first off, I can't decide weather to go to the gym EOD or ED with one day off? currently im doing DC style sets but four excercises per body part. I don;t think this is a good routine and i know im gunna get trashed for this routine lol.
Day 1: Chest, Bis, tris
Chest: Bench, incline, flys, dips
Tris: Skull crushers, weighted dips, close grip bench
Bis: olympic bar curls, hammers, incline curls
Day 2: Legs
Legs: Squats, leg press, leg extensions, hams, and calves
Day 3: Shoulders, traps, Back
Shoulders: Shoulder press, latteral raises, front raises, rear delts
Traps: Shrugs
Back: Deadlifts (started after seeing TP4U's brother's back), Pulldowns, one arm rows, t-bar rows
Day 4 Off
I know this routine is not at all ideal, i think i might be over training and i will appreciate constructive criticism.
Day 1: Chest, Bis, tris
Chest: Bench, incline, flys, dips
Tris: Skull crushers, weighted dips, close grip bench
Bis: olympic bar curls, hammers, incline curls
Day 2: Legs
Legs: Squats, leg press, leg extensions, hams, and calves
Day 3: Shoulders, traps, Back
Shoulders: Shoulder press, latteral raises, front raises, rear delts
Traps: Shrugs
Back: Deadlifts (started after seeing TP4U's brother's back), Pulldowns, one arm rows, t-bar rows
Day 4 Off
I know this routine is not at all ideal, i think i might be over training and i will appreciate constructive criticism.