I have been on nolvadex and aromasin for sometime now. It took alot of gyno that I had with my gear away. I was on gear for 5 months. After my cycle, I switched to clomid and aromasin and sometimes during my 5 month cycle I would switch as well from nolvadex to clomid and then back. After my cycle, I stayed off gear ... and it has been almost 2 months now. During my off cycle I took 20mg of var everyday, 100mg of primo every week, T3, clomid 25mg ed, aromasin 25mg ed; I have been on this for 2 months now. My question is ... how long can I stay on nolvadex and aromasin ... year round? I intend to switch to GH, T4, and Slin soon and come off the clomid and aromasin completely. Does anyone run clomid or nolvadex plus aromasin year round? Thanks