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More douchebaggary!

SO I guess the message here is it is ok to use them, make your fortune partly due to them then when you have enough fame and fortune turn your back and condem them!! Then make more money selling your hippocritic veiws!
SO I guess the message here is it is ok to use them, make your fortune partly due to them then when you have enough fame and fortune turn your back and condem them!! Then make more money selling your hippocritic veiws!

Then claim your junk is broken when you're with some skank, and lay blame there as well.
Then claim your junk is broken when you're with some skank, and lay blame there as well.
yea, he probably had tren dick and she was pissed off at him!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. But of course it was all the gear's fault. he would never lay blame on himself for abuse!! No fucking way!:rolleyes:
haha, what a dummy. Maybe before you decide to juice for 20 years you should realize what kind of consequences you may face. And hey maybe sometime during those 20 years of steroid use you should have realized you were getting gyno and stopped or done something about it. Dont blame steroids, blame yourself for misuse and not educating yourself, dont use the steroids as a scapegoat.

i swear there are so many people like this that used gear in the wrong way, and now are blaming their problems on the steroids and not themselves for misuse. If anything steroids probably gave this guy his career as an nfl lineman and a gladiator. Its disgusting to see people quickly turn and condemn something that they relied on and used for so long with no "problems" with the drug then, just to get some positive media spotlight.
what an asshole! Just like the rest of the guys out there who use them to get rich, then condemn them later to make a buck all the while adding to the media-hype and uneducated point-of-views of the masses

steroids are teriible, evil and immoral! ASSHOLES!!!!!!!
WAAAAAHHHHHHH! I'm a big fat ass because I eat Mcdonalds and Icecream everyday for 20 years.... WAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!

WAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!! I have Lung Cancer because I smoked a pack of Marlboros everyday for 20 years... WAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!

WAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!! All my teeth have rotten out because I drank 6 sodas and smoked Meth every day for 20 years.

WAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!! My farts smell like Rotten eggs and Sulphur offspring because I drank protien shakes everyday for 20 years WAAAHHHHHH

Have'nt we heard this same cry-story before? And how is it that people feel sorry for these fucktards?

Heres another fucktard-releative to this Douchebag. Same sad song.

**broken link removed**
booohooo, in spite of "painful sex" not even being a result of steroids, steroids ALSO gave you a job, a spot on a popular TV show and money. Complain less please.
what a piece of shit. What a great marketing idea tho. "Oh how can i make money? how about i write a book on steroids and the bad things they do because the public and the media would like that better than a pro steroid book" What an ass.
I love that it was in the entertainment section because I certainly got a good laugh out of it!!! :D
He'd do it again to make money if he was young enough to hang on the Gladiators.

Everyone knows that gyno is a possibility. You get it, you get it cut out. Several of my close friends have had it done. Painful sex? Well, he's another guy who wants to make a buck, at any cost. It's like complaining that you got bad knees from playing football. Well, gosh, no one held a gun to your head and required you to play ball.

Really sad.
I'd bet an assload of $$$ that he knows what he's claiming in his book is bullshit. Now that his career is over this book is his last chance at making $$$ before he retires. Yeah, he's a sell out...all the way to the bank. Anyone that believes his bullshit is a retard.

Aside from gym peeps(a small minority of our population), who really wants to read a book about how steroids made some guy famous, got him laid, made him $$$$, increased his cock length by 6 inches, etc.???

A much larger market would be interested in reading the exact opposite (concluded by the author dying of a steroid induced heart attack-stroke- kidney failure-murder-suicide);)
He's using the same steroids twice to bring him money and fame...

All the $$$ he made and he couldn't be bothered with gyno surgery? No AIs or Nolva? What a maroon.
maybe he should try doing research before he goes on a cycle if he didn't know the side effects

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