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My wife & Gear


New member
Sep 30, 2008
I told her I would not do it again but since we now live separately (for educational reason), I started back up. I confessed to her and she stopped talking to me. She wants me to stop NOW! I want to finish it out. What do you guys think. Does your wives act like mine. Her main reason is its illegal. If I bought tons of stuff at GNC it would be ok. I Dont understand.

its up to you. if you are wanting to build a better physique, then you can do that clean. it will take longer but there are some great legal supps that work.
lba, crealkalyne, sus500, tren250, and phera mass all work well. you dont need tons of stuff from gnc. what kinda results did you get from your cycle so far? bottom line, you need to decide if you want to continue and then get her to understand it. or, scrap the drug route and build the best physique you can with legal supplements.
god bless
Well u can: Lie and tell her you stopped..Actually get off the gear..Say screw you and Im doin it anyway. I mean its up to you man. Personally I would explain to her your feelings about AAS and how you plan on using in a safe and educated way. Thats what I did and it worked for me. I admit I have had to lie about it in the past but now my girl knows and it isnt a big deal. Bottom line is she is just concerned about you and isnt educated on the subject so dont hold that against her IMO. Good Luck in whatever you decide bro.

I lied this time and confessed not thinking she would get this mad. Its obvious when I am on so no hiding. I look good with or without it. GNC stuff cost more than gear. I take low dosages like 250mg a week for longer. Taken higher but dont see the point for what I want out of it. I like most take it for the wrong reasons. I dont compete and dont care too. Honestly I just like the way I feel when I work out with it. More confidence and etc. I know you will look down on me for that but I get checked regularly at the doc.
I lied this time and confessed not thinking she would get this mad. Its obvious when I am on so no hiding. I look good with or without it. GNC stuff cost more than gear. I take low dosages like 250mg a week for longer. Taken higher but dont see the point for what I want out of it. I like most take it for the wrong reasons. I dont compete and dont care too. Honestly I just like the way I feel when I work out with it. More confidence and etc. I know you will look down on me for that but I get checked regularly at the doc.

Maybe get find a way to hide it... then buy a bunch of cheap supps like... kelp, creatine, etc. and say you found a way to do it naturally that's why you still look good. But it's your marriage, your body, your life, you know all of them better than any of us so make the best decision... but coming off or hiding it is a decision that needs to be thought out long and hard, and have a solid plan, nothing to wing.
Also: it sounds like your wife just doesn't understand what's important to you. There's some kind of mental block there that's preventing her from accepting this part of you. Maybe you need counseling.

Agreed, in addition she (like 90%~ of people) probably doesn't understand the health benefits of steroids, and their long long long history of safe use. Bigger Stronger Faster is a good BALANCED, NO BS documentary on this.
You have two options........continue to use and be up front about it. Or stop using and be up front about it. Either scenario requires you to be honest. No lieing. You will get caught sooner or later. Get caught in a lie and you are then scared for life with her. Tell the truth, she gets mad and gets over it in time..............your choice!!!
If you are separating (divorcing), it may become an issue. You may find yourself waking to a search by police or getting tested because of a court order.

Are you sure you are on good terms?
I told her I would not do it again but since we now live separately (for educational reason), I started back up. I confessed to her and she stopped talking to me. She wants me to stop NOW! I want to finish it out. What do you guys think. Does your wives act like mine. Her main reason is its illegal. If I bought tons of stuff at GNC it would be ok. I Dont understand.

Take it from guy who been with his wife 18 years, YOU LIED TO HER, AND THAT IS THE PROBLEM, NOT AAS!! Marriage is commitment and being honest with each other. Did you not tell her, you would not use it again, WHY did you lie to her? An apology and flowers should smooth out things, a little.;)
+2 Oldfella

No lies. You're a man and must you lead your life the way you want to. However, always man up about it.

Btw, my wife owns my ass.
+2 Oldfella

No lies. You're a man and must you lead your life the way you want to. However, always man up about it.

Btw, my wife owns my ass.

^^^^^^^^^^ The only way. J.R.
I always get great gains on the stuff other wise I would not take it. She is more mad that I lied I suppose but wants me to stop in a week. Test levels from blood worked showed test at 11.72 they said normal is 2.8-8.0. Not sure what form of measurement this is but the small amount has me on the high side. Doc wanted to know what I was on! Think I will call it quites after this cycle but like anything once you start its hard to stop.
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You live apart. Why did you even bring it up? What she don't know won't hurt her and it's not lying.
+2 Oldfella

No lies. You're a man and must you lead your life the way you want to. However, always man up about it.

Btw, my wife owns my ass.

^^^^^^^Agreed. The only time to hide your AAS use is if your wife and you are on bad terms and shes a vindictive beee-otch waiting to rat you out. Then its either time to stop if you want to stay with her, or kick her to the curb. This is especially true if you have kids and are going through custody issues. Vindictive wives and GFs can be brutal on your personal life.

My wifes an angel and got all pissed off when I came clean about AAS use. she cried got angry..blah...blah...blah. but after we sat down and spoke openly about the situation. Shes cool with it all as long as I'm being health conscious above all and the family comes first.
she's just worried about you. my fiancee and i went through this just a month ago. she always said if i used steroids she would leave me and now that i came clean, after quite a few long discussions and her talking to a doctor at the hospital she works at, she understands that health is a top priority and im not going to hurt myself she is ok with it. DONT LIE TO HER. besides if you have to stop there is still life after steroids. id say introduce her to this site. thats one thing that helped me. educate her, and if the only problem she has with it is legality get on doctor prescribed HRT.
My girlfriend was totally against it as well. I started doing research and found videos from Steroid.com to show her. Both of the following videos discuss the process of how steroids got made illegal in the first place, and how ridiculous the whole process was. After she saw the videos, she thought it was a joke that the gear was so overhyped. Regardless, if you really want to continue, I think its worth a try...



good luck!
Well now she says its not b/c its illegal but the simple fact I went behind her back. I had her on clen before she didnt complain then. I sent her the videos and she refused to watch. That pissed me off b/c it shows she doesnt care whats important to me or what Im interested in. Been married for 5 yrs so its nothing new to her and no kids. WOMEN!!!
I told her I would not do it again but since we now live separately (for educational reason), I started back up. I confessed to her and she stopped talking to me. She wants me to stop NOW! I want to finish it out. What do you guys think. Does your wives act like mine. Her main reason is its illegal. If I bought tons of stuff at GNC it would be ok. I Dont understand.
I love my wife and she loves me..We each know our place in marriage so therefore neither tells the other what he or she can do. She doesn't like me doing anabolics, but will not demand I stop. Even if she did i wouldn't unless I wanted to..On a side note, don't do what some are stating to do..and that's lie about it..You either do or you don't and she will either deal with it or she won't..If she decides she wants out of the marriage because you want to continue use then let her go.
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