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Localized fat loss from HGH? Yes or No?

Do you see localized fat loss from Hgh?

  • YES

    Votes: 64 35.4%
  • NO

    Votes: 117 64.6%

  • Total voters


New member
Aug 31, 2010
What is your experience with localized fat loss from administration of GH?

I personally have seen a good deal of abdominal fat go away from the time i ahve started.

my question is, do people use this in other area to help spot reduce?
Where besides lower ab, love handle area, has anyone tried and saw results?

i didnt see much on the localized fat loss when i did it on abs.. so now i pin it on traps, im not sure if its just me or what but i think i get more out of it doing it on traps then abs.
I've never actually used HGH, but I've used the Fragment 176-191, which contains the fat-burning element of HGH.

I've shot that stuff into my love handles and abs both pre-contest and offseason, and definitely noticed a localized fat-loss.

Idk if that helps much...
yes i agree, i know its not the main use for gh but if im taking it anyway and loosing fat where i pin it, thats not a bad thing lol
well why dont you elaborate then.....

i would always pin it on my right side love handle, until one day i saw myself in the mirror and noticed something funny. i had lost about 2-3' off my side!. so i then went to pin on my left and it too lost about the same amount a bodyfat. i don't care what anybody thinks/believes i have seen it and i know its true. maybe it was so easy for me to see the local fat loss due to my formerly huge fcking love handles? and it may not be as discernable if you are relatively lean?.

I rotated 6 areas all in my stomach area , and I noticed a good amount after 4 months or so. Great Stuff.

i didnt see much on the localized fat loss when i did it on abs.. so now i pin it on traps, im not sure if its just me or what but i think i get more out of it doing it on traps then abs.

It works well but for larger areas it will take a lot longer. I had a friend that had it take over 6 months before they saw good fat loss in the localized area.
Everyone saying it works locally could be just experiencing systemic effects. We need someone to just inject ONE lovehandle for about 3 months. :D
Everyone saying it works locally could be just experiencing systemic effects. We need someone to just inject ONE lovehandle for about 3 months. :D



  • lady in water.jpg
    lady in water.jpg
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Everyone saying it works locally could be just experiencing systemic effects. We need someone to just inject ONE lovehandle for about 3 months. :D

did you read my posts? exactly what i was doing until i saw the deformity, i then started pining the other side until it leveled off.
Everyone saying it works locally could be just experiencing systemic effects. We need someone to just inject ONE lovehandle for about 3 months. :D

friend of mine for about 8 weeks did one side
he just did whatever side he was most comfortable with
i guess........i saw him with his shirt off and could not
believe it!!! one whole side had obls. and serr. showing
the other side nodda

to this day still cant believe what i saw
and i still call him lefty.......one of the strangest
gear related things i ever seen


i personally freaked out when i saw my side i was like "what the fck?" it looked like i had lipo, or like someone took a knife and cut a chunk off of me!
friend of mine for about 8 weeks did one side
he just did whatever side he was most comfortable with
i guess........i saw him with his shirt off and could not
believe it!!! one whole side had obls. and serr. showing
the other side nodda

to this day still cant believe what i saw
and i still call him lefty.......one of the strangest
gear related things i ever seen


Thanks, this and Mexbeast's results will keep me shooting my lowback fat no matter how bad I cramp up each time!
Thanks, this and Mexbeast's results will keep me shooting my lowback fat no matter how bad I cramp up each time!

oh fuck, LOL that happened to me this morning. I went from pinning to both hands straight up....My gf was a bit shocked :D
Wife and I been using moderate dose HGH about 4-5 months out of the year pretty much every year for about 10- 12 years. Took a couple years off, and then did 5 months 1st part of this year. It is good stuff - but as everyone knows the effects are subtle, and take awhile, unless you get into really serious doses. We burn fat faster, feel better, sleep better, and I think are just generally healthier, as well as after some time (with some AAS in the mix too) getting much harder. (Also find that nails and hair grow faster!)

Everything "scientific" or medical about HGH says it shouldn't work localized. However if so many people have experienced this, what the hell. I think my wife and I will try some localized injection stuff. Can't hurt, I guess. You will still get the overall benefit. About the only place I have any fat is my love handles that will develop real easy if I don't really watch my diet, and train hard. My wife is in pretty good shape, but has a couple of spots that she could lose a little. We're going to start a 5 month "cycle" (I guess the word applies to HGH) in a couple weeks, and I will report back if we seem to be getting anything out of the localized pins. Interesting thread.

Wife and I been using moderate dose HGH about 4-5 months out of the year pretty much every year for about 10- 12 years. Took a couple years off, and then did 5 months 1st part of this year. It is good stuff - but as everyone knows the effects are subtle, and take awhile, unless you get into really serious doses. We burn fat faster, feel better, sleep better, and I think are just generally healthier, as well as after some time (with some AAS in the mix too) getting much harder. (Also find that nails and hair grow faster!)

Everything "scientific" or medical about HGH says it shouldn't work localized. However if so many people have experienced this, what the hell. I think my wife and I will try some localized injection stuff. Can't hurt, I guess. You will still get the overall benefit. About the only place I have any fat is my love handles that will develop real easy if I don't really watch my diet, and train hard. My wife is in pretty good shape, but has a couple of spots that she could lose a little. We're going to start a 5 month "cycle" (I guess the word applies to HGH) in a couple weeks, and I will report back if we seem to be getting anything out of the localized pins. Interesting thread.


thank you very much, info is always appreciated.

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