I could use some help from the experienced guys. I'm currently coming off cycle and in addition to outside circumstances I am losing the hard earned gains! Just a background I am a hard gainer by genes, I went into the Air Force at 5'11" 167lbs! Now through diet and supplements I have earned my way up to 225lbs. I'm coming off cycle, about to start PCT and am losing weight. In addition to coming off I had a baby boy two weeks ago and have lost 10lbs through not being able to eat and train properly. I am also battling a herniated disk pushing on a nerve so I can hardly do legs much less blast them as needed. I have to use high reps/low weight, certain exercises only if I want to walk the next day. My appetite has disappeared so I tried starting the injectable b12 Synthamine or whichever the appetite enhancer is called. I still have no hunger. I know to some of you bigger guys 10lbs doesn't make or break you but for a hard gainer its a real kick in the nuts. I JUST stopped my cycle so I know I will lose more and I want to prevent that. Any suggestions out there???
I can guess two glaring things from this post:
1. You're obviously not sleeping enough.
2. You're obviously not able to get to the gym as often as you were before.
If both of these are true, your appetite will be affected, as well as your hormone levels despite whatever you're coming off of currently, which means you need more time to repair because of weak tendons, and you're still trying to train as if you have everything else outside of your lifting in order - which you definitely do not.
Look, here it is plain and simple - you have a baby to take care of now. Who cares about your body - seriously? Your baby needs you and seriously, it's time to just forget about this bodybuilding thing and how you look for a long time.
Not that you have to give up on it totally. Get a home gym - buy those adjustable dumbbells that go up to 120 pounds and workout at home. Put in a chin up bar, invest in a smith machine - no excuses. Everything you need is right in your home.
I know you've worked hard but seriously, who here hasn't? We all busted our ass to break through to massive gains and sometimes life just doesn't care that we want nice biceps or a huge chest.
Screw that. I envy you because you have a beautiful baby boy that is a part of your life now and he would be the only thing I'd be lifting for the next few years - screw dumbbells.
Don't mean to be a preacher, but get your priorities straight brother.