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Making yourself hungry!


Oct 27, 2009
I figured I'd post this for us to discuss.

If I'm use to High volumn workouts, very few rest days, added to 1 hour a day aerobics, if I switch to low volumn with more rest days, with no aerobics, how is my body going to make itself hungry? Or is the process that helps me get lean first?

I figured I'd post this for us to discuss.

If I'm use to High volumn workouts, very few rest days, added to 1 hour a day aerobics, if I switch to low volumn with more rest days, with no aerobics, how is my body going to make itself hungry? Or is the process that helps me get lean first?

Why would you do no aerobics? IF you train hard on my program you will be BEAT TIRED.........and STARVING....but you need to do aerobics
I figured I'd post this for us to discuss.

If I'm use to High volumn workouts, very few rest days, added to 1 hour a day aerobics, if I switch to low volumn with more rest days, with no aerobics, how is my body going to make itself hungry? Or is the process that helps me get lean first?

Heres a trick to get hungrier more often. Think about the foods you ate growing up. what did your parents make for dinner or feed you for breakfast most often? include those foods in your diet to a greater extent, and manipulate the macro ratios to be beneficial to your goals and your will be hungrier more often.

Heres a trick to get hungrier more often. Think about the foods you ate growing up. what did your parents make for dinner or feed you for breakfast most often? include those foods in your diet to a greater extent, and manipulate the macro ratios to be beneficial to your goals and your will be hungrier more often.

Thanks for the advice. I'm going to try to think what I ate that would fit in this diet tho. I'm from New Orleans and we ate just about everything bad and unhealthy growing up. Damn near everything battered and fried.

Phil, after doing an hour every day the 10 mins at the end feels like none. And I'm trying to get use to Failure. If you've never done it before, it will take some time. I've always been a numbers guy, do 10 reps. Do 15 reps, etc. I guess thats why I'm in this position.
Thanks for the advice. I'm going to try to think what I ate that would fit in this diet tho. I'm from New Orleans and we ate just about everything bad and unhealthy growing up. Damn near everything battered and fried.

Phil, after doing an hour every day the 10 mins at the end feels like none. And I'm trying to get use to Failure. If you've never done it before, it will take some time. I've always been a numbers guy, do 10 reps. Do 15 reps, etc. I guess thats why I'm in this position.

You can have all of these flavors and textures while keepping the food perfectly in line with a bodybuilding diet. List a few of your favorite dishes growing up.

Fried Chicken. Pizza.
homemade macaroni with cheese, with red sauce all over it, w/ Fried veal.
Fried Seafood platter. Lots of seafood, cooked many different ways.

Homemade mayo, potato salad, with fried rice balls, with hotdogs and chilli on top.

Fried potato, with brown gravy, roast beef chuncks, cheese, of french bread.

Yeah told you, this is the type of stuff I remember from childhood.
Thanks for the advice. I'm going to try to think what I ate that would fit in this diet tho. I'm from New Orleans and we ate just about everything bad and unhealthy growing up. Damn near everything battered and fried.

Phil, after doing an hour every day the 10 mins at the end feels like none. And I'm trying to get use to Failure. If you've never done it before, it will take some time. I've always been a numbers guy, do 10 reps. Do 15 reps, etc. I guess thats why I'm in this position.

sounds like you have alot of UN-learning to do. forget what you know or think you know and try to start from scratch.
understanding bodybuilding is a little bit more mind blowing than one would think. for instance, you are not lifting weights, you are contracting a muscle. its basic but its a different way of thought. you are not doing X amount of reps you are fatiguing the muscle with each rep...
don't mean to sound all yoda lol.
Heres a trick to get hungrier more often. Think about the foods you ate growing up. what did your parents make for dinner or feed you for breakfast most often? include those foods in your diet to a greater extent, and manipulate the macro ratios to be beneficial to your goals and your will be hungrier more often.

frozen pizzas and mac n' cheese here i come!!

JSmiles, keep being Yoda.. Thats what we hear for. Thats why we go to the gym.

Anyway, I don't eat that way right now. I was raised on those foods. I been dieting off and on for years, because if not, I'd be OBESE. Most aunts, uncles, cousins are, but it could be the food they been eating, not necessarily genetics, you know.

I woke up this summer. After dieting for 5 months, working my A off, aerobics 1 hour a day, etc, etc then I looked at pictures from last summer compared to this. Well I looked exactly the same.

So I came to the best for help.
Perhaps, just perhaps, by lowering
the volume, allowing your body to rest
more, therefore building more muscle,
you will in turn be "more" hungry due
to the increased muscle mass.


This truly happens as you add muscle mass. Your basal metabolic rate will steadily rise as you add muscle mass. My BMR is much much lower than it was back before I had my heart attack and lost so much muscle. Im probably about 30 pounds less muscle than I was and I eat maybe 1/2 what I used to and am still fatter than I was!
I take 600mg a week of EQ. I am hungry as hell every 2 hours

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