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I feel the same way about Conan the Barbarian.

I´m only guessing here, but I think you may like to crush your enemies, see them driven before you and then hear the lamentation of their women :)

I always try to watch films in their original language, no matter if chinese, korean, italian...I make an exception whith early Schwarzennegger films because he sounds a lot better dubbed in spanish.
I feel the same way about Conan the Barbarian.

Golly....I need a new state of mind to pull me out of this funk I have been in. I wonder how I should live my life so I feel more fulfilled?

Crush your enemies. See them driven before you. And to hear the lamentations of their women

Yup.....I'm thinkin' that is going to work for me.....
saw night hunter last night , good movie.

henry cavil is a good actor , wish he would land some major roles.
Golly....I need a new state of mind to pull me out of this funk I have been in. I wonder how I should live my life so I feel more fulfilled?

Crush your enemies. See them driven before you. And to hear the lamentations of their women

Yup.....I'm thinkin' that is going to work for me.....

Don’t forget the spiritual inspiration Conan presents..

Fire and wind come from the gods of the sky, but Crom is your god! Crom! And he lives in the EARTH!
I just watch ESCAPE ROOM.
Very scary!
Great movie!
I had no idea there are actually escape rooms for groups to party at.
I just watch ESCAPE ROOM.
Very scary!
Great movie!
I had no idea there are actually escape rooms for groups to party at.

Yeah, my daughter has been to two parties now.I think I even read where some kids died in one, I think a fire started and they burned up.

I play the HTC Vive on my PC, its VR. There are virtual escape rooms on that where you can play with people from all over the world. Its a lot of fun.

Here is that case I was thinking of:


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Recently watched:

Shazam- surprisingly good. lot better than i thought. my 9 yr old daughter watched it with me. she liked it too. a couple bad words but no f bombs and no sex or drugs in it

Godzilla: King of the Monsters- watched it for a second time on dvd. FUN movie. last 20 min is worth the wait. watch it with sound cranked up!

Pet Semetary- the recent remake. holy shite!? how many disturbing things could they put in one movie!? body horror, kids killing parents, pets coming back to life, on and on lol Dont watch alone like i did:eek:

Yeah, my daughter has been to two parties now.I think I even read where some kids died in one, I think a fire started and they burned up.

I play the HTC Vive on my PC, its VR. There are virtual escape rooms on that where you can play with people from all over the world. Its a lot of fun.

Here is that case I was thinking of:



That’s terrible! Everyone burns alive. I think I’ll pass on that experience. The VR versions sound fun.
True Detective Season 3 was very good! As has been said here before
True Detective Season 3 was very good! As has been said here before

I liked it, but not as much as season 1. Season 2 was good too but I think this 3rd season was better. if you have HBO, then you can watch them all I think on HBOGO. I just started using it and found shows as old as the Sopranos on there, every episode.
I liked it, but not as much as season 1. Season 2 was good too but I think this 3rd season was better. if you have HBO, then you can watch them all I think on HBOGO. I just started using it and found shows as old as the Sopranos on there, every episode.

That’s awesome I recently watched that again and it stands up still today!
Recently watched:

Shazam- surprisingly good. lot better than i thought. my 9 yr old daughter watched it with me. she liked it too. a couple bad words but no f bombs and no sex or drugs in it

Godzilla: King of the Monsters- watched it for a second time on dvd. FUN movie. last 20 min is worth the wait. watch it with sound cranked up!

Pet Semetary- the recent remake. holy shite!? how many disturbing things could they put in one movie!? body horror, kids killing parents, pets coming back to life, on and on lol Dont watch alone like i did:eek:


I enjoyed Shazam.....I watched it with my son and daughter! We are talking about renting Godzilla and the New John Wick 3 Movie this weekend!
I just finished The I-LAND on Netflix.
It was pretty good if you like science fiction.
There are only 7 episodes so it goes quickly.
I'm watching "The Godfather" for what must be the 20th time in my life. Definitely one of the best movies ever made.

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