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Lee Haney's Latest Out Of Touch Comments

I totally disagree with the 90% part of the comment but I do know the physique he's talking about. I've questioned a few of the winners of the past few Mr Olympia's. At the end of the day it'more just matter of opinion. What appeals to one might not appeal to another.

I couldn't have said it better.
he's what? 8 time mr olympia.... doesnt that gove him the rihght to have an opinion... at the end of the day thats all it is... an opinion.
I went and read his instagram comment. Someone here already said it. He's from another era of bodybuilding that worked for him. Like any sport. The athletes evolve like a science that is always changing. Bodybuilding is not the same anymore like his time. They are much more developed and refined with a different type of symmetry. If he were a bodybuilder today he wouldn't make it. He would have to change his training strategy altogether.
I agree with him on the shoulders, pointy shoulders should be marked down imo. Of course he has a.right to his opinion but I feel its just self-serving! Like he had the perfect body not these people today. I personally think Dorian to Phil era guys had the best physique. I like Samson but I really think its time to mark down noticeable seo as it looks ridiculous. I know someone mentioned Nick Walkers varicose veins but I don't see the big deal personally.
It's an esthetic driven sport and that means opinion. Personal opinion and shared majority of opinions at a given time. Where there's a performance criteria or fixed standard it's harder to argue (ie dude is faster or threw the shot further). Fixed standard is also why equipped PL will never be in the Olympics and why old records where a bench shirt added maybe 100lbs arent comparable to today.

His opinion is valid and reflects the majority shared opinion of his time reflecting on the current. Is what it is and we've seen it before among older generations in other sports. Reflecting, it's odd that he doesn't get mentioned more. Almost like most conversation is Arnold and that era... then Dorian.
Worst example lately is how Sheryl Swoopes made up false facts about Caitlin Clark. She totally sullied her own legacy with that BS.
Yea I saw that too. She certainly didn’t have her facts straight. She came off as jealous for sure.
typical talk of an aging man who simply misses his youth and is a bit jealous of young people who have the best years of their lives ahead of them and his best years are already over

"It was better in my 'time'" - how many times do we hear this all the time

I truly doubt Lee is jealous of anyone with 8 Mr Olympia titles under his belt. I think some guys are smart enough to realize that it's impossible to maintain an Olympia like physique their entire lifetime and understand there's more to life than just competitive bodybuilding. It's just a chapter of their life. Just like Dorian Yates. He came in dominated the sport and went on to do other things he enjoys in life. Dorian couldn't be further removed from the sport and I feel like Lee is in the same frame of mind. I believe that just because someone is stating their own opinion, doesn't necessarily mean they are jealous or bitter.
Its the same with all other gen of bodybuilders, old days was better and blabla. thats all they can talk about, you listen to a wrap up with someone from the 00, and you are 100% gonna hear them talk about "the old days"
I agree with Haney for the most part maybe not his era. Although from his era for what they had and did they were bad mfers. Still believe the 90s era and early 2000 mops todays guys in every way. Especially since it been 25 years about has it gotten better not really. Ron, Flex, Jay etc can you blame to the guys of today? Guess it depends everyone has a opioion but your is always better. 😁


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Yea he could be more of an ambassador but honestly I dont think anyone would give shit what he has to say about anything.

He is a show promoter and is very appreciated in his area, he also has some courses.

He was invited by Arnold, so, yes, people want to hear what he has to say.

Arnold has also complained about stomachs or shitty poses, why couldn't Haney do it?

He's right about shoulders and calves.
I think Haney is probably bitter about the fact that he won 8 straight Olympia titles and nobody ever mentions him as the best ever or their favorite physique.

Ronnie considers him the best of all time. And many more people do on bb sites.

But I don't think he gives a shit about those kinds of issues.
God bless him though:

View attachment 198309

He’s just old and grumpy now is all …I’d be grumpy too if I didn’t carry a lat spread like that well into my old age 😆
I'm a bit stuck in his era. Lee was a mass monster for his day remember on stage at 245 - 250 lbs. At this point BBing has morphed or mutated. Being called a mutant has become a desirable comment. I'll leave it there. In the 80s and even 90s the epitome of the sport was to be on stage 5'10" 21 inch arms, 20 inch calves, 30 inch thighs, 56 inch chest, 30 inch waist and all with symmetry. When Joe Weider was around the Mr. O had to be, not only a pinnacle physique, but also marketable to the masses. His partnership with Ben drove popularity of the sport to where we have gyms all over the US and elsewhere such that they are common place. There were plenty of physiques that the general young men and women admired. Joe wanted to sell magazines and supplements to a broad populous. Joe and Ben are gone and so are most of the magazines. So is the motivation to chose the marketable body builders for the larger target audience. BBing is more of a niche sport, more extreme not than ever. It pushes the boundaries of human performance and enhancement just like all sport.
Ronnie considers him the best of all time. And many more people do on bb sites.

But I don't think he gives a shit about those kinds of issues.
Ronnie is being respectful if he’s said that publicly.

- “Many more people do on bb sites”

That’s a dubious claim at best.

-“Don’t think he gives a shit..”

I think it means everything to him. I cannot fathom being a champion of his excellence and just not giving a shit that’s ridiculous.
It's an esthetic driven sport and that means opinion. Personal opinion and shared majority of opinions at a given time. Where there's a performance criteria or fixed standard it's harder to argue (ie dude is faster or threw the shot further). Fixed standard is also why equipped PL will never be in the Olympics and why old records where a bench shirt added maybe 100lbs arent comparable to today.

His opinion is valid and reflects the majority shared opinion of his time reflecting on the current. Is what it is and we've seen it before among older generations in other sports. Reflecting, it's odd that he doesn't get mentioned more. Almost like most conversation is Arnold and that era... then Dorian.
I think because Arnold went on to become a huge movie star, then governor. I think he just over shadows Hany so much but you don't hear about a lot of bodybuilders even from the Hany era. I bet a lot of guys in their 50's though remember him well. As I just started reading magazine at 14-15 and at that time it was the Dorian era and they didn't speak much on Hany. A lot on Arnold though. I went looking for Hany on YouTube and wound up looking at Shaun Ray and Levrone. Man they were freaks! Seriously Shaun Ray was like WTF! No bubble guts on those guys either. And you don't get to the top by not thinking you're the best in the world. Even Dorian turned down a significant amount money when he was on food stamps because "I think I can have a go at the Mr. O" I think he said it was like 250k/year. You don't do that unless you know what you're capable of. I don't remember why it was to his benefit to turn it down.
He sed 90% not 100%. 90% is very close to be correct.
I agree with Haney for the most part maybe not his era. Although from his era for what they had and did they were bad mfers. Still believe the 90s era and early 2000 mops todays guys in every way. Especially since it been 25 years about has it gotten better not really. Ron, Flex, Jay etc can you blame to the guys of today? Guess it depends everyone has a opioion but your is always better. 😁
Since you both agree with Haney please name the modern guys with Frankenstein physiques. Since it's such an overwhelming majority I expect you'll both be able to list tons of names so those who disagree can see why they're wrong.
I agree with him on the shoulders, pointy shoulders should be marked down imo. Of course he has a.right to his opinion but I feel its just self-serving! Like he had the perfect body not these people today. I personally think Dorian to Phil era guys had the best physique. I like Samson but I really think its time to mark down noticeable seo as it looks ridiculous. I know someone mentioned Nick Walkers varicose veins but I don't see the big deal personally.
Where do you see Samson using SEO?

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