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The most effective compound for hair loss: Oral Minoxidil ( AKA Oral Rogaine )

Black Beard

Well-known member
Feb 26, 2016
The combination of oral minoxidil 2.5-5 mg + oral finasteride or dutasteride can fully reverse and cure balding in a high percentage of patients. Especially if caught and treated early enough.

Finasteride/dutasteride will SOMETIMES regrow thin hair/bald spots, but generally takes +7 months to see an effect, most will see hair loss stop and some will continue to go bald. Oral minoxidil will lead to significant regrowth/thickening as soon as 2 months.

The cure to hair loss/balding:

1. Early intervention. The earlier the better but you would be surprised at the hairloss that can be reversed that is already quite severe with the combination below.

2. Oral finasteride. Dose as low as 0.25 mg daily is as effective as 1 mg daily with sharply decreased risk of side effects. Many side effects will resolve after 2 weeks. Many find that TRT +150 mg can attenuate most sides especially erection issues. It is not just the drop in serum and scalp DHT but the change of the T/E2/DHT ratio in the hair follicle that likely causes the positive effect we see on hair growth and health from 5-alpha reductase inhibitors.

3. Oral minoxidil. The true powerhouse. Finasteride puts the fire out (stops androgenetic/male pattern hairloss), oral minoxidil plants new trees in the forest. 2.5 mg daily is a good sweet spot dosage, 1.25 mg is also effective. 5 mg is the max before sides to benefit ratio increases.

Just one example from reddit :



(oral minoxidil is significantly superior to both topical minoxidil, oral finasteride, and even oral dutasteride)

I can vouch for oral minoxidil definitely working, I don't know if it's a "cure" but I saw massive improvement. I used 5mg minox a day with 0.5mg dutasteride every other day, I'm still on the dutasteride.

The issue for me was that the minoxidil grew more hair EVERYWHERE, even places where there was never hair before, a lot of it and quickly. It was so bad that the trade off wasn't worth it...
I can vouch for oral minoxidil definitely working, I don't know if it's a "cure" but I saw massive improvement. I used 5mg minox a day with 0.5mg dutasteride every other day, I'm still on the dutasteride.

The issue for me was that the minoxidil grew more hair EVERYWHERE, even places where there was never hair before, a lot of it and quickly. It was so bad that the trade off wasn't worth it...
One of the two main reasons that made me stop. This and massive, ill-looking dark eye bags.
I can vouch for oral minoxidil definitely working, I don't know if it's a "cure" but I saw massive improvement. I used 5mg minox a day with 0.5mg dutasteride every other day, I'm still on the dutasteride.

The issue for me was that the minoxidil grew more hair EVERYWHERE, even places where there was never hair before, a lot of it and quickly. It was so bad that the trade off wasn't worth it...

The #1 part of the 3 steps for "curing" balding is the early intervention. The earlier you catch it, the therapies are exponentially more effective. You could try 1.25-2.5 mg. 5 mg is overkill for a lot of patients.

@Doitagain What was your dosage?
The #1 part of the 3 steps for "curing" balding is the early intervention. The earlier you catch it, the therapies are exponentially more effective. You could try 1.25-2.5 mg. 5 mg is overkill for a lot of patients.

@Doitagain What was your dosage?
Started at 5mg then dropped to 2,5 because water retention was truly bad. Taking my socks off was an awful show.
I had high hopes since as a “polyAAS“ user fina/duta have no place for me.
Started at 5mg then dropped to 2,5 because water retention was truly bad. Taking my socks off was an awful show.
I had high hopes since as a “polyAAS“ user fina/duta have no place for me.
1.25 mg and under are still very effective and fin/dut can still work well even when taking other AAS (DHT is by far the most potent hair killer). The Deca Fin thing is pretty broscience.
1.25 mg and under are still very effective and fin/dut can still work well even when taking other AAS (DHT is by far the most potent hair killer). The Deca Fin thing is pretty broscience.

This is very interesting.

Have you found any side effects with 1.25mg to 2.5mg of oral minoxidil?

Do you not think deca and finasteride will accelerate hair loss?
1.25 mg and under are still very effective and fin/dut can still work well even when taking other AAS (DHT is by far the most potent hair killer). The Deca Fin thing is pretty broscience.
I reality doubt that 1.25mg and under can suffice as a monotherapy in people both prone to MPB and staying on a regular basis on supraphysiological T level.
DHT itself directly synthesized in target tissues is likely worse than -most- AAS, I do believe it as well, but I still lose hair from Winstrol, Tren, Masteron and Primo, so again the use of fina is a moot point in my case.
Out of curiosity: have you personally tried it?
I can vouch for oral minoxidil definitely working, I don't know if it's a "cure" but I saw massive improvement. I used 5mg minox a day with 0.5mg dutasteride every other day, I'm still on the dutasteride.

The issue for me was that the minoxidil grew more hair EVERYWHERE, even places where there was never hair before, a lot of it and quickly. It was so bad that the trade off wasn't worth it...

I think the hair regrowth experts are now on the derma roll micro needling the scalp +topical Minoxidil to get away from systemic sides. 1-2x a week 1mm to 1.5mm depth
I reality doubt that 1.25mg and under can suffice as a monotherapy in people both prone to MPB and staying on a regular basis on supraphysiological T level.
DHT itself directly synthesized in target tissues is likely worse than -most- AAS, I do believe it as well, but I still lose hair from Winstrol, Tren, Masteron and Primo, so again the use of fina is a moot point in my case.
Out of curiosity: have you personally tried it?

Even doses as low as 0.25 mg per daily of oral minoxidil can work. This is a very small study, but when you stack it with anti-DHT medication for long-term, the synergy is extremely effective. 1.25 mg minox+fina is very effective, especially in earlier stages of MPB. Winstrol, tren, deca can lead to hair loss but to a much less extent when DHT levels are reduced. Some people can run synthetic AAS like trenbolone while just using finasteride and/or finasteride+topical minoxidil. Genetics also dictates response to fina/minoxidil and resistance to androgen induced hair loss.

I never suggested it oral minoxidil as monotherapy.

Without anti-DHT medication, it's like "planting new trees in a burning down forest". You gotta put the fire out first, then plant new trees. DHT is the fire, minoxidil plants the trees.

Very-low-dose oral minoxidil in male androgenetic alopecia: A study with quantitative trichoscopic documentation​

@juggy38 A lot of these "experts" actually don't want you to know about this stack, as it makes them obsolete in many cases. This can save a ton of people from needing hair transplant in the future or obsessing over treatments and watching youtube "experts" looking for help.
Even doses as low as 0.25 mg per daily of oral minoxidil can work. This is a very small study, but when you stack it with anti-DHT medication for long-term, the synergy is extremely effective. 1.25 mg minox+fina is very effective, especially in earlier stages of MPB. Winstrol, tren, deca can lead to hair loss but to a much less extent when DHT levels are reduced. Some people can run synthetic AAS like trenbolone while just using finasteride and/or finasteride+topical minoxidil. Genetics also dictates response to fina/minoxidil and resistance to androgen induced hair loss.

I never suggested it oral minoxidil as monotherapy.

Without anti-DHT medication, it's like "planting new trees in a burning down forest". You gotta put the fire out first, then plant new trees. DHT is the fire, minoxidil plants the trees.

Very-low-dose oral minoxidil in male androgenetic alopecia: A study with quantitative trichoscopic documentation​

@juggy38 A lot of these "experts" actually don't want you to know about this stack, as it makes them obsolete in many cases. This can save a ton of people from needing hair transplant in the future or obsessing over treatments and watching youtube "experts" looking for help.
I hate wasting time arguing for the sake of arguing. And that's exactly where you're trying to bring this discussion.

Alrite dude. It doesn't for me at twenty fold the dose you believe it's very effective. Period. Deal with it. It grew hair everywhere but my head. Fact. God knows what part you don't get. Might work for other people? Sure. MUST work as you hint at? Nope.

And no, fina won't do jack for AAS like winstrol or Masteron because even if DHT produced in situ may be a worse offender, this exclusively pertains to -physiological- levels. A slightly weaker receptor ligand can cartainly displace it at concentrations high enough.
Not to mention that certain AAS are exceptionally good at altering TGF-β expression in hair follicles regardless of their scalp ARs affinity.
If basic biochemistry isn't enough for you, do a quick search and enjoy the thousands post by people who lost a boatload of hairy while on fina/duta ONCE they started using other AAS.

Now kindly leave outta this, not interested in the way you want to handle this thread, bye.
I hate wasting time arguing for the sake of arguing. And that's exactly where you're trying to bring this discussion.

Alrite dude. It doesn't for me at twenty fold the dose you believe it's very effective. Period. Deal with it. It grew hair everywhere but my head. Fact. God knows what part you don't get. Might work for other people? Sure. MUST work as you hint at? Nope.

And no, fina won't do jack for AAS like winstrol or Masteron because even if DHT produced in situ may be a worse offender, this exclusively pertains to -physiological- levels. A slightly weaker receptor ligand can cartainly displace it at concentrations high enough.
Not to mention that certain AAS are exceptionally good at altering TGF-β expression in hair follicles regardless of their scalp ARs affinity.
If basic biochemistry isn't enough for you, do a quick search and enjoy the thousands post by people who lost a boatload of hairy while on fina/duta ONCE they started using other AAS.

Now kindly leave outta this, not interested in the way you want to handle this thread, bye.

Haha, you're funny. I'm not arguing brother. Just sharing facts. Take it how you want. You are not comprehending anything i'm saying, so you think i'm saying things i am not. I apologize.

Also remember, you can't say "it doesnt work for me!! It won't work for anyone else!!11" and cover your ears. Childish, but again all good and no hard feelings here.

TGF is extremely complex it can help and hurt everywhere and depending on the hormone, cell, tissue, etc. I won't even get into that one. All good bro, just have a good day and calm down a bit : )
Haha, you're funny. I'm not arguing brother. Just sharing facts. Take it how you want. You are not comprehending anything i'm saying, so you think i'm saying things i am not. I apologize.

Also remember, you can't say "it doesnt work for me!! It won't work for anyone else!!11" and cover your ears. Childish, but again all good and no hard feelings here.

TGF is extremely complex it can help and hurt everywhere and depending on the hormone, cell, tissue, etc. I won't even get into that one. All good bro, just have a good day and calm down a bit : )
As expected, you either didn't understand a single word I posted or you're playing dumb to avoid making an even bigger ass of yourself. Likely a bit of both.
Putting words in someone else's mouth may work with people sporting your same IQ, but you hit a wall here, kid.
This practice simply disgusts me and speaks volumes about you.
Maybe I'm funny. You're definitely laughable tho.
Have a good life 😘
2.5 Minoxidil is working great, about 4 months in.

Started as a joke with my dermatologist, wanting hair like him. He said maybe you can. He said you have nothing to lose. I said let’s go for it.

Just saw him 2 days ago and he thinks my results are very very good and will only get better with time.

As a bonus, I got off a couple of bp meds because those coupled with Minoxidil brought it down too much. Stoped the other 2, just using Minoxidil for bp now.

It’s a win win, 2 for 1 deal.

And zero sides. No unwanted hair, etc.
2.5 Minoxidil is working great, about 4 months in.

Started as a joke with my dermatologist, wanting hair like him. He said maybe you can. He said you have nothing to lose. I said let’s go for it.

Just saw him 2 days ago and he thinks my results are very very good and will only get better with time.

As a bonus, I got off a couple of bp meds because those coupled with Minoxidil brought it down too much. Stoped the other 2, just using Minoxidil for bp now.

It’s a win win, 2 for 1 deal.

And zero sides. No unwanted hair, etc.
Good to hear this.
At that dose, any fear or "post finasteride syndrome"?

1 mg daily is the usual Rx and it's overkill. It's like taking 1 mg adex daily (which is also sometimes prescribed)

You get virtually maximal DHT suppression at 0.2 mg daily and much lower risk of side effects.
1 mg daily is the usual Rx and it's overkill. It's like taking 1 mg adex daily (which is also sometimes prescribed)

You get virtually maximal DHT suppression at 0.2 mg daily and much lower risk of side effects.

Hard to split the 1mg pills since they so small. Would you take 1mg Monday/Wednesday and Friday instead of every day? Would the DHT suppression be similar?
The combination of oral minoxidil 2.5-5 mg + oral finasteride or dutasteride can fully reverse and cure balding in a high percentage of patients. Especially if caught and treated early enough.

Finasteride/dutasteride will SOMETIMES regrow thin hair/bald spots, but generally takes +7 months to see an effect, most will see hair loss stop and some will continue to go bald. Oral minoxidil will lead to significant regrowth/thickening as soon as 2 months.

The cure to hair loss/balding:

1. Early intervention. The earlier the better but you would be surprised at the hairloss that can be reversed that is already quite severe with the combination below.

2. Oral finasteride. Dose as low as 0.25 mg daily is as effective as 1 mg daily with sharply decreased risk of side effects. Many side effects will resolve after 2 weeks. Many find that TRT +150 mg can attenuate most sides especially erection issues. It is not just the drop in serum and scalp DHT but the change of the T/E2/DHT ratio in the hair follicle that likely causes the positive effect we see on hair growth and health from 5-alpha reductase inhibitors.

3. Oral minoxidil. The true powerhouse. Finasteride puts the fire out (stops androgenetic/male pattern hairloss), oral minoxidil plants new trees in the forest. 2.5 mg daily is a good sweet spot dosage, 1.25 mg is also effective. 5 mg is the max before sides to benefit ratio increases.

Just one example from reddit :

View attachment 181632


(oral minoxidil is significantly superior to both topical minoxidil, oral finasteride, and even oral dutasteride)

View attachment 181629
Ya I hear oral minoxidil with oral finasteride is a powerhouse, do you know if oral minoxidil works with receding hairline? not just the crown

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