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kidney failure...


New member
May 21, 2008
hi guys...
I need some suggestions.

I have been talking over 200grams of proteins for 5years.
I have done my blood test 3months ago.
Everything was perfect except kidney creatine range.
My creatine range was a bit higher than normal range.
I guess my creatine range is higher compared to 3months ago because i am on ASS now.

Should i stop taking high proteins??
Is it possible to gain muscles with 100grams of proteins and complex carbs only?

Also, i have heard that taking 40-50grams of WPI protein is not good for kidney.
Is that true?
200g protein per day isnt high at all. I may be wrong but kidney problems from protein are a myth as long as your properly hydrated.
kidney failure

kidney problems associated with high protein intake are only a concern in an already compromised individual. healthy training athletes should not worry. many guys take in double the amount of protein as you with no problems. bloodwork taken too close to an intense training session will not be accurate. it is not unusual to have false readings due to the affects of an intense workout. you should not train for 2-3 days if you are getting bloodwork done.
Nothing wrong with a nice ASS every now and then....hit it up dude:)

...unless you are talking about buttering the bread on both sides:confused:

As someone who went through hours of testing to diagnose my condition, I can tell you that kidney test value irregularities can be caused by dozens of things like diet, exercise, drugs and supplementation, congenital defects, other conditions affecting the kidneys, etc. If you're really concerned get further testing. 200g is low compared compared to most bodybuilders.
kidney dialysis

kidney dialysis kidney transplant

Ok. my sister is a nurse.
also, she knows that i am on ASS and taking high proteins everyday.

She told me that there are many patients who have worst kidney conditon from using ASS and eating high proteins.
They are doing on kidney dialysis and kidney transplant...

Actually, i doubt it... but it can be true....

Also, if someone have high Creatine range, he cannot return it to nomal range.

Doctors also said to me...

But other people told me that that's normal for athletes...

kidney dialysis kidney transplant

Ok. my sister is a nurse.
also, she knows that i am on ASS and taking high proteins everyday.

She told me that there are many patients who have worst kidney conditon from using ASS and eating high proteins.
They are doing on kidney dialysis and kidney transplant...

Actually, i doubt it... but it can be true....

Also, if someone have high Creatine range, he cannot return it to nomal range.

Doctors also said to me...

But other people told me that that's normal for athletes...

I have a gym member here that is a nephrologist standing next to me.....he just laughed at that statement..........not sure what he meant.....anyway, hahahaahha not true .......too many factors invilved.........ACE and ARB BP meds can raise blood creatinine levels 25%........and they are designed to protect the kidneys from proteinuria........best BP meds for BBers.
ACE and ARB BP meds can raise blood creatinine levels 25%........and they are designed to protect the kidneys from proteinuria........best BP meds for BBers.

Geez, you're a good salesman.

Now, I wonder where I can buy ACE & ARB?

(I'm still learning all the BB terminology, so I'm not sure if by "ACE" you might be meaning something like tren ACE?)
The lights are on.............

Geez, you're a good salesman.

Now, I wonder where I can buy ACE & ARB?

(I'm still learning all the BB terminology, so I'm not sure if by "ACE" you might be meaning something like tren ACE?)

is anybody home??:confused:
i got bad kidney pains when i took orals for some reason back in the day. i always thought it was back pump untill i developed kidney stones:eek: from that day on i knew when my kidneys were hurting. since i stopped taking orals i havent had that pain. maybe it is a pre existing condition, i dunno. but i know that i was drinking tons of water and cranberry juice to see if it helped, and it didnt.

hey phil, i have read about the toxicity of aas on your kidneys as well, or do you think that these problems could just be from elevated blood pressure for long periods of time damaging the kidneys?
I think......

Maybe phil can confirm,it's PROTEIN in you'r urine that COULD be a sign of kidney STRESS.I have trace amounts,doc said not to worry(been on trt 4 years)i do blood work every 6 months and have not seen the levels rise,i assume thats a good sign?

Geez, you're a good salesman.

Now, I wonder where I can buy ACE & ARB?

(I'm still learning all the BB terminology, so I'm not sure if by "ACE" you might be meaning something like tren ACE?)

Hahahhahahha Yes, I see now that you are "not sure" about a lot of things........
BP yes....

i got bad kidney pains when i took orals for some reason back in the day. i always thought it was back pump untill i developed kidney stones:eek: from that day on i knew when my kidneys were hurting. since i stopped taking orals i havent had that pain. maybe it is a pre existing condition, i dunno. but i know that i was drinking tons of water and cranberry juice to see if it helped, and it didnt.

hey phil, i have read about the toxicity of aas on your kidneys as well, or do you think that these problems could just be from elevated blood pressure for long periods of time damaging the kidneys?

High BP is a horrible way to go..........Kidney failure, blindness.........on and on

Maybe phil can confirm,it's PROTEIN in you'r urine that COULD be a sign of kidney STRESS.I have trace amounts,doc said not to worry(been on trt 4 years)i do blood work every 6 months and have not seen the levels rise,i assume thats a good sign?

You do not want protein coming out in your urine....proteinuria.
Someone correct me if I am wrong but could this not also be from taking creatine. Not saying that creatine causes kidney damage just that creatine metabolized does turn into creatanine(sp?). This could also affect the test. Like was stated sooo many variables.

Someone correct me if I am wrong but could this not also be from taking creatine. Not saying that creatine causes kidney damage just that creatine metabolized does turn into creatanine(sp?). This could also affect the test. Like was stated sooo many variables.

I guess but not really........it does not raise creatinine levels that much........
UH OH...tell me more PLEASE Phil...

Urinealisis panels in hand....in o7 protein was 30mg/dl(abnormal it says) the most receint test 08 says 100(abnormal)i get bloodwork in three more weeks.Is this something i should see a specialist about?Doc said ''watch'' the levels,but i would believe Phil before my doc.I have noticed my urine is never clear even though i drink a LOT of water(i can remember it used to be clear not allways yellow)Straight up phil what would you do if it were you,kidney specialist? THANKS!!!!!!!!

Urinealisis panels in hand....in o7 protein was 30mg/dl(abnormal it says) the most receint test 08 says 100(abnormal)i get bloodwork in three more weeks.Is this something i should see a specialist about?Doc said ''watch'' the levels,but i would believe Phil before my doc.I have noticed my urine is never clear even though i drink a LOT of water(i can remember it used to be clear not allways yellow)Straight up phil what would you do if it were you,kidney specialist? THANKS!!!!!!!!

Thats not a "lot".....but go to a nephrologist....get a 24hour urine.......then a BUN and creatinine reading and they will give you a GFR ...your BP under control?
What is

GFR? My bun/creat is usually elevated.I will get him to ''refer'' me to a kidney specialist when i get blood drawn,My BP is ok....creaping on up there(gettin older)usually 129/85 i believe high bp is for sure bad for the kidneys right?So this is for sure''abnormal" ?But not too serious?Should i be very concerened?I am on TRT250mg/wk,and have been for a while,guess i should not even think about a ''blast''?Thank you so much Phil....i feel a little queezy now!

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