Does anyone Knows its dosage and frequency protocol in mesotheraphy for spot reduction in bodybuilding?
I don't know its price yet but I'm comparing the frequency of the lipostbil shots and of the other compounds. Lipostabil needs a weekly take where many others need ed or eod. So it may be worth also it is more expensive.too expensive!
I just cecked its price, in Italy is €. 8,90 and available at pharmacy, I think I'gonna starting it next week, so every feedback and suggestion on its use from you will be welcome, I'll keep you updated in this thread...
thanks guys!
Animal's lipostabil works very well. I got much better results using IM for total body fat loss. The subq method was to big of a pain in the ass. Way too many pokes for a single session. I did it once then said srew it. IM works great for me.