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Maximum Effective Dose of Anavar


New member
Mar 4, 2009
Got some extra Var in my last order.. by extra I mean over double.

Was planning on running 60 mg ED for 8 weeks.. now I am thinking of running 100 mg ED.

Running 1g test as well.. nothing else. may start GH in a few weeks at 4iu

Did some searching and found some people liking results of 75-100 mgs/day.. is 100 the max.. or has anyone run absurdly high doses of 150, etc?

I've heard of guys running 100-200 mgs dbol back in the day (albeit pretty rough on the body).. is the reason most keep var below 100 ED due to cash?

Let me hear your thoughts.
70-80mg is good enough for me.
i would think that cash is a bit of a factor...It is 4 me with Var...I dont think it is worth the $ i spend on it...

Though i have not tried to run any higher then 70 ish...Maybe thats why i dont see a lot of effects...
i would think that cash is a bit of a factor...It is 4 me with Var...I dont think it is worth the $ i spend on it...

Though i have not tried to run any higher then 70 ish...Maybe thats why i dont see a lot of effects...

definitely, that's why I was only going to run 60 mg. However.. since cash isn't a factor.. what would be considered highest "safe" dose.. var is pretty easy on the system.. i've heard of water retention and lethargy at super high doses, but that's nothing that can't be tolerated.
i dont see y u cant go a bit over 100mgs a day ...Y not if u have it on hand...
i wonder...........

if taking an oral at such an extreme dose for such a prolonged period might be harmful to your health??? I would say 100mg is safe, but not for a full eight weeks. Here is a post i found here on PM. It didn't have a reference for the study though. Take it with a grain of salt.

it depends on the mg's you take.var is considered liver friendly because it's perscribed in low doses(2.5 & 10mg in the usa).mg for mg var is more liver toxic than ANADROL.the problem is some people take 40 to 80 mg's a day, at this dose var is very liver toxic.a guy i knew got jaundice taking 45mg's a day for a month.

here is a study done by univ. of california:

The randomized, double-blind trial among 262 HIV-positive men was the largest study of its type on men with HIV-associated weight loss, according to the study authors.

For the first 12 weeks of the trial, the men were randomly assigned to receive daily doses of either 20, 40, or 80 milligrams of the anabolic steroid oxandrolone or a placebo. They were allowed to receive open-label oxandrolone for the second 12-week period.

Grunfeld says the adverse effects of the steroids were clear-cut within the first 12 weeks. "HDL plummets. LDL goes up. This predisposes people to an increased risk of heart attack. Furthermore, we found grade III and grade IV liver toxicity in some men, which means a very significant risk of serious liver damage." The men's testosterone levels were also depressed. These effects were not seen in men taking placebo, according to Grunfeld.

The researchers observed that in men with the most wasting, the 20 milligram dose was more effective than higher doses in promoting weight gain. Subjects who weighed more and were healthier – and were therefore more like athletes who use the drugs, observes Grunfeld – required higher doses to gain weight. This is significant, he says, because it demonstrates in healthy people, "you need a higher dose to get a benefit – and the higher the dose, the more the toxicity."

there are other studies that show the same thing.i've never seen the need to take more than 20 mg's a day of anavar myself.100mg's of primo EOD works better than var for me anyway.
has anyone tried this and found it tolerable / what's the highest anyone's gone??
May I also ask what the minimum effective dose is? I hear it pretty common for folks to run ~30mg/day for a few weeks at the end of cycle to help retain gains. Anyone with personal experience here?

To the original question, I would assume there's some law of diminishing returns. So if you're ingesting 70-80mg/day you could test upping it to 100mg but then just determine if 1) your getting incremental gains over the lower dose and 2) if the incremental gains outweight any sides. I know sides are generally low for Var but at that high a dose there will be some trade-off. And running it for 8 weeks on top of that seems a bit harsh.
if taking an oral at such an extreme dose for such a prolonged period might be harmful to your health??? I would say 100mg is safe, but not for a full eight weeks. Here is a post i found here on PM. It didn't have a reference for the study though. Take it with a grain of salt.

it depends on the mg's you take.var is considered liver friendly because it's perscribed in low doses(2.5 & 10mg in the usa).mg for mg var is more liver toxic than ANADROL.the problem is some people take 40 to 80 mg's a day, at this dose var is very liver toxic.a guy i knew got jaundice taking 45mg's a day for a month.

here is a study done by univ. of california:

The randomized, double-blind trial among 262 HIV-positive men was the largest study of its type on men with HIV-associated weight loss, according to the study authors.

For the first 12 weeks of the trial, the men were randomly assigned to receive daily doses of either 20, 40, or 80 milligrams of the anabolic steroid oxandrolone or a placebo. They were allowed to receive open-label oxandrolone for the second 12-week period.

Grunfeld says the adverse effects of the steroids were clear-cut within the first 12 weeks. "HDL plummets. LDL goes up. This predisposes people to an increased risk of heart attack. Furthermore, we found grade III and grade IV liver toxicity in some men, which means a very significant risk of serious liver damage." The men's testosterone levels were also depressed. These effects were not seen in men taking placebo, according to Grunfeld.

The researchers observed that in men with the most wasting, the 20 milligram dose was more effective than higher doses in promoting weight gain. Subjects who weighed more and were healthier – and were therefore more like athletes who use the drugs, observes Grunfeld – required higher doses to gain weight. This is significant, he says, because it demonstrates in healthy people, "you need a higher dose to get a benefit – and the higher the dose, the more the toxicity."

there are other studies that show the same thing.i've never seen the need to take more than 20 mg's a day of anavar myself.100mg's of primo EOD works better than var for me anyway.

this is interesting. i'm going to try to find a source that shows var as more liver toxic mg per mg that drol.

i wonder why the lower dose gave better results? granted we're dealing with wasting disease patients.. and i'm using it for strength.

thanks for that!
May I also ask what the minimum effective dose is? I hear it pretty common for folks to run ~30mg/day for a few weeks at the end of cycle to help retain gains. Anyone with personal experience here?

To the original question, I would assume there's some law of diminishing returns. So if you're ingesting 70-80mg/day you could test upping it to 100mg but then just determine if 1) your getting incremental gains over the lower dose and 2) if the incremental gains outweight any sides. I know sides are generally low for Var but at that high a dose there will be some trade-off. And running it for 8 weeks on top of that seems a bit harsh.

I have a friend who has run 20 mg as a bridge and , he felt it led to greater retention of gains..could've been placebo though.

also, law of diminishing returns is certainly applicable with all steroids I'd say, but with var, which (until the study posted above) appears pretty mild on side effects.. most people use $$$ in the law of diminishing returns on var. If I could get an extra 10% gains for using 140mg vs 100mg, I'd do it, as long as the risk of sides/liver toxicity wasn't greatly higher.
Var is liver toxic. My regular dose is 90mgs/day now. I could feel my liver on the 2nd week. I tried 120-150mgs/day but after 2 weeks had to drop down to 90 bcause of extreme lethargy. So 90 is my sweet spot. Take it 30mgs 3 times/day every 8 hours. Right now im on test e, var and gh. Oh, and a little dbol prewo at 25mg. Water starts to set in so I will drop dbol. I am also thinking about lowering var to 60mgs bcause I am getting really lethargic and sleepy all the time. That migth be because of gh. But muscle fullness is insane, even when I just wake up.
Var is liver toxic. My regular dose is 90mgs/day now. I could feel my liver on the 2nd week. I tried 120-150mgs/day but after 2 weeks had to drop down to 90 bcause of extreme lethargy. So 90 is my sweet spot. Take it 30mgs 3 times/day every 8 hours. Right now im on test e, var and gh. Oh, and a little dbol prewo at 25mg. Water starts to set in so I will drop dbol. I am also thinking about lowering var to 60mgs bcause I am getting really lethargic and sleepy all the time. That migth be because of gh. But muscle fullness is insane, even when I just wake up.

awesome, good to know.

curious why you bother with dbol and don't just take most of your var pre WO?
that guy Grunt76 I know ran very high doses of var, and I know he is having some liver issues
awesome, good to know.

curious why you bother with dbol and don't just take most of your var pre WO?

I love "dbol high". Pre w/o and when I start lifting I feel like I am on ecstasy or something. It might sound weird, cant explain it but it elevates my mood and the heavier I lift the better I feel.

I tried var pre w/o for strength but through trial and error found out that it is better (strength wise) when blood levels are stable. Plus I have minimal to zero breakouts that way.
My rat never uses more than 30mg/day, and strength comes in leaps and bounds. His theory is smaller dose for 8 weeks. Use the smallest effective dose. More is not always better.
Got some extra Var in my last order.. by extra I mean over double.

Was planning on running 60 mg ED for 8 weeks.. now I am thinking of running 100 mg ED.

Running 1g test as well.. nothing else. may start GH in a few weeks at 4iu

Did some searching and found some people liking results of 75-100 mgs/day.. is 100 the max.. or has anyone run absurdly high doses of 150, etc?

I've heard of guys running 100-200 mgs dbol back in the day (albeit pretty rough on the body).. is the reason most keep var below 100 ED due to cash?

Let me hear your thoughts.

Ive ran it many different regimens and found the most I ever needed was 60mg daily. I even do very well on 40-50mg daily.
ive ran 80mg and loved it...i would definitly go 100mgs,if i had it!

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