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Lipo sucks!!!


New member
May 10, 2005
9 days out from getting love handles, abs and chest sucked out. :eek: After almost 20 years of lifting those spots weren't going anywhere. Anyway...if you're thinking of doing it, recovery sucks. I'll know after the swelling goes down if it was worth it. :D

Good luck with the recovery process. I've lost a ton of flab (over 100 lbs)....working out to try and add mass to fill up the loose skin, but am afraid I might still need to see a plastic surgeon eventually to remove my loose skin. Not looking forward to that. :(

Keep us posted on your recovery, man!
I had lipo 2 years ago and it was the best thing I ever did. I had been heavy when I was younger and had extra fat cells that just wouldn't go away no matter what I tried. I dieted from 227 to 160 and still had flab... finally got it sucked out and now I'm 210 with no handles or bulges.

Recovery sucks, just make sure you wear the compression vest/garmet for as long as the doc says so. Really helps the scar tissue form under the skin which in turns makes the loose skin much tighter. I wore mine religiously and it worked out well.

My experience was so good on love handles and lower abs that I'm considering doing upper abs and chest, maybe get the mammary glands cut out while I'm at it so little risk of gyno.

Good luck to you and if you've got questions, just ask.

Cool...thanks for the info.

Yeah, I've hardly been out of my compression garment since the surgery. It's been 10 days now and the swelling is finally going down. I thought recovery would be a walk in the park but it kinda sucked for a week there....and the swelling was crazy....I was bigger then before I went in. I'll post some pics in a few weeks once all the swelling goes away.

wow. Id love to see before and after bro. Good luck in the recovery bro!
How much does something like that cost? I have been heavy since I was 15 and have gotten down to a reasonable level of BF But am unable to tighten up or get rid of my love handles and lower abs.
I would guess with general anas. the whole deal between 5-7 grand??
You're about right....

I could have got it for 7500...but I liked the other doctor better and paid 9 grand. Of course I got upper and lower abs, chest and love handles....it's cheaper the less spots you get. I figured it was a better investment than a new car that wouldn't be worth a dime after 5 years of payments. I'm guessing I paid a lot since I'm in the DC area. I hope it's worth it and will post some pics as soon as the swelling goes down. And....1800 was for the operating room and knock out doctor....if you're real tough....and I'm not...you can do it awake in the office and save 1800 bucks....I didn't think I could handle that.

When I had my abdominoplasty I was doing bi's and treadmill in the gym in a week and a half. All they did was hem my skin. The people he had to do lipo to had much longer recovery time... it's pretty brutal, but they looked really good afterwards. So you should be happy.
Im curios was this a last min thing, or why not do this in the winter so you can enjoy your new abs all summer long. Hope you feel better soon
nitro were you able to con the insurance company into atleast paying some of it? Did you pay the whole thing outright? I'm simply interested because even when I get to lower BF percentages I have tons of loose skin from losingabout 80lbs when I was 12-13 that just refuses to go away. I'm not sure if lipo would take care of it or if there's another procedure for loose skin, but I'd raelly like tog et something done about it. 8 years later and it still haunts me :( Thanks in advance
wear that compression garment too!!!! That is incredibly important. Forgot to mention that.
Insurance wouldn't touch it.....

The doc said my chest was gyno....although I have no lumps in there....just a little flabby. So I called the ins. company about maybe covering that part...but they said they basically wouldn't cover it. I'd have to pay for it first and then fight to get it covered/payed back.....so I didn't even bother the doctor to have him try to deal w/ it since I didn't have like "real" breasts or anything.

Not totally last minute....but once I decided to do it I was in there like 2 weeks after my consultation. My girl got some boobs in Jan so it kind of gave me the bug to get it done. Plus I'm getting married in Oct so I want to be able to run around the beach in aruba and look buff (hopefully).
Extra_Strong said:
so did U have any before and after pictures????
?? ?? ?? ?? ??

i could have sworn i saw the after pics on here the other day

i just searched and now i cant find them :confused: :confused: :confused:
Nitro removed the pics but I believe he's going to repost them after he finds some good comparison pics.
thank you

xcelbeyond said:
Nitro removed the pics but I believe he's going to repost them after he finds some good comparison pics.

i thought i was losing my mind :cool:
I'm about 3 months out from lipo. Had love handles, stomach area done. First 2 weeks sucked. I forced myself back in the gym after 14 days to the hour almost. It was very slow going at first but after about a month I was back in full swing. Recovery does really suck. That being said, it was by far the best thing I ever did.

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