more and more everytime I see him. He is confident and has the physique to back it up. This is bodybuilding, it will always be an underground sport, never in the main stream, so who really gives a shit if he would make a good ambassador or not for the sport.
I don't like the way he does the weird egyptian stance and the stand on his head and spread his leg things. It seems kind of feminine, like a fitness competitor's routine!!
I don't like the way he does the weird egyptian stance and the stand on his head and spread his leg things. It seems kind of feminine, like a fitness competitor's routine!!

No doubt man!lol
Johnnie doesnt even look like he will be in the top 8 to 10. I know a lot can and will change on game day but it looks like he has lost a little size and he is no where near the conditioning Branch or Kai are. Kai is just a freak and by looking at that video, there is no way branch will even come close to beating him.
I must agree with the comment about kai's philosophical crap... You lift responsibly and improve weekly, eat consistently, maximize ur gains from responsible drug use, and be disciplined in your contest diet....

Its not about all of this "think like a winner, be a winner" type philosophy. I can think im gonna win the O all day blah blah, but its not gonna happen. I can only do what my genetics allow. period. If kai didnt put a thought into his bodybuilding outisde of cooking his food and training and injections, he would still be where he's at today... he thinks he's generating an alternate reality through his through process?? come on.
just as a follow up...
i think the reason why Kai comes on stage late is because he had just finished a pretty theatrical posing routine, that left him winded. I think that's why he had the shoes on.
Kai is a complete and utter MASS MONSTER! :eek:

He ain't going to take the O though... Not this year anyway.


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