Thanks for the input guys.I am 8 weeks out right now, and a little heavier and softer than I would have liked at this point. 5'11, 232lbs, and 8%bf with 3 point calipers yesterday morning, although to me I look more like 9% in the mirror.
Am switching from 1g Test enanthate this week to 500g Test with 400g Equi.Think I may stick with this until the last 4 weeks before changing to Tren, Winnie, Masteron, adding Halos the last two weeks.I am also increasing t3 to 120mcg, no Clen as this bumps my BP up too much (I am an old guy!).Will also start hitting twice per day cardio wise am doing chicken breast/tuna/lean meat/broccoli and salads for about 350-400g pro with 1 carb loading day a week.Does this look okay ?