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over 5000 supplements on sale at professional muscle store and Online Dating


New member
Nov 6, 2007
Have any of you had any experiences with or other online dating site? I was wondering if it's really worth paying the subscription for their services.
Not personally, but I do have two army buddies that had success with one of the sites while we were in Iraq. One of them got married to her and took her to Italy with him, and the other is engaged. That's been about 4 years now. So I guess it's worth a shot.
Give it a shot, you have nothing to lose. It's like advertising for a cheap price. Just throw a bunch of stuff against the wall and see what sticks.
Ahh, the late 90's and my single days - online dating was the way to go! AFF especially! :D
Ahh, the late 90's and my single days - online dating was the way to go! AFF especially! :D

LOL. Yea I meet some fun girls on AFF before I meet the girl I am with now.
Don't forget
If youre looking for more of a relationship type thing, eharmony is prolly the way to go.

If you want someone to just kick it or fuck, match would work as would many others. It might help going to services that have a theme that interests you such as fitness-singles if you want a chick who is at least interested in exercise.
Hey Bro , try Eharmony it does work!!! I met my wife on there and as long as you are truthful while answering the questions it will work, I also tried yahoo and it was a joke all the girls send pics of friends and crazy stuff but if your looking to have fun yahoo is the way to go but for something more go to eharmony , me and the wife have yet to fight and we both like most of the same things It took me like 3 weeks to find her but she was on it for 3 mths
anyways good luck:D
Hey gang, I've decided to give Match a try for one month (it's not the first time I've thrown away money). In the past couple of days and out of 50 views, I've had 2 winks and 1 email....none that really sparked my interest.

My friend used eharmoney and ended up marrying the gal he met on that site. I've gotten several dates off of myspace, one was a girl that grew up in the same town but moved away then moved back to the state about 15 years later.

I've been eying this cute hostess at a restaurant that I frequent. The past couple of times I've been in there she always smiles and talks with me and I always kid around with her. It's only a matter of time.
If you met a girl on AFF, wouldn't it be tough to date her, knowing that she's the type to find guys on AFF? I understand men signing up for AFF and trying to meet chicks, but I don't think I could respect the kind of women that would sign up.

Any comments?
If you met a girl on AFF, wouldn't it be tough to date her, knowing that she's the type to find guys on AFF? I understand men signing up for AFF and trying to meet chicks, but I don't think I could respect the kind of women that would sign up.

Any comments?
women think the same think about men that go to that type site...who would want to marry a guy that was that type of dirty slut?
women think the same think about men that go to that type site...who would want to marry a guy that was that type of dirty slut?

Gee, thanks :p
I hate match .com. That's how my wife met the guy she was cheating on me with and I was supposed to go out with a girl tonight,that I really liked,until a friend sent me and e-mail last night of the girls profile on there,so I went on and there she was.We got into a huge blowout because she accused me of being on there looking for women,even though I tried to tell her that I went on there to see if she was,she just started cursing at me and calling me names. So now I'm sitting home by myself on New Years Eve,anyone wanna come over,I have Heinekens and shrimp :) . I really did like this girl,I'm still kind of shocked,I just can't understand it.

Oh,so the moral of the story is SUCKS!! is FREE and I've sent and received real responses and emails from chicks on it----NOT WEBSITE BAIT messages. I have got sucked into the (scam) and sites........I do have a friend that she swears up and down that eharmony has worked for people she knows but you still have to pay for it and their compatibility test is real long.
How has the online dating going for you? I thought I'd chime in and let you know that Everlast and I met through one of the online dating sites. I don't think that one is any better than the other. It's just another way to met people. Don't get hung up on meeting the perfect person. Just enjoy meeting new people and let things go from there.

Good luck! :)
I hate match .com. That's how my wife met the guy she was cheating on me with and I was supposed to go out with a girl tonight,that I really liked,until a friend sent me and e-mail last night of the girls profile on there,so I went on and there she was.We got into a huge blowout because she accused me of being on there looking for women,even though I tried to tell her that I went on there to see if she was,she just started cursing at me and calling me names. So now I'm sitting home by myself on New Years Eve,anyone wanna come over,I have Heinekens and shrimp :) . I really did like this girl,I'm still kind of shocked,I just can't understand it.

Oh,so the moral of the story is SUCKS!!

Have to agree, I've been on a lot of dates the last 6 months and had a great time. None of them came from my profile at I'm very disapointed that all the girls I've met have been on my own the old fasion way. I was told these dating sites allowed you to meet tons of people in your area without sucking booze and second hand smoke all night. Big disapointment. I started by winking at the first 30 attractive women in the area and got zero response and one email that said no thanks !!?? You'd think I'm the damn elephant man instead of a attractive guy with a good body and great and exciting job??!!
You'd think I'm the damn elephant man !

Maybe you are ;)

I never used to contact the girls, they always would contact me on these sites. Everyday I was full of messages and winks.

I did contact one once, and I ended up marrying her :eek:
Maybe you are ;)

I never used to contact the girls, they always would contact me on these sites. Everyday I was full of messages and winks.

I did contact one once, and I ended up marrying her :eek:

i'm going to hate on you for awhile now lol

match is okay, i've met a few women from there and had fun. i've also tried eharmony which is where i met the current girl i'm seeing, i'll be honest, she's unlike the rest of the chicken heads, but, crazy women are all over the place. i say use online dating just as another tool to meet women but not as your only source.

that is just my opinion anyway.
you wanna hear a funny story about I got one. This woman contacts me because she sees my profile. I see some pictures of her and she looks pretty good. In shape pretty cute etc. We get to talking and everything seems great. We decide to meet at a restaurant for lunch. When she shows up, the woman looked like she slept in a tanning bed every night. Wrinkles like an 80 year old woman. Her first comment is, I know I have wrinkles. Im not a dick so we had lunch. She was actually pretty cool so I was trying to look past the wrinkles. Anyway, that ended. The weekend came and she went out with friends. She got drunk and called me over for what I thought would have been a BJ or something. So I got there and ended up in her bed. I looked at this chicks feet and they looked like they were hit with a sledge hammer... but wait... it gets better. She grabs my hand and proceeds to put it on her chest but it wasnt... she said this is an extra bone I have on my chest. That was it, I got up and out of there faster than you could believe. So that was the last time I did that online dating stuff. :D

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