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Melanotan 2 Nausea


Well-known member
Jul 4, 2017
How to you guys combat nausea and feeling shit from Melanotan 2?

I take very tiny amounts before bed and it still gives me a sick feeling all the next day.
That went away after about 2-3 weeks,for me.
Start with a very small dose and slowly build up. I still get it sometimes but it usually only lasts 45 minutes to an hour.
I always take mine right at bed time. Then you'll sleep through the "shitty feeling" part? I fall asleep pretty quick but I will feel the flush if I don't fall asleep within 10-15 min.
Every time I pin like 2-3 ticks of this I get flushed within 5 min and Naseous- I wish the wouldn’t because I want to get darker skin using it
Dilute it 1:1 with bact water and take 1 tic...you'll be effectively taking 1/2 your previous dose.
125mcg a dose at first. eat before u pin.
up the dose to 250mcg in a week. i had slight nausea using that protocol the first 4 days then it went away.
The most people dosage to high.
Also would start with 125mcg (0,125mg)
Take it with some meal is better - my experience
I always take mine right before bed. I’ve never had a problem that way.
Fill your stomach before right before or directly after pinning. Works for me.
Define a small dose? Most people take far too much. Mix in 3ml bac water into your 1st vial. That means 1ml= 3.33mg, 0.1ml= 333mcg and 1 tick= 33mcg. Go with 1 tick or as close as you can get to that. Then do 2 ticks so 66.6mcg. Then 3 ticks so 99.9mcg. Then 4 ticks so 133.2mcg then 5 tick so 166.5mcg. You can probably stay at 166.5mcg as your max dose and just use that daily until you get to the colour you want. Then carry on for another week or so then you can start injecting 166.5mcg eod then e3d's as maintenance. People take far too much and you just need to start super low. Take it pre bed after your last meal as well. Additionally you can take 2 ginger root capsules after your last meal and before you inject and that will prevent any bad nausea. Although the nausea should be minimal and the doses I recommend if you have moved up slowly over 1 week.
It's just part of the deal with this. I never figured out a way to use it without feeling like trash no matter how low the dose. You want to use this stuff then go as low a dose as you can and just deal with the effects because nothing out there works like this stuff.
When I would take it every day and slowly taper up the nausea completely went away after a week. However if I would miss a dose for a day or two the nausea would come right back for a night. I recommend dosing every single night and very slowly taper up.
Its just how it is. Nothing is going to make it better.
Literally ever M2 user EVER has this and you accept the weird side effects when you take it.

When i did take it, i just prepped myself for feeling like shit for 15 mins.
Its just how it is. Nothing is going to make it better.
Literally ever M2 user EVER has this and you accept the weird side effects when you take it.

When i did take it, i just prepped myself for feeling like shit for 15 mins.
Did it ultimately make your skin darker or was it a waste?
Did it ultimately make your skin darker or was it a waste?

Truly darker, FAST too. I would shoot m2 30-45 mins before my tan...get thru the shit feeling, then lay down in a sunbed.
I maybe did 4-6 rounds over the last 2 weeks before my show and it looked like i had used it for 16 weeks. 100% works well.
I mix in 4ml of water into a 10mg vial
Every 10units is 250mcg. I use 30iu pins. So just measure out 5iu and dose up from there
BTW. 125mcg is good enough for me to see tanning and libido effects.
I already mixed it with one cc bac water- how many ticks is good?
1cc = 100ticks
10mg = 10000mcg

10000mcg/100ticks = 100mcg/tick

4cc = 400ticks

10000mcg/400ticks = 25mcg/tick

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