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I need some appetite stimulation to get me eating over 4kcal consistently, but after reading this, I’m not sure I want this kind of stimulation.

If you can’t eat 4k calories consistently then that would mean GHRP is a perfect solution for you. Trestolone Acetate is also another option.
Everyone needs to relax about this hypo bullshit - this isn’t Slin. If you’re taking GHRP for appetite that means your goal is to eat so why are you worried about going hypo? You should be eating plenty of carbs.
Makes sense and I did a bit more research on ghrp2 and 6. Need more research period on peptides and whatnot. All I really have knowledge on or have taken is TB500 and BPC157.
If you can’t eat 4k calories consistently then that would mean GHRP is a perfect solution for you. Trestolone Acetate is also another option.
Trest gets your appetite going?

Been on 75mg a day for about 5 weeks
What's the rest of your cycle look like? What changes have you noticed at that dose? The highest I went was between 200-250 a week, keeping test low. Only time I keep test on low side. I can usually use a gram of Test and not really need an AI.
What's the rest of your cycle look like? What changes have you noticed at that dose? The highest I went was between 200-250 a week, keeping test low. Only time I keep test on low side. I can usually use a gram of Test and not really need an AI.
It’s my usual dose

The rest is
600mg sust /wk
4-600 mast e/wk

Strength is unreal. It’s even more apparent because 600mg of test per week is wayyy too low for me. Around week 3 I started feeling crappy. So even though I’ve been feeling like crap I’ll go train and have crazy strength.
It’s my usual dose

The rest is
600mg sust /wk
4-600 mast e/wk

Strength is unreal. It’s even more apparent because 600mg of test per week is wayyy too low for me. Around week 3 I started feeling crappy. So even though I’ve been feeling like crap I’ll go train and have crazy strength.
Makes me interested to try it. Typically that ratio of mast to test would have me flat even with enough food.
If you can’t eat 4k calories consistently then that would mean GHRP is a perfect solution for you. Trestolone Acetate is also another option.
Yeah, down with giving GHRP a shot after I push one more time to consistently force myself to eat all day and make it to at least 4.5kcal/day.

Never taken Trest, but most of the folks I know that have used it or use it are major power lifters. Don’t think I’d take it just for appetite, if it did work. Done EQ at some good dosages many times and never experienced the increased appetite that others have had luck with.
Makes me interested to try it. Typically that ratio of mast to test would have me flat even with enough food.
Well I thought the mast might have been necessary for estrogen mitigation. Started at 600 but ended up going down to 400, think this past week it might have even been 300 there’s a few days I forgot to log

This amount of test alone I feel like shit. The strength from Ment is nice but I’m ready to go back to high test
What do you mean by shit? Not prying at anything just genuinely curious as to what you mean
Run down all the time. Can never get my energy levels up. Just tired AF.

Happens every time I go this low

Figured the Ment might be worth it, and in a certain use setting it is.
Run down all the time. Can never get my energy levels up. Just tired AF.

Happens every time I go this low

Figured the Ment might be worth it, and in a certain use setting it is.
Think you might try lowering the ment a tad and upping test? Or just say fuck it and go back to high test
Nah I’m done with it for now. Back to the regular basics
I'm there too. I gave up on ment after experiencing DECA like sides.
Only exotics I'll consider are DHB, stenbelone, s23, tren. Otherwise I'll just stick the classics.
Trest gets your appetite going?
Yeah definitely. I also feel like food digests quicker on it.

Deca at higher dosages kind of mimics
The effect. I like MENT better but until there’s a cheap long acting version of MENT I’ll have to stick with deca.

I also recently learned: “Trestolone acetate can be used for the treatment of degenerative diseases or bowel disease, such as Crohn's disease. This drug also has a beneficial effect in inflammatory diseases, such as IBD, and autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis”.

^^So Trest has positive effects on the GI.
If you can’t eat 4k calories consistently then that would mean GHRP is a perfect solution for you. Trestolone Acetate is also another option.
I don’t notice that with trest at all

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