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Keeping your office from stinking like Fish!


New member
Apr 12, 2008
Since recent diet changes and findings.. I have been consuming a large quantitiy of my protien sources from fish.. Obviously this causes problems at work when you have to eat 4 meals of fish at work! Here is what i have learned to keep the smell away and be able to eat my fish without complaints!

1. Buy fresh fish: Obviuosly the fresher the fish.. The less smell.. I always asked the butcher to smell the fish before i buy it.. If it smells fishy at the store... Then it's gonna stink worse when ya cook it!

2. After cooking your fish at home.. Let the fish sit and get to room temperature.. This is probably ur best defense against odor.. When you take hot steamy fish and put it in ur tupperware it creates moisture.. This moisture is what really stinks up the joint.. When your at work and you open ur tupperware.. The scent from the moisture rapidly spreads throughout your office.. So let the fish sit in ur bakeware and cool down to room temperature.. Then transfer to tupperware.. Also try to carry over the least amount of juices into the container.. Try cooking your fish in bakeware on top of a grill piece so juices run off fish..

3. Heat up in a toaster oven not a microwave.. I know this is tuff beacause most people don't have access to a toster oven at work.. But when you heat up ur fish in the microwave it creates moisture and steam.. The toaster oven eliminates all of this..

4. Get urself a deoderizer can.. I randomly spray around my desk and around the cooking area before and after i heat up my fish.. This really helps kill any odor that gets transferred when you walk ur fish upto the area where you heat it and back to your desk..

5. Transfer your fish to a paper plate and don't eat out of tupperware.. The tupperware is killer.. Once the fish is heated up.. Take the fish out and close the cover.. Most of the smell comes from the tupperware.. Until they invent tupperware which kills all odor..

Once i implemented these steps.. I have been able to enjoy my fish at work without any complaints!! Hope this helps...
with my farts, I think the office smelling of fish is the least of my co workers problems muuahahaha!
It is cool that you address this issue. It is not a problem where I work because 90% of my coworkers are Asians who for lunch eat fish with a stank that will make your eyes water. But I have worked another place where the solitary chinese programmer did have to take his food elsewhere to consume it because the rednecks who he worked with would not allow him to eat inside! True story. The fresher the fish the better, cool it down before you store it. Personally I am norwegian and I will eat cold fish and potatoes or rice and love it with all me heart. Cod and brown rice with a little Bernaise sauce and maybe some green veggie too -mmmmm! Few people live that good.
Eat SUSHI, problem sloved!
Some good ideas there, Yeah, when I worked in an office with other people, they used to complain about my tuna. So one day, after I was done, I hid an empty can under one of my co-workers computer monitors. Just for some aroma-therapy. :D she took it in good stride. :)
i started rinsing my tuna and fish and things thoroughly before i prep them, seemed to work great not only killing the smell, but also kills off a lot of the fishy taste.
I take many of the same precautions at home even. At work I try to limit my fish to grilled Tuna Fish (today) or tunafish salad with egg whites and olive oil (most days). I eat off paper plates and actually rinse them b4 I toss them. I rinse the canned fish at home to get red of more of the sodium even though I buy low sodium.

I have cut my fish budget a great deal this week by shopping at Costco instead of Fresh Market or Wholefood. I was able to get Sockeye Salmon, Halibut, and terrific Tuna Steaks relatively inexpensively compared to the other stores and could not tell any quality drop off. We do have purveyors of seafood flown fresh from the gulf each day, but it is not convenient.

BTW eating quality seafood out can get expensive and the portions small. I have recently cut a deal with tthe manager of two restaraunts I frequent to get an extra portion of the fresh grilled fish for $10 flat fee regardless of type of fish. Half the time they just comp the extra fish now anyway, I think they are just happy to guarantee themselves the regular business each week as I usually am dining with my girlfriend or friends.
dont bring fish lol.

sushi is great thou
These are great tips!
Usually i buy the tilapia that is individually frozen and wrapped in a bag from costco and it usually doesn't smell at all...even when you cook it in the microwave, but trust me, once in a while i get an "old" one that smells like rotting fish at the beach. everyone in my office just LOVES me on those days! this helps a lot!

dont have a normal job. i guess i never worried bout the smell till now. hmmm oh well the moment has passed. there are far worse smells than my empty tuna can. i do take them down to the dumpster after i eat though. nice way to keep the body moving.:D
Put some vinegar in a saucer in your office and it will diffuse and remove all odors... Works like a charm for any odor. lol

If I were you, I couldnt give a dam about any other co workers. You are living a different and distinguished lifestyle and the thins you need to do are totally unorthodox to the average Joe. I wont sweat it and just leave them to their own accord.. There can be alot worse things than your tuna smell....
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