Magoo, Big A, MikeS plz Reply. My Bulk cycle???
Height 5' 10" Male. Weight: 200lbs Age: 46 Dedicated trainer A small-boned, hard gainer who gains fat easily. (Since childhood).
I have done 5 strong cycles and gained some good weight only to lose most of it when I dieted, I finally lost the fat. I used big A's diet. PLUS the stack below. (See stack)
I have been dieting off some STUBBORN fat for months and it is almost gone thanks to Superclen / Didrex/ Yohimbine,T3,T2 and that new Biotest T2 Precurser stuff and IP's Pondimiine. Plus coffee.....Feels like extasy whewwww rollin' rollin'...... anyway I cycled on /off this stack to prevent addiction and/or my system getting used to it.
Now I will take advantage of the Bulking up rebound effect Big A told me about in a paid session.
My late summer bulk cycle:
I took a 20ml Humatren and mixed with 20ml IP Prop/Susp
I will do 1 cc per day for 40 days = 37mg. tren/day plus 50mg Prop + 50ml suspension per day. I will do 9iu serostim/night + vanadyl sulfate and 2-3 grams ALA+ Metformen 2-3x/day. Femara during cycle as anti-esto. 1/2 to 1 tab/day of that.
Clomid after cycle for 1 & 1/2- 2weeks then 20mg furazabol/day & 400mg primo/week- for 4-6 more weeks to set my gains.
I will drop all the diet stuff except T2/T3, Kynoselene & Synthertine (L-Carnitine injectable) during bulking.
DIET: Muscle Milk and Protein factory blend (very high quality) I will eat 6 meals of clean real food a day about 200 grams carb and 400-500 grams Protein from drinks and low fat meat Flax oil and fish oil every meal. Biotest Surge after workouts.
Workouts will consist of Mostly squats, deadlifts, cleans and heavy chest 3 days a week. If I don't overtrain I will add some lighter biceps and triceps, shrugs etc. on two other days. Plenty of water and sleep. Two consecutive days off per week.
OK here is my 1st question:
I also have ICN enanthate should I add 500mg or so a week to keep my Test levels even?
I relize the tren dose could be higher but It makes me feel to bad at a higher dose. SO THAT IS OUT (no higher than 37mg/day).
I really thought out this cycle and would appreciate comments from you all. I don't post much here because I am frankly in awe of the experiance and talent. I specially request those I mentioned in the header to post a response. PLEASE?
Thanks in advance for all the help! ANGEL
Height 5' 10" Male. Weight: 200lbs Age: 46 Dedicated trainer A small-boned, hard gainer who gains fat easily. (Since childhood).
I have done 5 strong cycles and gained some good weight only to lose most of it when I dieted, I finally lost the fat. I used big A's diet. PLUS the stack below. (See stack)
I have been dieting off some STUBBORN fat for months and it is almost gone thanks to Superclen / Didrex/ Yohimbine,T3,T2 and that new Biotest T2 Precurser stuff and IP's Pondimiine. Plus coffee.....Feels like extasy whewwww rollin' rollin'...... anyway I cycled on /off this stack to prevent addiction and/or my system getting used to it.
Now I will take advantage of the Bulking up rebound effect Big A told me about in a paid session.
My late summer bulk cycle:
I took a 20ml Humatren and mixed with 20ml IP Prop/Susp
I will do 1 cc per day for 40 days = 37mg. tren/day plus 50mg Prop + 50ml suspension per day. I will do 9iu serostim/night + vanadyl sulfate and 2-3 grams ALA+ Metformen 2-3x/day. Femara during cycle as anti-esto. 1/2 to 1 tab/day of that.
Clomid after cycle for 1 & 1/2- 2weeks then 20mg furazabol/day & 400mg primo/week- for 4-6 more weeks to set my gains.
I will drop all the diet stuff except T2/T3, Kynoselene & Synthertine (L-Carnitine injectable) during bulking.
DIET: Muscle Milk and Protein factory blend (very high quality) I will eat 6 meals of clean real food a day about 200 grams carb and 400-500 grams Protein from drinks and low fat meat Flax oil and fish oil every meal. Biotest Surge after workouts.
Workouts will consist of Mostly squats, deadlifts, cleans and heavy chest 3 days a week. If I don't overtrain I will add some lighter biceps and triceps, shrugs etc. on two other days. Plenty of water and sleep. Two consecutive days off per week.
OK here is my 1st question:
I also have ICN enanthate should I add 500mg or so a week to keep my Test levels even?
I relize the tren dose could be higher but It makes me feel to bad at a higher dose. SO THAT IS OUT (no higher than 37mg/day).
I really thought out this cycle and would appreciate comments from you all. I don't post much here because I am frankly in awe of the experiance and talent. I specially request those I mentioned in the header to post a response. PLEASE?
Thanks in advance for all the help! ANGEL