I found a formula for ideal body dimensions based on McCallum Formula. My measurements are way out of proportion using this formula. Formula is based on wrist size. The following formula has my wrist size inserted into calculation:
Wrist measurement: 6.5"
Chest (Wrist * 6.5) = 42.25"
Hips (Chest * .85) = 35.91"
Waist (Chest * .70) = 29.51"
Thigh (Chest * .53) = 22.39"
Neck (Chest * .37) = 15.63"
Arms (Chest * .36) = 15.21"
Calves (Chest * .34) = 14.37"
Forearms (Chest * .29) = 12.25"
This formula must be for "normal" people. My arms are over 15% larger than the formula.