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Kids these Days


Well-known member
Kilo Klub Member
Mar 4, 2003
So at My gym are a group of early-mid 20's guys that workout together...1 has made pretty good progress over the past few months....now here & there they always ask Me advice on food, exercises(ignoring gear questions b/c they know I won't answer, they've tried)...I know most if not all of them are dabbing at this point

The one who's making the most progress today tells Me no matter what he's doing he's not gaining...so I asked him what he's doing(expecting food/workout answer)...he spits out T400 & Deca200 3x/wk, with 3 Anadrol & 5iu HGH daily...:eek:

I asked his age again, 22...I asked if he's even eating what he'll do in his 30's because if at 22 he's unable to make gains on that...there's something SERIOUSLY wrong...I've been around a while & seen & heard alot, but this one made My jaw drop
That's probably the only reason he's made any progress. Now he's topped out on that dose. Sounds like 13-1500mg a week...

By 30 he'll be in the 5-7k club.
I'm 29....I thought my generation wanted things fast lol...it just keeps getting worse and worse. But see the kids that age at my gym not only do they not train or eat right...but a group of them are on sus and eq right now....according to them.....and like you...I will NOT talk about it....but I do listen to them. Well like I said not only are they NOT eating or training right...But they are injecting 2 cc of eq every 12-14 days and 2 cc of sus every 12-14 days ....they cant even get the injections times right. And OMG you dont even want to know how much they are paying for there shit....which could be why they are only doing the shots every so often now that I think about it. lol
I'm 29....I thought my generation wanted things fast lol...it just keeps getting worse and worse. But see the kids that age at my gym not only do they not train or eat right...but a group of them are on sus and eq right now....according to them.....and like you...I will NOT talk about it....but I do listen to them. Well like I said not only are they NOT eating or training right...But they are injecting 2 cc of eq every 12-14 days and 2 cc of sus every 12-14 days ....they cant even get the injections times right. And OMG you dont even want to know how much they are paying for there shit....which could be why they are only doing the shots every so often now that I think about it. lol

So true im 27 and did my first run when i was 21 young yes but i had been traing since i was 14 and never got above 165#'s till i was 19and started training with a local bb at my gym that tweeked my diet and got me to stop training like a power lifter in 2 years i was at 195-200 >10% bf then we discussed gear and i did 300mg test e and 250deca 8 weeks and was able to hit 220 and keep it
That's probably the only reason he's made any progress. Now he's topped out on that dose. Sounds like 13-1500mg a week...

By 30 he'll be in the 5-7k club.

Much more then that 1200test, 600deca & 1050 Drol...like 2850+ GH...You are probably right about the 5-7K club at 30 though
Much more then that 1200test, 600deca & 1050 Drol...like 2850+ GH...You are probably right about the 5-7K club at 30 though

If he makes it that long
I don't think that this generation is so bad.

I am 29 now, and I discovered gear at a young age. I wanted it so bad, thought it was the magic secret, so I made sure I found it. I think every kid my age back then would have jumped on it if they could find it.

I think what we are seeing now is more availability of gear. The 'want it now' mindset has not changed, just the ease of getting AAS.

America is a drug culture. When you have kids taking amphetamine to 'stay focused' at age 7, why would they think it would be wrong to take some drugs to gain muscle, if that is what their goals are? I'm not saying I agree with it, but it's how people are being raised now. Got shitty lipids and high BP? Here, take these drugs. Nevermind the pesky exercise and diet, just take drugs.

I had a guy tell me the other day "when you reach 50, you'll be getting all kinds of meds (referring to lipid drugs, cialis, and BP meds).
I was thinking to myself, "no, I won't, I plan on eating clean and staying healthy when I am that age". Again, nothing against him, it's just how the American culture is now.
I'm not saying that the age these young guys are using is too young...but to probably be on 1st-3rd cycle tops & be at 3grams+ gh is a bit overboard
Ok I understand your view on that but please, I'm 19 turning 20 in. Few days, and I guarantee I'm nothing like those jackasses, but please don't loop me in with them simply cause of age, if that's what u wanna use a a basis of your progress both knowledge and body wise then I'm ahead of you I'm betting, I'm 245lbs 6'1" and fairly damn proportional and as powerful as a god damn freight train, and yes I've been using for 1.5 years but I was forced into it at an early age due to a hormone imbalance(that was fixed) but I took that to my advantage and started learning.... So please don't base things simply off there age, I'm sure there are plenty of questions I could help u on and I'm half your age... I've made this my life and can show for it
Ok I understand your view on that but please, I'm 19 turning 20 in. Few days, and I guarantee I'm nothing like those jackasses, but please don't loop me in with them simply cause of age, if that's what u wanna use a a basis of your progress both knowledge and body wise then I'm ahead of you I'm betting, I'm 245lbs 6'1" and fairly damn proportional and as powerful as a god damn freight train, and yes I've been using for 1.5 years but I was forced into it at an early age due to a hormone imbalance(that was fixed) but I took that to my advantage and started learning.... So please don't base things simply off there age, I'm sure there are plenty of questions I could help u on and I'm half your age... I've made this my life and can show for it

You are in those kids age range, so you get looped in there. Not fair, but that's how it is. You may not be anything like them and that's good, but being as young as you are, you are still considered a kid of that age range.

Show us
You are in those kids age range, so you get looped in there. Not fair, but that's how it is. You may not be anything like them and that's good, but being as young as you are, you are still considered a kid of that age range.

Show us

Well I will show u in a few days, I'm taking new pics, I havent posted pics on here but I will post all pics from begging to end and u can tell me what u think, and thank you for seeing it my way a little... But The thing that pisses me off is kids that wanna be like me but they don't wanna go threw all the trouble... That's pathetic in my opinion, hope u comment harshly on my pics in a few days!
Well I will show u in a few days, I'm taking new pics, I havent posted pics on here but I will post all pics from begging to end and u can tell me what u think, and thank you for seeing it my way a little... But The thing that pisses me off is kids that wanna be like me but they don't wanna go threw all the trouble... That's pathetic in my opinion, hope u comment harshly on my pics in a few days!

Don't take this the wrong way, but welcome to the real world. People want it easy and don't want to do the work. Why workout to drop weight when you can have gastric byspass or lipo and take drugs for it. Why put in time in the gym to build mature muscle when you can blow up like the michelin man in 10 weeks with juice. I do understand what you're saying, I get classified with my lazy ass generation too. I run my own insurance agency, I don't have the luxuries of being a lazy ass and having a quick fix.

I'm not out to hurt anyone or bash them, I hope you don't think I am.
Ok I understand your view on that but please, I'm 19 turning 20 in. Few days, and I guarantee I'm nothing like those jackasses, but please don't loop me in with them simply cause of age, if that's what u wanna use a a basis of your progress both knowledge and body wise then I'm ahead of you I'm betting, I'm 245lbs 6'1" and fairly damn proportional and as powerful as a god damn freight train, and yes I've been using for 1.5 years but I was forced into it at an early age due to a hormone imbalance(that was fixed) but I took that to my advantage and started learning.... So please don't base things simply off there age, I'm sure there are plenty of questions I could help u on and I'm half your age... I've made this my life and can show for it

So true im 27 and did my first run when i was 21 young yes but i had been traing since i was 14 and never got above 165#'s till i was 19and started training with a local bb at my gym that tweeked my diet and got me to stop training like a power lifter in 2 years i was at 195-200 >10% bf then we discussed gear and i did 300mg test e and 250deca 8 weeks and was able to hit 220 and keep it

Can you go more in-depth into this? Did you just switch to high volume, more isolation work etc. and you grew like a weed?
basis of your progress both knowledge and body wise then I'm ahead of you I'm betting, I'm 245lbs 6'1" and fairly damn proportional and as powerful....So please don't base things simply off there age, I'm sure there are plenty of questions I could help u on and I'm half your age...

Ok maybe You have good genetics kid, but at 19yo there isn't any question I could or would even consider asking You...about working out or anything else for that matter
Don't take this the wrong way, but welcome to the real world. People want it easy and don't want to do the work. Why workout to drop weight when you can have gastric byspass or lipo and take drugs for it. Why put in time in the gym to build mature muscle when you can blow up like the michelin man in 10 weeks with juice. I do understand what you're saying, I get classified with my lazy ass generation too. I run my own insurance agency, I don't have the luxuries of being a lazy ass and having a quick fix.

I'm not out to hurt anyone or bash them, I hope you don't think I am.

That seems to be the case with most of the now generation it seems- everyone wants something for nothing- IMHO
Much more then that 1200test, 600deca & 1050 Drol...like 2850+ GH...You are probably right about the 5-7K club at 30 though

I felt like a daredevil hitting 1000mg total and I still regret it. Was that 1050 of anadrol per week? Holy shit, that's nuts.

Part of the problem is guys will do anything to get pussy. These guys would probably eat dogshit if you told them it would help. Well everything except food and training, they draw the line there.
Can you go more in-depth into this? Did you just switch to high volume, more isolation work etc. and you grew like a weed?

I had that problem as well. I think if you stay in that low rep range and you're an ectomorph of a certain type you tend not to grow.

Sometimes people have these dogmas like you should do only low reps and go for strenght and if you do compounds you don't need to train your arms, or overhead presses are the best excercise for delts no need to bother with laterals and it's baloney.

Well overhead presses did nothing for my side deltoid and overtrained the front. I had no rear deltoids even though I did heavy rows and chins because everyone said you didn't need them. Are you going to spend 10 years getting so strong and not have any delts?

When I trained that way I gained nothing on my arms or shoulders, I was all torso and legs with no definition. After a while I figured out that incline presses develop the front delt enough not to need overhead presses and switched to decline from flat bench. That's when my shoulders and chest started to grow.

Now I like DC but I don't do overhead presses at all and just do 10x10 laterals and heavy upright rows alternating each workout.

I'll do french presses or skullcrushers 10x10 because with DC style it's too much weight - the muscle fails before it gets enough work. So then next triceps day I'm doing heavy close grip decline to keep the strength moving.

I'll do heavy cheat curls DC style the first workout then 10x10 preacher curls the second, same concept of combining strenght and volume.

I think it's much better this way for mass, especiall in places like arms, deltoids and hamstrings where you can't just keep piling the weight to get results. Sometimes even just good old 3x12-whatever instead of the DC rest pause set but keeping that same framework of one exercise per workout.

My workouts actually go by quicker when I do volume 10x10 because I don't need more than a couple warmup sets.

People say you cannot progress on volume but you can if you have the right methodology and the rewards seem much greater. If you go from a weight you can do 5x5 on and progress to 10x10 with the same rest period you are a lot stronger.
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You guys must be all very naive or unaware. Go to any college gym, 90% of the same guys show up at the same time of the same day . Hang out in the dorms and even the most casual of dudes that works out 3-4x week, no clue about diet, drinks heavily on weekends is trying this thing he got from an online supplement store called Superdrol. And he's on it a month prior from school starting to when it ends cause its just $18 for a month and the "gains" are good.

Package from that online store comes in from UPS every month, as a box waiting outside his door and I sign off on it to recognize the acceptance.

Everybodys on something, its amazing. I know it's not injectable AAS, but it's still AAS. Two years ago it was Tren Xtreme from American Cellular Labs, etc. I had about 30 guys on my floor(along with about 32 girls), and I think just about every single one used either Tren Xtreme(Tren PH) or Mass Xtreme(Phera). This is 18 year old kids that just started going to the gym.

I worked a supplement store for about 4 months(last summer) and the amount of designer steroids sold and to who(would surprise just about everyone here) were enormous. I'm very doubtful of anyone in the gym being clean, even that 160lb dude that just started lifting considering those lookalikes were my #1 customers.

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