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@luki7788 @bbxtreme interesting… I thought it only removed excess circulating blood sugars and not that stored in glycogen. Good to know. I have been using it myself.
It decreases the renal reabsorption of filtered glucose, causing kidneys to excrete glucose from the body through urine.

It does the same for sodium as well. Which again, I think is fine for someone looking for functional health or longevity.

But when you’re pushing 600 plus grams of carbs, using sea salt on all your meals and pushing insulin as a bodybuilder it can be counterproductive IMO. You can have electrolyte imbalances very quickly and will be pissing glucose/sugar all day.

Much better ways IMO for guys pushing size and those factors. It’s not worth trying to chase it with more water, electrolytes and carbs- it’s like a dog chasing its own ass. It’s just a constant cycle.
It decreases the renal reabsorption of filtered glucose, causing kidneys to excrete glucose from the body through urine.

It does the same for sodium as well. Which again, I think is fine for someone looking for functional health or longevity.
So essentially, it’s just pretty much pointless because we are just going to push sodium/carbs higher anyways and end up not even getting the benefits of Jardiance?
So essentially, it’s just pretty much pointless because we are just going to push sodium/carbs higher anyways and end up not even getting the benefits of Jardiance?
In layman’s terms, yes.
In layman’s terms, yes.
Something interesting I found too…

“Urinary glucose excretion increases almost immediately following a dose of Jardiance and is maintained with daily dosing averaging approximately 64 grams per day with 10mg Jardiance and 78 grams per day with 25mg Jardiance.”

Honestly, does not seem to be a TON of glucose excreted anyways (like 250 calories worth roughly).

I wonder if someone were to employ this it’d be better to do so at night to wake up with a better BG, and potentially not effect the carbs taken in through the day as much… or if it’s just irrelevant with the half life.
In layman’s terms, yes.
Could one not just increase the carbs and sodium a bit and still get the heart/kidney benefits? Or does it not work that way. I remember @Type-IIx recommending SGLT2 inhibitors over metformin I believe in the past… curious on his take
Could one not just increase the carbs and sodium a bit and still get the heart/kidney benefits? Or does it not work that way. I remember @Type-IIx recommending SGLT2 inhibitors over metformin I believe in the past… curious on his take
I’ll let @Type-IIx weigh in on the literature, but as I said above this is where we get into studies vs application and experience.

I tried to chase it with extra water, sea salt and electrolytes and it just made it worse.

Did not try taking it at night, but honestly still personally believe it’s a moot point for the bodybuilder pushing food, size and insulin.
Let’s not derail @slesh thread. If anyone wants to start a thread feel free. But I for one prefer to keep seeing his progress and awesome meals! 😂
I’ll let @Type-IIx weigh in on the literature, but as I said above this is where we get into studies vs application and experience.

I tried to chase it with extra water, sea salt and electrolytes and it just made it worse.

Did not try taking it at night, but honestly still personally believe it’s a moot point for the bodybuilder pushing food, size and insulin.
Agreed, would be happy to see a separate thread on this. I think we could benefit from more anecdotes on its use in those looking to grow and not just maintain health.
Let’s not derail @slesh thread. If anyone wants to start a thread feel free. But I for one prefer to keep seeing his progress and awesome meals! 😂
Lol it’s funny how this “GHRP 2” thread has basically become my defacto log thread. But in all seriousness I got no issues with everyone chiming in - it’s all related and beneficial to all of us.
I think the old school method with Chad was Megestrol, a synthetic progestin. I don't know if that is still used. Probably a disaster for your health.

Cyproheptadine was another and I remember from decades back there was a cypro/Dianabol combo drug.

Today mirtazapine might be another if you're not horrified by "big pharma antidepressant killers." It also works as an anti-nausea medication.

I've talked about what a godsend ghrelin mimetics can be. If you don't eat you don't grow and some like myself can have enormous problems eating. And even aside from bodybuilding, the pleasure from a ravenous appetite is huge ime. If you go to an event where food is "big" it might be great occasionally.

slesh's post might drive some new sales lol. The recent concensus here has been that secretagogues are complete shit. Even the appetite effect is undesirable. Jordan Peters said mk-677 just makes you eat like an asshole. In fact, researchers have said that no matter if mk-677 was beneficial in some disease states it will never go on the commercial market due to the appetite stimulation.

Victor Black says Anavar is only 1 of 2 available Rx appetite stimulants. I don't think it boosts appetite particularly well, it's a property of many anabolics and approval was simply sought for this application by some pharma company. Or does someone here feel Anavar stimulates appetite more than some other anabolics?
I use mirtazapine to go to sleep if I've drinking caffeine during the day. No noticable effects on appetite. Just makes me drowsy and then a bit "down" the following day (I chalk it up to its negative effects on serotonin)
I use mirtazapine to go to sleep if I've drinking caffeine during the day. No noticable effects on appetite. Just makes me drowsy and then a bit "down" the following day (I chalk it up to its negative effects on serotonin)
Taking an anti depressant to pass out at night is a little intense. I do some crack head shit but that’s too much for me. Try eating a few THC edibles.
I need some appetite stimulation to get me eating over 4kcal consistently, but after reading this, I’m not sure I want this kind of stimulation.
I need some appetite stimulation to get me eating over 4kcal consistently, but after reading this, I’m not sure I want this kind of stimulation.
I guess I was worried reading through about the dips in glucose and some other side effects that folks have felt and didn’t want to have that going on while trying to gain some appetite that’s consistent.
U can experiment with the dose start super low and u shouldn't have a problem adding it
That’s more comforting knowing. Guess I may have to give it a shot, but was hesitant reading through some of the sides folks have experienced and felt like that’s not how I want to add appetite.
That’s more comforting knowing. Guess I may have to give it a shot, but was hesitant reading through some of the sides folks have experienced and felt like that’s not how I want to add appetite.
Everyone needs to relax about this hypo bullshit - this isn’t Slin. If you’re taking GHRP for appetite that means your goal is to eat so why are you worried about going hypo? You should be eating plenty of carbs.
Everyone needs to relax about this hypo bullshit - this isn’t Slin. If you’re taking GHRP for appetite that means your goal is to eat so why are you worried about going hypo? You should be eating plenty of carbs.
Idk…. This one time, I took 10mcg of ghrp2, and I had to get put on an IV drip of glucose…..well not me personally, but a guy I know

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